Full body teleportation system – A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator…

A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.
This invention is a system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another using a pulsed gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace.
The basis for this invention is an event, referring to FIG. 1, occurring on May 2, 2004, in which the inventor (“he”) personally experienced a full-body teleportation while walking to the bus stop (A) along a road (B) that runs perpendicular to the nearby commercial airport runways where planes are landing. There is a wide iron
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of generating the pulsed gravitational wave comprises:
using two granite stone obelisks;
mounting monochromatic-wave toroidal waveguides on top of each obelisk to create a rotating, twisting, propagating gravitational wave through the vertical axis of each obelisk; and
creating a cylindrical compression and expansion in each obelisk to produce a plane gravitational wave traveling down the centerline between the two obelisks.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of generating a wormhole into hyperspace comprises:
using two concentric cylindrical solenoidal coils of different radii connected by a single wire wrapped in opposite directions on thin iron transformer laminate;
generating bucking electric fields down the centerline of the vortex generator which creates a spacetime curvature distortion with negative energy in accordance with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.
A teleportation system comprising:
generating a gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace which interacts with the human energy being; and
pulling the human energy being and physical body out of dimension when interacting with the pulsed gravitational wave such that the person is teleported from one location to another through hyperspace and back again into our 4D spacetime dimension.
On the other hand, a gravitational wave traveling in hyperspace would be magnified enormously due to the face that the linear mass is so small. The magnitude of the gravitational constant in hyperspace can be estimated in the following manner. At the beginning of the 20th century, a man’s parents were dying of tuberculosis. With their permission, he placed them and their beds on weighing scales. When each one passed away, each scale registered a drop in mass equal to 0.071 kilograms. This is the mass of the hyperspace energy being which resides in the physical body. Because hyperspace is co-dimensional with our dimension, the energy being interpenetrates the body and controls its movement.
Referring to FIG. 4, a human being has seven vortices (A through G) which are aligned along the centerline of the body. Each vortex is actually a co-gravitational field K which causes a pendulum placed in the field to spin in circles. For this reason, the K field has units of inverse seconds similar to an angular velocity. The vortex transports energy from our dimension to the energy being located in hyperspace. The gravitational field g and the co-gravitational field K are equivalent gravitationally to the electric E field and the magnetic B field found in electromagnetism. The equivalent gravitational solution to an electromagnetic problem can be obtained by substituting the following gravitational constants for the electromagnetic constants
Referring to FIG. 5, each vortex is connected through the pineal gland by light cords to a separate hyperspace quantum well having its own frequency and dimension. The reason for this separation is that the conical spiritual eye, attached to vortex B, has to have its own energy structure which is different from vortex (A) which is connected to the quantum energy field in which the mental processes are developed.
The answer comes from experiments done using the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate the human body over six feet in the air. The internal temperature of the stomach is around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. By simultaneously squeezing the diaphragm to bring hot air up through the lungs, and breathing through the nose to bring cold air down, rotating vortices are generated in the lung passages when these two air masses meet and twist around each other as depicted in the famous Yin-Yang diagram. Because the lung has variable diameter passages from the large diameter at the throat to the final small air sacs, there is a spectrum of rotating frequencies.
Electromagnetic Gravitational
q (charge) m (mass)
ρ (volume charge density) ρ (volume mass density)
σ (surface charge density) σ (surface mass density)
λ (line charge density) λ (line mass density)
J (convection current density) J (mass current density)
E (electric field) g (gravitational field)
B (magnetic field) K (co-gravitational field)
ε0 (permittivity of space) −¼πG
μ0 (permeability of space) −4πG/c2
−¼πε0 or −μ0 c2/4π G (gravitational constant)


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