Chemtrail Sprayday Reality vs Dr. Richard Boylans Idealism

Conspiracy Revelation: 8.2.2020: Chemtrail Sprayday Reality vs Dr. Richard Boylans Idealism. Realism vs Idealism.
Conspiracy Revelation: 8.2.2020: Sprayday..die Bastarde sind wieder unterwegs und verseuchen die Erde mit archontischem Smart Dust und plagen deren Bewohner…und mich wundert immer noch, dass sie nicht von Außerirdischen abgeschossen worden sind,, wenn Dr. Richard Boylan Recht hätte…wie er seit minimum 10 Jahren proklamiert…müssten die Chemtrail-Bataillons schon längst in Rente gegangen sein oder von exogenen Kräften platt gemacht worden sein… seine idealistische Theorie trifft auf die harte Realität..der Dummmacher. Aluminium ist ein Metallöstrogen und Inflammator Nr.1 mit 0 Bewußtsein. Ich wiederhole mich, seit Jahren.
Sprayday..the bastards are on the move again and contaminate the earth with archontic smart dust and plague their inhabitants … and I am still surprised that they were not shot down by aliens when Dr. Richard Boylan would have been right … as he had been proclaiming for at least 10 years … the Chemtrail battalions would have retired long ago since or been flattened by exogenous forces … his idealistic theory meets the harsh reality … of the stupid makers. Aluminum is a metal estrogen and inflammator No. 1 with 0 consciousness. I repeat myself, for years.
„#steam #chemtrail #sprayandpray“
Dr. Richard Boylan – a serious question -where is your Earth saving Alliance? An intelligent Alien species would not ALLOW Chemtrails. It´s a forbidden exotic weapon systems that carries advanced bioweapons and gene mutating materials. Furthermore it is used to infiltrate, implant all organic brains with nanotech and shadow gov sensors and robotize and archonticize the human species, to use them as walking-talking extensions of a super quantum computer (sometimes aggressive and damaging) skynet artificial intelligence and artificial life form cyborg hybridization system with conscious computers.

317760cookie-checkChemtrail Sprayday Reality vs Dr. Richard Boylans Idealism
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