Ingmar Veeck: 6.4.2019: So if there ever was something called „free will“…it is now intercepted and eventually mass-redirected by potential evil, envious or jealous controllers…you now have the problem of brain scans, preemptive analysis, pretime analysis, skynet ai eeg, nano brain implants and global 24/7/365 remote brain wave monitoring… That are hardcore timeline relocation tactics…not in the sense of creation, the organic creation wanted to guarantee mass diversity, freedom, joy and indepedence, especially for long-term survival reasons..

Ingmar Veeck: 6.4.2019: So if there ever was something called „free will“…it is now intercepted and eventually mass-redirected by potential evil, envious or jealous controllers…you now have the problem of brain scans, preemptive analysis, pretime analysis, skynet ai eeg, nano brain implants and global 24/7/365 remote brain wave monitoring… That are hardcore timeline relocation tactics…not in the sense of creation, the organic creation wanted to guarantee mass diversity, freedom, joy and indepedence, especially for long-term survival reasons..

136190cookie-checkIngmar Veeck: 6.4.2019: So if there ever was something called „free will“…it is now intercepted and eventually mass-redirected by potential evil, envious or jealous controllers…you now have the problem of brain scans, preemptive analysis, pretime analysis, skynet ai eeg, nano brain implants and global 24/7/365 remote brain wave monitoring… That are hardcore timeline relocation tactics…not in the sense of creation, the organic creation wanted to guarantee mass diversity, freedom, joy and indepedence, especially for long-term survival reasons..
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