Monsanto´s Glyphosate Has Contaminated Nearly 100% Of The German Population

„Monsanto´s Glyphosate Has Contaminated Nearly 100% Of The German Population
A new study analyzing glyphosate residue in the urine of the German population has resulted in some truly shocking findings. Nearly one hundred percent of those tested have been contaminated with the ‘probable carcinogen’.
The troubling research comes on the heels of the EU’s announcement to delay a critical decision on whether to re-authorize glyphosate, classified by the World Health Organization as ‘probably carcinogenic’, until 2031.
The study, conducted by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, determined that all but 0.4% of the German population have glyphosate residues at five times the acceptable amount permitted in drinking water. More shocking, over one third of the population tested at levels between ten and 42 times the accepted amount! According to the study, children seem exceptionally vulnerable to the likely carcinogen, as significantly high amounts were found in children aged 10-19, primarily those living on farms.
Also of significance, the study found that meat eaters had substantially high levels of the chemical versus their vegetarian counterparts. This is likely an indication of animal feed made from GMO corn and soy crops which are heavily sprayed with glyphosate-based herbicides multiple times during the growing seasons.
“The investigation confirmed the findings of the Federal Environment Agency, in regards to the majority of the population having glyphosate residue in their urine”, said retired veterinarian Monika Krüger, who was involved with the study.
Dr. Krüger states the findings exemplify that further research must be conducted in order to grasp the link between glyphosate exposure and serious diseases, like cancer.
The controversy surrounding the herbicide has reached a fever pitch. Hundreds of thousands of activists have signed an online petition demanding the an end to glyphosate’s license. Numerous members of the EU, including Italy, Sweden and France strongly oppose the re-licensing and have announced they would vote against it, while other countries such as Austria, Belgium and Denmark are rumored to also oppose the re-licensing.
While the German government has not publicly weighed in on how they will vote, this new research is certain to put pressure on opposition to the re-licensing.
“Now nearly every single one of us has been contaminated by plant poison, it is clear to me that no new authorizations for 2031 should be issued,” urged Harald Ebner, a genetic engineering and bio-economic policy with the German Greens.
Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) made headlines with the declaration that glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer, listing it as Group 2A carcinogen. This classification is almost the highest possible categorization given by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), of the WHO.
The American Cancer Society has stated in regards to the classification system, “Perhaps not surprisingly, based on how hard it can be to test these candidate carcinogen, most are listed as being of probable, possible, or unknown risk. Only a little over 100 are classified as “carcinogenic to humans.”
The evidence cited for glyphosate’s classification is based on the following:“
Glyphosate also caused DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells, although it gave negative results in tests using bacteria. One study in community residents reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage (micronuclei) after glyphosate formulations were sprayed nearby.”
„GMOs, Other Technology Could Render Us Extinct“
„Another scientist has predicted that humanity will not live past the next century. He says that we have created too many uncontained hazards in our march for progress. Most people ignore scientists forecasting issues that will interrupt the gallantry of our day to day life but this is no ordinary mind.

Hawking says that (and was previously stated) humanity seems hell bent on its destruction.
Artificial intelligence, genetically modified viruses and nuclear energy are just a few of the dangerous advances in society that Hawking believes we are not taking seriously enough. Even the general reaction to a scientist’s warning danger in the future is shot down with apathy or criticized into submission. With so many educated minds crying out for us to be careful why don’t we listen? Hawking is not calling for research of any kind to stop. He is calling out for us to develop countermeasures, stating that.
“We are not going to stop progress, or reverse it so we must recognize the dangers and control them”
I couldn’t agree more. Researchers’ time may be better spent cleaning up sloppily done experiment or opening new lines of inquiry for practical applications of what we have.“

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