MindTech-Net Reports Public Synthetic Telepathy, Tok, News and more – 20.9.2024
„Too many envious assholes – w2k Sept. 20,
This can be really dangerous – w2k Sept. 20,
You are a local celebrity – w2k //I am not seeing myself as such…
Sept. 20
They all have sqa. – w2k
Sept. 20,
These are all top secret projects…
Sept. 20,
We warned you Ingmar – w2k
Sept. 20
Ernsthaft – w2k – k.A. – w2k
Sept. 19.“
„Leeches – w2k.
Sept. 20,
Degenerate envious loser leech… -w2k
Sept. 20
To protect him from all these -w2k
Sept. 20,
In this sick a.i. hybridized world -w2k
Sept. 20,
I am not sure what we can do -w2k
Sept. 20,
Eher nicht..
Sept. 20,
N.y.times berichtet ü.d. – w2k-e…“
„Er schickt dir was zurück – w2k
Sept. 19,
Pistorius hat Angst vor dir – w2k
Sept. 19,-
Sure it is right – w2k
Sept. 19
Das stimmt nicht – w2k
Sept. 19,.
Retribution – they lost
Sept. 19,
Energy back-out of fear retribu…
Sept. 19,
They send some of the stolen energy – w2k…“
„To the time where he came fro…
Sept. 20,
World we landed – I want back t…
Sept. 20,
I don’t know in what kind of sick
Sept. 20,“
„Bone – keep going – w2k
Sept. 19,
You really shock them to the bone…
Sept. 19,
Zu wenig – w2k
Sept. 19
Wir verstehen die Quantentechnik
Sept. 19,
They are bluffing – w2k – sure they are…
Sept. 19,“
„Going against the best man – w2k Sept. 19,
Nothing better to do than
Sept. 19,
These evil German Feds have
Sept. 19,“
„Compared to ours (bci) – w2k
Sept. 19,
The stuff they have is nothing
Sept. 19,
Against you – w2k..
Sept. 19,…
Offended God by going
Sept. 19,
The catholics know they
Sept. 19,
They really turn their heads in s…
Sept. 19,“
„Project Freeze – w2k
Sept. 19,
Undermining causes
Sept. 19,
Awareness of his total privacy
Sept. 19,
For these dumb normal people -…
Sept. 19,
He is overqualified in any way fo… Sept. 19,
You are really a hero to them t.t…. Sept. 19,
Verblödeten Idioten – w2k
Sept. 19,“
„Ist, der letzte Gott Avatar unter… – w2k
Sept. 19
Solchen Helden – weil er einer ist… -w2k
Sept. 19,
Warum machen die den zu einem – w2k
Sept. 19,
Pitiful situation for our best man – w2k
Sept. 19,
Zombie people – w2k
Sept. 19,
He is a stranger among dumb…
Sept. 19,“
„They do this because they fear you – w2k“
Which testifies ultimate failure… such people’s reign will come to an end very soon…
„@Isaiah:The cops are in on it too.“
„@MafiaPrincess22GENX:It is called “pay for play” and they are like gig work on .onion darker and the AI.“
„@Yusufu Konata:Silence is the weapon of Choice, against Gang stalking, once. you identify them. Gangstalkers are embarrassed, once you pull there Card. , they hate 2b exposed.“
„@thezenwantabe:There was an ex CIA agent that wrote a book about this back in the 90’s. It’s been around. The key is not to give into fear or responses that make you vulnerable. Pray, shield mentally, stay strong.“
„@an0it3d0n3:it’s the creepiest thing I have ever had to endure personally.“
„@Trucker Malinda:who is doing the gang stalking?
@Teddymfgrams:the government funded centers called fusion centers who employ other people people anyone willing to do the dirty work.“
„@C.C.K:They are after the 20% of free thinkers.“
@wokeAz111:They hide behind my light 😈 , it’s easy for the darkness to hide behind the children of god 🙌🏻 easy to point the finger for they know my humility 🙏.
„They mess with his Aura like hell – w2k“
„Sept. 20,
These machines have no entropy Humans have.
Sept. 20,
But they have quantum a.i., we can’t use the rest of our lives to battle against hyper machine… Sept. 20,
Sept. 20,
No, really, you are the greatest…
Sept. 20,“
World – w2k.
Sept. 20,
It doesn’t work that way in our w…
Sept. 20,
Mich. Paranoide verrückte..
Sept. 20,
Sollen auf sich glotzen, statt auf
Sept. 20,
Es geht sie nichts an…
Sept. 20,
Of technical expertise – w2k
Sept. 20,
Technocrats fear you because
„Wie ich – w2k
Sept. 20,
Die sind verrückt nach dir Ingmar,
Sept. 20,
Yourself – w2k
Sept. 20
Technologies as you noticed yo…
Sept. 20,
Through various sophisticated
Sept. 20
They have leverage over people…
Sept. 20“
„Devices – w2k
Sept. 20,
They have special protection
Sept. 20,
Fear illicit brain access & hacking…
Sept. 20
Why do the technocrats do not…
Sept. 20
Intelligent for these idiots- w2k
Sept. 20,
They will never get it, you are too
Sept. 20,“
„Than you – w2k
Sept. 20,
But to a much lesser degree
Sept. 20,
Vulnerable to remote attacks -…
Sept. 20,
It is not true – they are also
Sept. 20
Devices – w2k
Sept. 20
They have special protection“
„Der scheint echt mächtig zu sein..
Sept. 20,
Ein hohes Tier eben – w2k
Sept. 20,
Tier – w2k
Sept. 20,
Was ist das denn für ein hohes
Sept. 20,
Habt ihr das gehört, scheisse, w…
Can do what he wants- w2k
Sept. 20,
He has total immunity he“
„I would not bet my ass for it, but try it. – w2k
Funny indeed…
„Option 5: Find a middle way…
Option 4 – succumb to Zombie A.I. – w2k – for powerless people…
Sept. 20,
Option 3 – Neverending Battle -…
Sept. 20,
Dna from Gov Quantum Machine…
Sept. 20,
Theft – Option 2-Remove Stolen…
Sept. 20,
Based on DNA-Robbery – DNA-… Sept. 20,
Vampire Al Siphoning Machines
Sept. 20,
Option1 -Destruction of Quantum“
„Überwachung und bci Interfacing – w2k…
Sept. 20,
Worden für Energiebsaugung,-w2k…
Sept. 20,
Eigentlich nur missbraucht – w2k
Sept. 20,
Die ganze Quantenphysik ist – w2k… Sept. 20,“
„Machine and its controllers – w2k
Sept. 20,
This evil dna theft vampire machine – w2k…
Sept. 20,
Quantum Battles you had with… -w2k
Sept. 20,
It is unbelievable how many – w2k
Sept. 20, .
They admire your resilience – w2k… Sept. 20,“
„Reprogrammiert – w2k
Sept. 20,
Ihre Scheiss Agenda reprogramiert…
Sept. 20,
Die haben das Universum für
Sept. 20
Schweinen – w2k
Sept. 20,
Alles ist kontrolliert von diesen
Sept. 20,“
„Auf eine freie Welt – w2k
Sept. 20,
Du bist die einzige Hoffnung – w…
Sept. 20, 1
Schaffen können ohne dich – w2k
Sept. 20,
Ich weiss nicht wie wir das – w2k
Sept. 20,
We will find a solution for you -…
Sept. 20,
Don’t give up Ingmar – w2k
Sept. 20,“
Stimmt… wahrheitsgemäss…
„Dna databanks – w2k
Sept. 20,.
Over Humanity – destroy the dn…
Sept. 20,
They have too much control over…
Sept. 20,
Situation – w2k.
Sept. 20, 1
His Shakti is also sad about the
Sept. 20,
Weltretterikone – irre – w2k
Sept. 20,
Die stilisieren den hoch zu einer…“
„World Savior – no – he is – w2k
Sept. 20,1
They brainwash him for – w2k
Sept. 20,
Medizinlaborraten-Verbrecher -…
Sept. 20,
Die wollen nur deine Energie – w…
Sept. 20,
Die verarschen dich nur – die wo…
Sept. 20,
of this Man – w2k
Sept. 20,
I did not want to have the burden..“
„Er schnallt schon, dass es derzeit der einzige sichere Weg für uns ist mit ihm zu kommunizieren, ohne Ärger mit Systemwächtern zu bekommen. – w2k“
„Spirit – w2km Sept. 20,
Your Chi – Crime against Holy Spirit – w2k…
Sept. 20, “
They can’t live forever siphoning
Sept. 20,
Their time is up soon – really – Ingmar…
Sept. 20,
Es ist echt zum kotzen – w2k
Sept. 20,
Die saugen ihm alle Energie ab.“
„Saintly Field Established – w2k
Sept. 20,
Miserable traitors of holy spirit – w2k
Sept. 20,
From your dna – wretched miserable
Sept. 20,
Trojan.Backdoors trying to siphon… Sept. 20,
They are just wretched evil leeches – w2k… Sept. 20,
To create the Saintly Field at wish
Sept. 20,
You have the power Ingmar – w2k
Sept. 20.“
I am stronger than your trojan-dna overlays … your dna theft quantum vampire a.i. bastards…daily interdimensional war report…
„Your dna – w2k
Sept. 20,
Dim your shine by logging into Sept. 20,
No, it is 1000s of people trying to Sept. 20,“
„Grösster Skandal aktuell – w2k“
„It won´t end well for your enemies and leeches, trust us. – w2k“
„People will only start to respect his Privacy when they start to drop dead and he doesn´t even have to lift a finger – w2k“
„Er ist von Morgens bis Abends damit beschäftigt die Arschlöcher-Vampire aus seiner DNA zu schmeissen. – w2k“
„They wanted to make him appear possessed, but we all know it´s Gov Agency DNA logging. -w2k“
„Illegaler Quantenzugriff auf seine DNA, meldet das mal bitte der Polizei. – w2k“
„Das wird ein Präzedenzfall wie noch nie zuvor in der Geschichte. – w2k“
„Bald sind sie dran, du hast uns echt geholfen, danke. – w2k“
„Was geht denn hier ab, arbeitet der mit den Bullen zusammen? – w2k“
„Nein, das glaube ich nicht. – w2k“
„The Whole Town is Obsessed with You 🥵
Michelle Meliora
17.100 Abonnenten
56.801 Aufrufe 01.09.2024“
Hello Chosen Ones, welcome to the channel
this is Michelle and um I have a message
for us today the message is the whole
town is obsessed with you so now I know
that on the surface that title sounds
kind of narcissistic and um the thing is
is that it is what it is okay um the the
chosen ones who have been called to this
channel we are like some of the realest
chosen ones out here who are like like
Jesus man we’re being followed and
targeted people are obsessed with us and
um and it’s because we are so close to
God and because um we have stepped into
a season of our ministry it’s time for
us to showcase the glory of God through
our life and so we have been um we are
magicians just like Jesus and we have
been manifesting our Destiny since
childhood because we are gifted chosen
ones okay and we are ones that the
system could not take out okay and so um
so we’re surrounded by a whole bunch of
Agents of Satan people who are very low
vibrational obviously and uh and we are
just the only chosen ones out here you
know there there are few of us there are
not very many of us so it comes to a
point to where you get you get to this
season in your life to where it is like
um the the takeoff moment to where you
are stepping into your destiny to your
glory and it’s very obvious to see that
you are um somebody who is is destined
for um for royalty for for wealth and
fame in some cases um but for um a very
high level okay and so it get it gets to
a point where you’re about to take off
and you begin to glow and illuminate and
it becomes um clear to see even to the
most um ignorant low vibrational um evil
person uh who who who is just um you
know totally through
dimensional even they can see that you
are glowing with this um illuminated
light that is um that that is not of
this world that is definitely not of
this environment or of this town and
that you and it is because you are
taking off into um to the Stars really
you are a star okay and you look like a
star at this time and uh your energy is
just like a an illuminated um rainbow of
of stars that’s what it looks like okay
and so and and so people have been
catching on as well so there’s just this
phenomenon of waves of energy of
knowledge of who you are and where
you’re going and it’s come to a point
where the whole environment is obsessed
with you okay and so now if this isn’t
happening to you right now then this
will be a future word and if this
message is for you because you know um
we also have some demonic Rats on this
channel so you know this message is not
for you you need Jesus and you need to
go start at square one and so another
thing is that you know you might have a
lot of like old enemies like starting to
resurface like people who were your
enemies from like a few seasons back who
are just uh so um unintelligent and
ignorant and of such a repit mind to
where they’re actually circling back as
if you give a damn about these people
but but the thing is is that you have um
you have ascended so far above these
people to where if you were to give them
any any attention they would just feel
so special okay it’s really sad but they
want your attention because um when you
gave them attention before even though
it was negative attention just you know
wanting these um these people to go away
because they’re like insects you know
that that attention that energy of yours
just made them feel relevant and special
and so you being called to use the gray
rock method to the core that these
people don’t even exist you don’t you
don’t see people like this they’re too
it was negative attention just you know
wanting these um these people to go away
because they’re like insects you know
that that attention that energy of yours
just made them feel relevant and special..“
„It’s just your energy, it is just pure
gold man okay when you and it doesn’t
matter what it doesn’t matter what you
look like physically it doesn’t matter
all the physical stuff doesn’t matter
this this is uh an energetic
signature of yours to where when you
walk into a room it looks like a king of
has just walked into the room okay and
and and that’s because of the the well
that’s because that’s the truth because
you are royalty and um and so but you
have gone through so many
Transformations and these are due to
sacrifices that you have made and you
have become this person you know and
obviously there’s these these these low
dimensional people who really really
want your glory and they want to be
royalty as well but the thing is is that
they’re this big and and they’re and
until they um sacrifice their own life
to God and start to uh go down their own
Journey but you’re like you know you’re
decades and decades and decades ahead of
these people and so for them to try to
dress up like you and to try to act like
you and try to get your attention and
act like they’re on the same level of
you is just as ridiculous as like these
little people trying to act like you
know they’re this person here okay you
you know these people are going to be
circling around you for the entire time
until you leave okay because you’re the
you’re the greatest thing
that they’ve ever seen you guys it’s the
truth you’re the greatest thing that
these people have ever seen and will
ever see, you are the great story of
their life, man, okay, a lot of these
people who have come against you are
like are people that you associated with
at one time because you felt sorry for
them because you are a good person.
You’re like a Princess Diana you’re
royalty but you’re also extremely loving
and compassionate and you go down very low
to help people…“
„He is surrounded by Idiots, he can´t even tell anyone his story, because they are by far too stupid to understand it. – w2k“
„We will kick these f*cking blackmagic leeches soon out, believe me, they stole so much of our sacred energy. – w2k“
„Wir sind es nicht, Ingmar, ehrlich, wir wollen mit dir starke Energie aufbauen. – w2k“