„David M. Jacobs – Extraterrestrial Hybrids Among Us“
„According to David M. Jacobs, the incidents of alien abductions have declined as occurrences of alien involvement in everyday life have accelerated. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace.
They have been trained by human abductees to “pass,” to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor.
Listen to David Jacobs being interviewed by Jeff Rense. He illustrates the process of alien integration, human-ET hybrids with psychological powers, into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly.“
Source: paranormal/2015/12/human-alien-hybrids-are-among-us-as-part-of-the-alien-integration-plan-to-control-humanity-video
„People have eggs taken from them women do and men have sperm taken from them. Women are then implanted with embryos, the embryos are removed about ten or eleven weeks later, they are then put in gestation tanks filled with nutrients and we see them eventually as babies… there’s a spectrum of them, some look really very weird and sort of a grey alien like, some look sort of half and half, some look more human etc… We see them as young kids, as older kids, as adolescents, as young adults, as adults, but not as older adults, for some reason or another, it’s very very rare that you’ll see somebody above the age of 40…a hybrid above the age of 40… so there are a combination of human and alien DNA…I can swear you thats’s true..Hybrids age normally…I make the case in this book also that Grey Aliens are also Hybrids, probably with human DNA, there was something about the Grey Aliens that always bothered me and that was their mouth… Big black eyes…they don´t breathe and they don´t eat through their mouth and they don´t have teeth and they don´t talk through their mouth, so why should they have a slit for their mouth.. I could never understand that until I began to think the only way that that would happen would, if they were themselves hybrid… they are a workforce, that is dedicated to doing their job, their task and that´s essentially what they are, but they are living sentient beings, they make mistakes, …they do things incorrectly from time to time..mostly of the time they’re pretty darn good at what they do…or Grey Aliens are simply Clones…because they all really look alike…they are either hybrids..or clones..
Their Job is to live here, they are human in every way imaginable and they are average in every way imaginable, in terms of looks, except for one thing,
as I talked to you… they can control humans neurologically and they can do anything they want them to do or make them to think anything they want them to think and we cannot do that to them, that makes us a second class species and hand them a first-class species…
We don’t really find out about it as I mentioned before until 1957, but what we’re looking at here ultimately is one sort of group of obviously technologically advanced beings, who have come here to live in the society and therefore kind of take it over, in my opinion and because this is a global phenomenon… but we know that happens in Europe and Latin America and Asia and so forth… so this is a global phenomenon and this also
surreptitious and the way that they keep it secret is by keeping it secret from the abductees, now because they are living sentient beings and so are we, nothing is ever perfect, but it’s good, it’s good enough to have this subject be, perhaps and this is the craziness of it all the most greatest existential threat to human life that has ever happened in the history of humanity….
It is only a handful of us in the whole country to do any research… „It is suppressed by science“ It´s just not there, it does not exist, it´s an absent science. It´s a non-existent science. Science and academics have no interests in this subject..only bad things can happen to them, if they make it public…
and when I do to talks and conferences, I look out into the audience and I see nothing but grey hair – that’s unfortunate that´s too bad, like a symphony concert, that’s too darn bad, that’s exactly right, like a symphony concerts… there’s a lot of young people are interested in doing it, but you can’t have young people delving into the personal lives of older adults, they will not tell you anything – they shut down – SO I like people to be at least 40 to start doing this, but when you are 40, you already have a career or job and a family and kids and it takes too much time. – they know that, the hubris, hybrids or whoever who is behind this, they know this, they’ve got time on their side – the question is how long do the insectoids…how long do they live…but we do know that this program has been going on for I can… trace it back with a high degree of certainty to 1917 and with a relative degree of certainty to thelast quarter of 19th century after that we lose complete sight… Time is on their side, …time means nothing. Planetary acquisition…and you have all the time in the world, it is doable…who are controlling a shrinking number of humans… (David M. Jacobs)“
Update Add-On: 6.2.2015:
David M. Jacobs is a retired college professor who has studied ufology since the mid-1960s as the UFO phenomenon might signal contact with another species. It did, but not in the way that David M. Jacobs imaged.
Besides, David M. Jacobs has investigated more than 1150 abduction events experienced by more than 150 abductees.
According to David M. Jacobs, the incidents of alien abductions have declined as occurrences of alien involvement in everyday life have accelerated. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace.
They have been trained by human abductees to “pass,” to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor ...the process of alien integration, human-ET hybrids with psychological powers, into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly.“