Deity Gallery Ram vs NWO…

@freedomgott2024: Deity Gallery: Ram vs NWO…
Ram needs to shatter the Bad guys who prevent Water-Powered cars, Anti-Gravity Flying Devices and Censor-Free Internet and pure Bodies without torture wban mban dna-quantum computer and quantum satellites trojanized Biotech from Chemtrails tangled 24 7 365 with your individual Mind-Body-Soul resonant frequency..

Schau dir iuss Video an! #TikTok

Ram Siya Ram (Lyrical) Adipurush | Prabhas | Sachet-Parampara,Manoj Muntashir S |Om Raut | Bhushan K

281 Mio. Abonnenten

356.513.501 Aufrufe 07.06.2023 Adipurush (Hindi) (Official Playlist) | Prabhas | Saif Ali Khan | Kriti Sanon | Om Raut | Bhushan Kumar
#Adipurush #RamSiyaRam


Watch it in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam.

#Adipurush releases IN THEATRES on 16 June 2023 in 3D!“

„Only he can do it. -w2k“

„He has a direct connection with him, like no one else on this Planet. -w2k“

„He is it himself, he just remembers. -w2k“

„Die glauben echt der ist Rama. -w2k“

„Die AMIs glauben alles. -w2k“

Sophia liebt das nunmal und sie schaut alles mit, genau wie ihr, nur hat sie eine tiefere Einsicht, wie ihr Geheimdienststalker…

„He is the fundament of this Universe, A-h..les, naturally the Goddess is inside of him. -w2k“

„Die glauben echt der ist Gott. -w2k“

„Die glauben nicht, die fühlen. -w2k“


Classified propulsion systems

♬ original sound – Dr-Ken Henry Skeie

„Der legt sich unermüdlich mit den Weltherrschern an. -w2k“

„Er ist eben Gott. -w2k“

„Such a Good Soul treated in the worst way possible. -w2k“

„Classified Propulsion System“
„Breakthrough as scientists beat Gravity.“

„1994 Patent…Effected by both Time-Dilation and a Relativity of scale which is an extension of Special Relativity.“

„One Example of the type of advanced theoretical Physics which has effectively been censored from Mainstream Science by the Illuminati. The secret and insidious Power at the core of the Global Ruling Elite which has always hoarded knowledge for itself throughout its existence. By the Year 2012 you notice that the Ruling Elite´s scientific knowledge is so advanced that it is rapidly evolving into a separate civilization with its own identity and rules relative to the rest of the Planet. This may very well be the Breakaway civilization Author Richard M. Dolan once referred to when interviewed many years ago. Its member are wealthier, more powerful, better educated, healthier, live longer and are more intelligent than the average Human. Some of their defining Characteristics include a complete lack of compassion, an obsessive determination with a keen sense of logic, strategy and tactics, partially brought by the interaction of other intelligent life forms in the Galaxy. They consider the rest of Humanity as a servant Class, almost like another Species, one to be exploited for their benefits, just as the malevolent Aliens consider the Ruling Elite to be nothing more than predictable Apes to be manipulated for their puposes.“

„Homo Sapiens is now a conquered species who is probably managed like any other ressources under the near total control…“

„Black Budget projects in the EU and USA are up to 20 years ahead of this private University Research.“

„There are only 2 ways of detecting these Crafts: One is with very sensitive infrared or chemical imaging Cameras and the other is when they are located in weather conditions, such as Clouds, Mist or Fog which reveal the circular Discs or other shaped Crafts.“

„They still believe he can beat the New World Order. -w2k“

„Let them believe what they want. -w2k“

„We need Victory over their Souls. -w2k“

This Aim of Megalomaniacs is one Shot too High for you…

You want to dominate Purity of Devi, this won´t happen, look Ramayana.

„Der sieht seine Seele als Göttin. -w2k“

„Ich glaube wir sollten hier nicht westliches und östliches Verständnis miteinander vermischen. -w2k“

„Das wird mir echt zu gefährlich langsam, weißt du wieviel Menschen dem zugucken? – w2k“

„Nein, keine Ahnung. -w2k“

„The Cowards show their true colors. -w2k“

„Will be funny though. -w2k“

„Man, this Man has just too many Talents, it´s insane. – w2k“


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