They always strike at 11.2 or 14.6. (11 11 Code)… God and the Holy Spirit will take them down…

They always strike at 11.2 or 14.6.(11 11 Code) … God and the Holy Spirit will take them down…
There is an ALL SEEING EYE above their simulated ALL SEEING EYE.
Karma has no deadline…The Second Coming…remember..
Tyson Hutson
2 years ago
RIP… another ritual sacrifice, by the numbers. Maybe something to do with the next big ufc ppv event, connor mcgregor fights again and makes the ufc a lot of money. Similiar to the seemingly coincidental deaths of old athletes shortly before the suberb owl, world series, etc

92830cookie-checkThey always strike at 11.2 or 14.6. (11 11 Code)… God and the Holy Spirit will take them down…
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