Method of Recording and Saving of Human Soul for Human Immortality and Installation for it

„Method of Recording and Saving of Human Soul for Human Immortality and Installation for it“
„Abstract: The inventor shows that a human soul is… He offers a method for re-writing the human brain on electronic chips. This method allows for the modeling of a human soul in order to achieve man immortality. This method does not damage the brain but works to extend and enhance it.
This method of writing and saving of Human Soul includes: writing of views which person see in during his life by a micro video recorder to a portable memory; writing of sounds which person speaks and hears by microphone; writing of person physical conditions by micro sensors; writing of time and dates; writing of person body position and so on.
An Installation utilized the Method is comprising devices: micro video camera located at man head, microphone, computer (chip) for data processing, portable memory located at an person body and connected to the portable memory; portable recorder for writing of life film located at the man body and connected to the computer and to the portable memory; micro sensors for writing of person physical and environment conditions; a clock for writing of time, the micro sensors for writing of men body positions; navigation system, long time memory high capability storage and so on.
„InventorAlexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin
Worldwide applications
2006 US
Application US11/613,380 events
Application filed by Alexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin
Priority to US11/613,380
Publication of US20090062677A1

372050cookie-checkMethod of Recording and Saving of Human Soul for Human Immortality and Installation for it
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