The whole Giant Gog and Magog must fall. BRICs NWO and Western NWO.

Conspiracy Revelation: 12.3.2023:
The whole Giant Gog and Magog must fall. BRICs NWO and Western NWO.

„“And the Soviet-Indian relationship, although positive in significant respects, was never an alliance even at its height, and diminished rapidly in importance following the collapse of the USSR.“


Rockefeller medicine: eugenics to genetics.
Tweet zitieren
10. März
Rockefeller IG Farben chemical industry conglomerate“


„The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in Their Own Words “

„…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us.“

„In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks:

1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and

2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest.“
„By threatening some nations with Soviet aggression and others with American aggression, they compelled the nations to band together and join sides for protection. The members of each side were then pressured to increase economic and defensive cooperation to fend off the menace of the other side.

Those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “people’s (communist) world” cooperated to block aggression from the “imperialist world,” and those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “free world” cooperated to block aggression from the “Soviet sphere”…“

„Russia and China are following the NWO script to the letter…“

„…As it turns out, America did indeed lay itself down as a bridge to pull China into the NWO. We did it by luring them in with a great deal of our national wealth through lopsided trade and outsourcing.“

„The globalists employed hot & cold wars and insurgencies, trade conflicts, and “economic hit men” to make life unbearable for any nation-state attempting to be independent. “

„It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.<<<“


Conspiracy Revelation: 12.3.2023: True…they are responsible for the most atrocities…simple facts…not racist.

„Du hast retweetet
Israel going full Nazi and the people don’t like it.“

The government no longer needs the police to enforce tyrannical rules because brainwashed people have assumed that role themselves.“

There wasn’t one Jack The Ripper, but a network of Masons covering up a Royal family scandal involving prostitutes and satanic ritual murders.“

Die Urchristen wurden von Rom ausgelöscht.“

505160cookie-checkThe whole Giant Gog and Magog must fall. BRICs NWO and Western NWO.
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