China COVID deaths probably running above 5,000 per day – UK research firm Airfinity

„China COVID deaths probably running above 5,000 per day – UK research firm Airfinity“
„December 22, 202212:28 PM GMT+1Last Updated 6 days ago“

„More than 5,000 people are probably dying each day from COVID-19 in China, health data firm Airfinity estimated, offering a dramatic contrast to official data from Beijing on the country’s current outbreak.

The UK-based firm said it had used modelling based on regional Chinese data to produce figures that also put current daily infections in the country at above a million.

Its estimates were „in stark contrast to the official data which is reporting 1,800 cases and only seven official deaths over the past week,“ it said in a statement.“


500600cookie-checkChina COVID deaths probably running above 5,000 per day – UK research firm Airfinity
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