Ex-CIA Agents Are Censoring You On Facebook

Ex-CIA Agents Are Censoring You On Facebook
77.281 Aufrufe

„The Jimmy Dore Show
1,05 Mio. Abonnenten
Facebook reportedly has 40,000 individuals on staff involved in so-called “content moderation,” and one of the most fertile breeding grounds for these professional censors is the Central Intelligence Agency. According to a recent Alan MacLeod piece in MintPress News, ex-spooks are littered up and down the chain of content moderation command at Facebook, further blurring the line between Facebook as a private company and Facebook as a partner of the government in silencing inconvenient voices that oppose the dominant establishment narrative.

Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the dangerous ramifications of having a team of ex-intelligence officers determining what Americans can and can’t see on social media.“

„That is what Facebook should be called Status Quo Book.“


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