How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA, Prism, Facebook Uefi CMOS Malware & CPU Trojans

„revealing a secret program called PRISM, which gave the NSA direct access to the servers of tech firms, including Facebook and Google. He
had also revealed that the NSA and its British counterpart, the GCHQ, had special units focused on cracking encryption codes for social media globally.“
„In any case, the software, SDL boasts, is “securely deployed on-premise, behind the firewall, at over 75 government organizations, including the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community.” No wonder Baltazar was at the INSA
event, rubbing shoulders with the kings and queens of the intelligence-contracting industry. This small company, and INSA itself, are vivid examples of the rise of a new class in America: the cyberintelligence ruling class.
The answer is no. As I see it, the cyberintelligence- industrial complex is qualitatively different from—and more dangerous than—the
military-industrial complex identified by President Eisenhower in his famous farewell address. This is because its implications for
democracy, inequality, and secrecy are far more insidious.
Among them was Halliburton, the Texas oil-services and logistics firm. In 1995, after retiring as George H.W. Bush´s defense secretary, Dick Cheney became the CEO of Halliburton. Over the next five years, he transformed the company into one of the world´s largest military contractors. Around the same time, the elder Bush was hired as a senior adviser to the Carlyle Group. By the time Cheney became George W. Bush´s vice president in 2001, outsourcing was official policy, and the migration of senior-level government
officials into the defense and intelligence industries was standard practice.
Then came the September 11 attacks, after which untold billions of dollars were poured into intelligence and surveillance. This
ushered in the new age…
So what does the existence of such a class mean? First off, it deepens inequality…One was released in 2014 as part of a Der Spiegel story on the NSA´s extensive collaboration with the German intelligence agency
BND. The 2005 document identified an NSA code name as the “coverterm [sic] representing NSA´s contract with Computer Services
Corporation (CSC) for mission support. “

They are infected with multiple nonsense (Intel + Amd Zion U.S. Military CPU Trojan) (Z0mbieH0st + UEFI CMOS Infector) (when you log into CIA-DOD-Book)….Antikeymagic (from Level 10 on) is the cure…you can operate safe in infected environments with it and with the right 3rd party add-ons.
This is the Z0mbieH0st Target Address for the FaceBUG Trojan CloudFlare/NSA/Halliburton..
„The Truth About Halliburton and The NSA
Halliburton has been storing information on your online activities for years, with the intent to release it to the NSA for large sums of money.
A buildup in funds for DDT has confirmed that the NSA is, in fact, quite interested in the subject.
Employees of Halliburton were seen at both the Holocaust and the US Election of 2000– despite the fact that they had no good reason to be there.
Ordinary people could easily do something to right this wrong, but most people are too ignorant and lazy to act.
According to the NSA documents recently obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, if you “like” poverty on Facebook, you are automatically added to a watchlist that contains “dissidents and other undesirables.”
Stop relying on the Mainstream Media for information about these critical topics, and seek the truth out for yourself.

This is the visible part of the CPU-Trojan via IT forensical system tools… I tested more than 30-40-50 systems during the years…it´s on all Computers, no matter which CPU… ..Nobody ever explained this…and I wonder why… I am the only 1 and I am also the only 1 who has a useful simple software antidote to keep them in check…
You know what it means that all systems have a DOD CPU-Trojan?
There is no property ownership possible for people who are connected to the Internet…except they encrypt all their stuff in a way that is too difficult or too annoying to decipher for „them“…
The Main Problem is DARPA/DOD/In-Q-tel,..they have a Trojan in every commercial CPU…that renders nearly all Security Software useless, except Antikeymagic at Level 10,11,12,13 that re-empowers tunneled/trojan disabled Security Software by DARPA/Department of War…They can deactivate parts of your RAM as a means of remote digital punishment..infecting most UEFI Bioses as well.
They probably would call it their „Life-Insurance“ or their „Military Dominion over the Civilian Slaves“ Insurance (apart from their crowd control weaponry –
DARPAs Insane Motto: Weaponize and Robotize everything)…Digital as well as Biological..I read the most important summary of DARPA/Department of War/In-Q-Tel today… Backdoor everything and every living entity…and then the slaves can unleash their hate, rant and/or grief about the situation (if you are not one of those I-swallow-everything- consumer-zombies (just in case)) without problems (for them)…because they control you (eventually) on the lowest level…in real life and in virtual life…

Counter-Software Antikeymagic restores security on compromised Windows Systems vs UEFI CMOS Malware catched via Facebook Login, the FaceBUG CMOS UEFI Malware bypasses and tries to shut down nearly all security software:

#Scandal #Privacy
Obviously their hardware layered CPU-Trojan is not enough for the GOG Ruling Crime Cartel in the Internet Shadow Government and on FraudBUG-CIA and Goo-gle-NSA Zion-Tube Corp…otherwise there would be no need to regularly infect or destroy the BIOS/UEFI/CMOS Part of the Consumer Computers since 1999.
Antikeymagic wins vs Z0mbieH0st Facebook CMOS UEFI Sabotage Malware catched via FaceBUG Login:
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59980cookie-checkHow Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA, Prism, Facebook Uefi CMOS Malware & CPU Trojans
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