TI..evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.

„Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims globally. It is today’s most hidden human rights abuse and Russia has taken the lead to expose it in a TV news program that the host called a “profound” interview with a leading Targeted Individual advocate from Sweden.
Recently, a California woman and an expert in the field provided evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.
Russia Today has broadcast (below) what experts call the best coverage of today’s mind control crime, the old MKUltra on steroids. In the RT program, produced by Daniel Estulin, Deste La Sombra (From the Shadows) Magnus Olsson, a Targeted Individual, explains that today’s secretly forced human chips are as tiny as a few nonometers – and many more shocking details that make Edward Snowden’s disclosures seem sophomoric.
With the original title, Control mental. El sueño dorado de los dueños del mundo, (Mind control. The golden dream of the world’s masters) — broadcasted to some 10 million people — was one of the biggest victories for victims of implant technologies so far, thanks to Magnus Olsson.
He agrees with Dupré that this is the “biggest human rights abuses of our times:” connecting people against their will and knowledge to computers via implants of the size of a few nanometers – leading to complete destruction of not only the victims’ lives and health, but also their personalities and identities. Very few people are aware of the actual link between neuroscience, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuro-chips, transhumanism, the science fiction’s cyborg, robotics, somatic surveillance, behavior control, the thought police and human enhancement,” Olsson says. “They all go hand in hand, and never in our history before, has this issue been as important as it is now.”
The praise of the machine in these discourses dealing with not only transhumanism ideals but also neuroscience today has a cost and that is complete disrespect, despise and underestimation of human beings, at least when it comes to their bodies, abilities and biological functions,” Olsson says. “The brain is seen as the only valuable thing; not just because of its complexity and mysteries, but also because it can create consciousness and awareness.
Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon | Spies and Intelligence Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands “
Source: beforeitsnews.com/spies-and-intelligence/2014/08/secretly-microwave-assaulted-mkultra-vcitims

33140cookie-checkTI..evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.
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