Dont Let These Devils Steal Your Glow

„Dont Let These Devils Steal Your Glow“

„Marisa Dartez​: Zombies. 🧟‍♀
Silver King​313: All day.
King Konnect: ​MARK OF THE BEAST.
Shawny​it’s: mandatory..smh.
Lichia Coleman​: No. I am holding on to Jesus.
Princess Warrior: ​Angels keep us protected.

„You have a light that’s in you, your physical makeup changes, your brain
changes,your connection to the most high, these vaccinations
are going to be designed to take away your belief system, so there’s no wonder
why ticketmaster had basically put out an article stating that
people are going to have to prove that they’ve been vaccinated in order to attend concerts, so now through contact tracing
where your information is divulged to not only law enforcement but the
pharmaceutical industry… that vaccination is going to
destroy the brains and i guarantee you i promise you that a whole lot of
brothers and sisters who are not in it in the truth
are going to actually get their brains fried to go see one of
these wicked ass industry clowns who don’t give a damn about you… they have been
sitting in these labs, these little frankenstein dudes frankenstein science
pseudoscience, they’ve been sitting in these offices and they’ve been sitting in these
laboratories coming up with this and this particular pentagon meeting was
in 2013. So they’ve been rolling the plan out full surface,
don’t let these devils steal your glow.“

Conspirarcy Revelation: 18.2.2022: Already in 2005…

„A person who is an atheist, they don’t have that light,
it’s a very small light, just to show you the grace of our lord and savior …“

„That they’re trying to figure it out, remember what the scripture said y’all
going back to the scripture where it says and the light shines in darkness
and the darkness comprehended it not, they can’t comprehend,
why their genetic uh makeup is different, why? The dna is different in
the brain because it it also changes genetics too which we’ll get into that,
we’ll get into that real soon all right, let’s go back here…“

„This was in 2013 at the pentagon and he’s talking about a virus,
it’s all planned, it’s a war against us, it’s all planned,
he’s talking about a virus in 2013. and that would would have the effect
that you see here… he said respiratory viruses, did he just
say respiratory virus, hold up, let me rewind that… this is about this is a
about attacking the light, that you have because i’m just gonna put
it out here these people are absolutely terrified,
they’re petrified this is why they’re spending billions of billions and
trillions of dollars on research and what they can’t
comprehend in order to try to suppress it,
because they know what’s coming they know the energy that’s about to
come onto this earth and they know that they can’t when it’s so much light
and it’s overbearing them, they know that spiritually, they don’t
have the power to stop us and what’s happening right right now
through this awakening everybody coming into the truth finding
out their identity finding out what’s going on in the world through this awakening these witches, these demons in lab coats, these sorcerers, these magicians, they’re
all losing power, it’s too much light, so they’re trying to steal your light,.
it’s too much light shining on them.“

„Christ gave you the light, your light might be bright, your light
may be brighter than some others light, but that light was a gift.“

„You’re peculiar, you’re a royal priesthood, we’re very royal people, let me explain
something to you, when you come into this truth when that light shines,
you become royal, you become kings and queens,
you become royalty, real, the way you carry yourself changes and people get jealous about
that, people get envious about that when you start carrying yourself different.“

„I’m reborn bro, I’m not the same person, they’re trying to steal your life, they
are trying to utilize shame tactics.“

„We don’t fear the scoffers, we don’t fear no man,
we don’t fear these little nerds that’s in these lab coats,
plotting to destroying us, we don’t fear the police, we don’t fear the cia,
we don’t fear the fbi, we don’t fear the illuminati,
we don’t fear a damn thing, we don’t even fear dying… I’ll be back
with my father in heaven and we are coming back for vengeance.“

„These demons and witches are not going to continue to thrive off
our fears to build their kingdom up, because they need our energy,
they need that light that’s in here to be suppressed,
no, that light is going to shine brighter and brighter and brighter
and it’s gonna get more out of control.“

„It’s because the most high god gave us the voltage.“

„The people which sat in darkness saw the great light,
listen to this and to them we’re set in the region and shadow of death light sprung up,
so for those who are sitting in these dark places, they see the great light and it is
hurting their eyes, they’re sitting somewhere in secrecy, they’re watching the elected, they’re watching the peculiar people, they see the great light.“

„SOL VIMANA: ​Krishna: He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.“


Conspiracy Revelation: 18.2.2022: Kundalini is the Holy Spirit, is the Mother of the All, is the Goddess of Wisdom and Light, is Sophia-Maria, but don´t let confuse you by the DOGMA-ONLY People..they have a very limited view. I pick out the parts that are universal of his correct detections.

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