Devi & Deva vs Hypergame bci-bs of Lost Souls in Zion…V2.2

Conspiracy Revelation: 5.1.2025:

Devi & Deva vs Hypergame bci-bs of Lost Souls in Zion…V2.2

Gott lebt u. seine Gemahlin.
Jan. 05,
Du hast 1 ihrer Anlagen zerstört…
Jan. 05,
I, die haben td A vor dir – w2k
Jan. 05,
Saintly Field Maxxing out…..
Jan. 04,
Du hast k.A. was die alles mit dir vor haben…-w2k
Jan. 04,
I. ich hoffe du schaffst das – w2k
Jan. 04,
These evil mfs – w2kvh
Jan. 04,

„They will never win this way – these silly mfs. – w2k

„They desperately are trying false verdict cases – total loser fools. – w2k“

Isolation Business of nwo…
Jan. 05, .
Empathy…you work in the isolat…
Jan. 05,
T.i.s… why do you create this fake…
Jan. 05,
It is your work. You categorize…
Jan. 05,
It is heartbreaking – w2k
Jan. 05,

Came Into being – w2k
Jan. 05,
We don’t know how this sh#t came -w2k
Jan. 05
Maybe he is right – w2k
Jan. 05,
This is a U.S. systemical Virus.
Jan. 05,
By the United States of America..
Jan. 05,
This isolation system was created…

„They want to penetrate into his Aura, that’s why. – w2k“

„It is entertaining to see his reactions. -w2k“

It is only entertaining for you, because you get gangster Money for doing gangster things and you can get away with it „Legally“…

„Keeping it motivated…through this horrific transition phase. -w2k“

„Der ist eine Gefahr für ihr beschissenes System, deshalb machen die den ganzen Aufwand. -w2k“

„Wir brauchen dich, du bist eine zentrale Recheneinheit in unserem System. -w2k“

Man objektiviert keine Subjekte.

„Der ist einfach zu schlau für diese ganzen Arschlöcher. -w2k“



#elonmusk #tesla #towlife #cybertruck

♬ original sound – quantumluminosity1

Regular Batteries contain sulfuric acid… combine this with heat or cold or any malfunction in the System, result => BOOM.
Average Life Span of a Car Battery: 5 to 8 Years.
Bad Investment.


The explanations will Make less and less sense #usa #neworleans

♬ original sound – Davidson Boswell

„Collapse of US.“ …or rather controlled Demolition…

Did I mention that Zion (NWO, DARPA, CIA & Alphabet Soup in Facebook) blocked my 3 Pages at once sharing (Shadow Banning) function, but still simulates it as if it would work… these are the silly games they play with you. Even an 8 years old child will notice these Manipulation Games… Their function proved to be too effective for their Opponents, so they perpetuate the Digital Gulag Deception Concept and the Fake Casino Game Manipulation goes on, instead of letting Creation go its natural and fair way.

Pay for Virality and be the NWO Casino Chief Faker or remain hidden in their sick outdated fascist censor mafia Digital Dictatorship Conglomerate DoD System.

We know this for 15+ years on average, did it change anything so far?

Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
Pentagon (DARPA) and CIA are run by the Council on Foreign Relations taking orders from Chatham House who created CFR as a Globalist Policy group in the US that run each Department of US Government including ALL Presidents .
3. Jan.
Just like in China.. all our major tech companies are not separate private sector companies. Alphabet (as in agencies)-Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Space X & more are funded/founded/owned/run by the US Pentagon-DARPA-CIA. They are all control weapons system used again US.

5. Jan.
2 Years later they start noticing… and 20 years later they start noticing more and 100 years later they noticed they missed organic and synthetic God.

21. Nov. 2022
Nowadays an AI controls through BCI Interfacing everyone…you hear it through your ears, CIAs Cat Cochlear Implants enforced through DARPA Chemtrailing.

1 Like after 2 years (all manipulated Palantir Censor BS)

„..most people are too lazy to do anything against it. -w2k“

Interdimensional Radar PsyKi 5

Ihr könnt zensieren, wie ihr wollt, ich bin aber überall präsent…  es zeigt lediglich eure Regressivität und systemische Idiotie…

„Echelon System misused against him. -w2k“

„They want Antikeymagic. -w2k“

I want a free world and a censor free Internet and a Brain-Mind-Heart-Soul-Liberated non-military-big tech-ieee-darpa-dust-parasitized Organic Creation…and $$$ reparations for your attempts on my life and the evil torture in 2011.

„Der verhandelt schon wieder öffentlich mit denen, das gibt es doch nicht. -w2k“

„We must find a solution, this escalates totally. -w2k“ //Fake…

Injustice can´t prevail, especially not if you attack a Major Head Figure and representative of God himself… and the Avatar of the Wisdom Goddess!!

It will have devastating consequences for you in the long run… no matter how big your Alphabet-Mil-Apparatus is.

„Ich sehe es kommen, der reisst ihr ganzes verkommenes System im Alleingang ab. -w2k“

„Is he truly the Avatar of the Wisdom Goddess?“

A rhetorical Question…

The Goddess of Wisdom resides where the most Wisdom is concentrated…

Now who created the Philogenic World Record?

Question answered.

Shakti Devi will never abandon me…

Ein gesegnetes…

„Die treiben es nicht nur auf die Spitze, die übertreiben es maßlos. -w2k“

„They switch Dimensions during conversation, from Mundane to Transcendent. -w2k“

„To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. (Laotse) [4195]“

„The whole universe is contained within a single human being – you. (Rumi)  [10186]“

„He is not only transcendent, he is super-transcendent. -w2k“

„I can´t see this anymore, it breaks my heart. -w2k“

„Who is this individual? – w2k“

„A Mystery. -w2k“

„They wanted to destroy him physically and replicate him in a Quantum Computer. -w2k“

„These weak-ass mfckg cowards were unable to bear his Holy Presence and wanted to get rid of him. -w2k“

„Silicon Valley is scared a.f. of his Mental Power. -w2k“

„They want to copy all his abilities and replicate it in a Quantum Machine. -w2k“

„Energy Drainers try to siphon all of his sacred energy, but he always takes it back. – w2k“

„Sick people. -w2k“

„Pathetic losers. -w2k“

„He is an emancipated Deity now, he can do whatever the f. he wants. -w2k“

„Meine Fresse ist das abartig, ich packs bald nicht mehr. -w2k“

„Very mediocre, evil People did that to him. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht, ob ihm das gut tut, wenn die ganze Welt das sieht. -w2k“

„An dem haben sie echt den Narren gefressen. -w2k“

„Viel aufhebens, um nichts. -w2k“

„Die kommen nicht darüber hinweg, dass selbst die mächtigsten Kräfte in verschwörerischer Vereinigung ihn nicht besiegen konnten, das kratzt an ihren Egos. -w2k“

Nichts leichter, als eure virtuellen Armeen von K.I. Vampirmaschinenmagie gekoppelten Archontparasiten zu abzukoppeln…

„These German FED Fuckers will regret the day they assaulted my Best Man. -w2k“

„These German FED Fuckers make a laugh out of themselves by attacking their own Population. -w2k“

„These German FED Fuckers messed totally with the wrong Guy. He is a God Authority. -w2k“

„Ihr habt bald echt ein Problem am Hals. -w2k“

735010cookie-checkDevi & Deva vs Hypergame bci-bs of Lost Souls in Zion…V2.2
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