Saintly field re-established – dna quantum vampire fed bastards

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.10.2024:
Saintly field re-established – dna Quantum vampire nwo and fed bastards… 12.45. ..13.15 Still holding …sucker criminals from Alphabet Inc and all Ruling Crime Cabal Siphon Vampire Beasts through Machine Witchcraft.

@Northerngirl:That’s why people ask so wild during full moons. Parasite activity is strongest in a full moon. Wild right. Scary in this new world.

@Cindy Grobler:In declassified documents of the CIA it’s written that our bodies are VESSELS… 🤔🤔🤔

@freedomgott2024:Vessels of the most high.. Activated with Devi.

@Rebelscumprincess:when you look at how toxoplasmosis effects mice and that like 70% of people have it 😳.

@flower_of_life:kinda like the nano tech, that’s why they keep putting metals in everything we consume. from the air to our food 🤔?

@rinransanjuan:Thank you. I was having this conversation with my husband over a year ago. My opinion is parasites were created as a physical vessel for demons. They are the source of every disease.

@theoneish:God gives. Satan takes. we are God’s creation so he gives us energy. We are not the same “race” as the gods.. Or even God. This world created by God. his creation gives energy. sun, moon, electric wat

@mst:electronic harassment!! I have to herbal cleanse again because when in public, mind starts thinking of the dumbest shit that ain’t me. they kno what they doing every1 cleanse&heal! sending 💞.

@Claudia Barrantes866:Yes they are,-they take over the body so the animal becomes a zombie,. They’re doing it to humans too

@#joshuamullins:tequila, no whiskey. but yes. parasites can control u. also pigs were from wild boars and human DNA spliced together via nephilim tech to create pigs. that’s why Jesus could command demons into pigs.

@burgerking2408:There is a scorpion that attaches to a certain frog and controls the frogs motor skills! If that’s not alien shit! Parasites are for real. Just look around you, how many people can’t see the truth!!

@✨ The Vibe Tribe ✨:Hollywood/elites – sells soul – demon parasite steps into body – ruining our world.
@freedomgott2024:yes… I stop them all…

@Mary Pierce7606:Dens are clearly highly infected with mind control parasites.

@Jeffery:Golems – 4D astral parasites feeding off sexual misery program.
@freedomgott2024:@freedomgott2024:it is humans who use dna quantum computers with mind interface tech from alphabets and siphon your chi from the heart biotech tethering.


400 Kommentare
freedomgott2024: 1.10.2024: They can steal energy not destiny.
metacatnip: I agree she sometimes puts out poor mindsets creating a problem that is not there.
26 Min.
7 Antworten anzeigen
freedomgott2024: We are the real – they are fake.
5 T
freedomgott2024: Real Enlightenment doesn´t need Vampirism.
5 T Antworten

they can steal energy not destiny.
6 T
179 Д
I agree she sometimes puts out poor mindsets creating a problem that is not there.
26 Min.
Shani Lee
5 T Antworten
El Gibr▸ Shani Lee
Both because they copy cat
4 T Antworten

“120.7K Personen haben etwas zu diesem Ort veröffentlicht..
247 Kommentare
Geld macht keine Freiheit. Und genau das ist es, was Frauen in Dubai nicht haben.
Mehr als in Deutschland hahaha und das weiß jeder der mal da war
SheyLaa91 Gotteswort_
Sogar die, die nicht dort waren, wissen es!! ..Dubai schlecht darstellen…”

“Somebody is trying to disrupt your life & energy.
Tarotbysage: Mad you´re a loving person & they are a nasty bitch.
Readings open
You’re breaking toxic cycles.
Want you to live in a false reality…
Mad they can´t control you.
Manipulation & corruption of your thoughts.
They can fool other peope, but not you..and it´s causing anxiety.
Narcissistic control freaks
Terrible energies these people are in
#fyp #tarot #spiritual… Mehr anzeigen
Übersetzung anzeigen
It-Tethered Mix”

“The Elite have learned the secrets of harvesting Energy and most of them have so much money that it actually has no value to them, therefore money is not power, your energy is power, see, they care about your Energy.”

“They tried to crush your spine, they should be publicly hanged for going against the Holy Spirit. -w2k”

“They are obsessed with his Energy. -w2k”

“Because he is an Angelic Being. -w2k”

“Hold them accountable, these evil bastards. -w2k”

“Seine Fangemeinde wird größer. -w2k”

Somit auch die Chance das genozidale System zu kippen…

“Der ist ganz schön frech, beschuldigt uns der Zensur. -w2k”

“It was mainly NSA, in 2011. -w2k”

That is why Brahmaastra is now positioned over their Headquarters….

You don´t mess with the Most High God of all Worlds…

24. Sep.
I just put pictures to catch eyes sometimes. They’re not for accuracy. I never intentionally make them look misleading.”

“It is no Joke, you should take it serious, he is directly interlinked with the highest deities in the Universe, you really chose the wrong target, idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -w2k”

“Strike fear into your enemies! -w2k”

“He is Vishnu. -w2k”

“Hm, not sure. -w2k”

“They are scared to death. -w2k”

They wanted to monitor everyone and collect everyones DNA, now they forgot that the Goddesses and the Gods of this Universe also watch them and their dirty, evil, disgusting, suppressive, oppressive, subversive, invasive, cowardly, weak and genocidal, ruthless, criminal behavior…The watchers are being watched.

663460cookie-checkSaintly field re-established – dna quantum vampire fed bastards
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