SW explains how NWO converted the Aura into a controllable, hackable, programmable network node…

Conspiracy Revelation: 20.10.2024: SW explains how NWO converted the Aura into a controllable, hackable, programmable network node…

„The Human Biofield.., known as the Human Aura, is the Bread and Butter of Information Surveillance and Reconaissance for 60+ Years.“

„Backend of the Internet of Medical Things.“
„They are keeping all the data inside of you and they are writing it inside of your DNA.“

„The Taxonomy of Intrabody Communication Technologies…“
„EMF Warfare – MW – MMW – RF – THZ – Optical – Light and the Ultrasound“

„Why is this System under the Skin and tethered directly to your Cardiac Network of your Heart tissue…It is called Electromagnetic Warfare, did you tell anybody? NO. This is 2007 Engineering.“

„This is Computer Networking through the Human Body.“

„The Blockchain People are absolutely disgusting.“

„We are in 3 decades of Synthetic Biology.“

„Librocubicularist 1
Sabrina Wallace..explains how World Government have converted the human morphogenetic biofield into a controllable, hackable, programmable network node, and can alter cellular structure and homeostasis using technological systems set in place.

„This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud since 2005. IEEE is the International Standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineering. You will find your body on the web and commercially accessible via the same working groups for all wireless devices. How did this happen?“-SW“

#mathematicians #physicists #telemetry #radiofrequency #haarp #neuralink #seti #Geoengineering #Agenda2030 #DARPA #NASA #WEF #metatron #matrix #quantummechanics #engineering #savetheworld


„6000 Years of the Human Telemetry..for your circulatory system, 6000 Years of the human circulatory system, you call it Chakras, they call it Amen Fire.“

„The Human Biofield is being watched by Project Salus (DOD)“
„The Human Biofield is the Aura is your IEEE WBAN 802.15.6. DOD3009.“
„Internet of Bodies (IoB) & The Human Biofield“
„Moving your Cells around, with Pressure, Temperature and Physics, Physical, Biophysics Opto Array, Biophysics change, not: I am waging my Magic Wands, no, I am logging into your Body with Radio Frequency Directly, this is how AI Precision Health Care is offered. Since 2005 (802.15.4.) is working with these Biosensors. Adhoc.and then the body would sense the Signal..Cybersecurity M2M, B2B.“

„If you are doing that, you are using the Aura,..as a natural Telepath, having been electronically tortured lifelong´for Metrics.“´

„Dodd 5240.01 and Dodd 3000.09 ….. 1/3
3 days ago
Health & Fitness
October 16, 2024
dodd 5240.01
dodd 3000.09“


just now
DHS is just the old Nazi Heimatschutzbehörde…just the old Nazis messing up our beautiful organic unsurveilled Creation… Goddess should reduce them soon… and punish them for messing up Mother Nature.

„That the Doctors and Nurses fire electrical Signals under your Skin, already in 2012.“

„Metatron is angry at us, for messing up his Creation. -w2k“


„IEEE~ your body as their free antenna Part four
„October 11, 2024“

„Your body is the wire, so your body it the Antenna.“
„Turning your body into a 6G Antenna“


„Is covid electronic warfare creating sickness in-vivo? Is it?
„September 16, 2023“


„Designer AI Precision Medication 2014“
„Pseudo-Seizure“ / „Nano Disease Morgellons“
(2005 visibly appeared with WBAN going commercial – in most T.I.s)
„You can electrically take people out.“
„Worse than the Mafia, oh yeah, definitely.“
„And that is another reason why you won´t find any judge to deviate from the System, they kill them from the inside out.“
„Biosensor hunting for Money.“

ETSI – Smart Body Area Network Panel European Telecommunications Standards Institute BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE #NurembergCode IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.6 IEEE 1906.1.1 #MolecularEngineering in Vivo with smart materials nanocom.acm.org/nanocom2024/ET

„payebien stephane
20.10.2024: L’État de surveillance ne veut pas parler de la NANOCOMMUNICATION INTRA-CORPS. Les médecins ont eu accès à la connexion à BODIES NANOCOM 2024. Josep Miquel Jornet SYSTÈMES MÉDICAUX DE NANO-COMMUNICATION INTÉGRÉE AU CORPS
3. Okt.
Graphene Intra-Body Nano-Sensor Networks
Wireless Intra-Body Communication
Nano-Cyber Interface #eHealth
IEEE 802.15.4 #CiscoYANG
IEEE 1906.1 Molecular Engineering in Vivo with smart materials
#IoNT #IoBNT#SyntheticBiology“

JWqlk: 14 weeks ago: How did they put the biosensors inside us that make us a node on the IoB in 2005? Thanks! So appreciative of all your work to inform us
TheRevelator2021: just now: 21.10.2024: Chemtrails…
Jayfarina: 19 weeks ago: My crystal ball is telling me we have travelers here and there but always claiming not to be traveling at all.

Free Your Mind Videos“


Historical-Reference: https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2024/02/13/covid-load-balancing-for-the-bankers-human-husbandry-sabrina-november-4-2023/

„Sabrina Wallace Rips Flynn’s Arse | Majestic 12 | The DIA Twitter Papers | Tell them what you did with their missing anatomy, Flynn!“


„TynFoyLLyd: The Ultimate Timeline: DARPA, Brain, DEWs, Electronic Warfare, AI and Time Manipulation“


675080cookie-checkSW explains how NWO converted the Aura into a controllable, hackable, programmable network node…
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