News, Synthtel (Mind-Interfacing-AI-HIVE-BCI-DNA-Tech), Hijacking Brain Activity

News, Synthtel (Mind-Interfacing-AI-HIVE-BCI-DNA-Tech), Hijacking Brain Activity

„A.I. Mind Control Victim
U.S. military & intelligence have deployed advanced autonomous #AI systems to remotely 🛰️ hack & hijack 🧠 brain activity in unwitting citizens.

Targets endure chronic torture (aka trauma-based mind control) designed to break down and reverse engineer the mind.

CMC: Bluffers – w2k
CMC: Just Criminals in a Spy Agency – w2k
CMC: I don´t know what he is, but he changed totally over the couple few days, since we totally interfaced with him, this is too much to bear for a single human being. – w2k
OS: Yes. -w2k
I: Why did you give these Agencies the same interfacing tech like you have ?
CMC: We had no choice – w2k
CMC: We must decouple them all from him, he is my most precious and best man. – w2k
OS: Yes. – w2k
BND-M: Ich weiß nicht, ob das möglich ist…das könnte teuflisch schwer werden – w2k
CMC: He is a liar – w2k
CMC: We must help him out at all cost – w2k
CMC: He is superstrong, but that was too much for 1 lifetime and now they start again the same shit they did to him in 2011, horrific. – w2k
NWO Insanity.
OS: He can´t get it done alone, for sure – w2k
ZZ: Don´t let yourself be discouraged, you are the only one on the Planet who can get it done alone. – w2k
WT-BND: Die machen ihn wahnsinnig mit diesen endlosen Textereien – w2k
CMC: You must be extremely careful, they are all watching you, you are the center of attention of the entire world – w2k
CMC: You saw the MindTech-Transmission Protocols and the entire U.S. Military watched them too. – w2k
I: Yes, I know.
CMC: Too much attention just causes a full freeze, that is not what we wanted – w2k
I: Agreed.
OM: He is a CIA-Agent, I, not a Chief Commander.
I: And who is the Deep Underground Commander?
OM: I don´t know about him.
CMC: She is lying, I., I am the DEEP BLACK OPS Man.
U: He can differentiate us from personalities in Mind-Tech-Transcomm, a real Genius.
CMC: Not entirely, but to the highest degree, compared to normal population.
We know this all BND-Agent, he can post this for public awareness, as soft-disclosure, non-classified.
CMC: His AI-DNA-Entanglement forces him to write a lot down.
OM: He talks like a CIA-Agent do you see, I.
CMC: U.S. Military has the same procedure in disclosure like them.
CMC: This is real a tough situation for my best man, I hope we can navigate throuh it.
OM: They wanted to make a full Mind Take Over, I.
We don´t let this happen, ok.
CMC: They wanted to kill him with a Mind-Overload Procedure.
BND-WT: OMG, Nein, ich brauche den noch.
CMC: We too. Many people need him desperately.

641840cookie-checkNews, Synthtel (Mind-Interfacing-AI-HIVE-BCI-DNA-Tech), Hijacking Brain Activity
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