Gang Stalking of Targeted Individuals in film, TIs breaking free

„Am 08.01.2018 veröffentlicht
Gang Stalking of Targeted Individuals in film, TIs breaking free from the Gang Stalking Program. A meaningful mashup of scenes of Targeted Individual characters taken from The Game, Fallen, A Scanner Darkly, The Truman Show, Total Recall, and The Matrix. This is Illuminati Hollywood as usual.
Targeted Individuals, it’s time to stop being victims of Gang Stalking (Gangstalking), and time to start being heroes of this Totally Recalled Darkly Fallen Game Show Matrix. The tide is turning, and we have the power to tell Satan to “get behind us”!
The Program, also known as “The Game” or “The Games”, is ancient, and secret societies (such as the Freemasons) are still being used to gather intelligence, Gang Stalk, and target and terrorize any individual perceived to have integrity, as righteous individuals are considered impossible to predict, control, or corrupt; they also have a special destiny.
Targeted Individuals of the Bible were targeted by the same Gang Stalking Program that you as an Elect Saint of the End Time are today. In recent times, secret societies have engineered „intelligence agencies“ in order that the ancient persecutory system can masquerade under the names of various covert operations carried out in the modern age, interfacing the existing ancient components of infiltration, discrediting campaigns, noise campaigns, street theater, directed conversations, frame-ups, set-ups, poisoning, and witchcraft with technology (electronic surveillance and harassment such as V2K [Voice to Skull] and „slow kill“ weapons [DEW] such as microwave weapons and electromagnetic weapons, and quantum computer controlled nanotechnology and trauma-based mind control), thereby streamlining their Satanic methods. However, the technological aspect of Targeting is relatively minor, as it is largely a supernatural phenomenon, and the concept of a modern „black op“ essentially amounts to a disinformational whitewash to keep Targeted Individuals from discovering the ultimately spiritual nature of this covert war; lower-level Satanists use tech to surveil, gather intel, and attack, while higher-level ones use „familiar“ spirits (demons).
While it is true that The Program Matrix (also known as Organized Gang Stalking, Cause Stalking, Vigilante Stalking, Stalking by Proxy, Community-Based Harassment, and Covert War) works through secret courts within the shadow legal system here on Earth, Targeting originates in the Heavenly Courts. Satan is a legalist, he gets away with persecuting Christians via gang stalking in this spiritual battle of principalities just the same as he does in worldly matters—legally. Rather than break laws, Satan uses legal loopholes that depend upon our ignorance of the law. If you are a Targeted Individual, this means that Satan has filed a lawsuit against you in the Heavenly Courts. God is allowing this loophole in order to put The Elect through the Refiner’s Fire so that it may serve as your spiritual catalyst and cross to co-carry with Jesus, your responsibility as an End Time Saint. According to the Bible, the Adversary has identified you as an elect Christian of a lost Hebraic bloodline („lost sheep“ of every color and shade) who is thus destined to be transformed into one of the Judging Angels who will judge the Adversary and other the Fallen Angels who follow him; this is why you’ve been Targeted. We are an angelic reconnaissance unit; it was God’s will that we be Refined by the enemy’s attacks while prisoners of war, but the hour of refinement has passed, and it’s time to tell Satan to GET BEHIND US!“

91690cookie-checkGang Stalking of Targeted Individuals in film, TIs breaking free
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