Level 5 Bio-lab produced Nano-particle technology / Rense: Morgellons / NWO-Bionano-Invasion

The nano fibers have no cell structure. (Dr. Hildegard Staninger)
//Morgellon slows down energy levels massively / creative energy sucker parasites (red nanotech = Light-Energy-Blocker)//
//Morgellon sensors making Humans extremely conductive to external electromagnetic signals, Nanotech taking peoples voltage to function. // These nano technology machines are feeding of the biolelectric fields of humans, self-actualizing, self-replicating and self-assembling, extremely sophisticated technology, it may be the ultimate parasite of the human, planetwide infestation. // It is apparently a parasitic machine at the nanotechnology level. // We are dealing with a machine infesting the body. We now know the adversary is a machine. Arms race. They are diversifying the enemy which they are infesting us with. EPA Nanotechnology White-paper. Some of the nano machines are carrying different payloads. //Typical Sideeffects of the multi-systemic nano machine infection aka Morgellons: Cognitive Problems – Short term memory loss // Quadrillions of Microchips – The most diabolical thing that exists – nano machines as receiver – transceiver – electromagnetic and scalar wave receiver. It´ll spread into all things and it does have artificial intelligence.
Ozone won´t help to destroy morgellons as such because they are inorganic. //Own-Remarks: 09.05.2014.
Rense Morgellons MP3 Talkshow.
„Level 5 Bio-lab produced Nano-particle technology (self-replicating, self-repairing) – designed to overtake & weaken the Immune System.“ (2013/4)
For anyone in any doubt Morgellons Syndrome is very real. It is linked to Chemtrail fallout; derived from self replicating, self repairing nano-particle technology found in the spray.
The program is officially named: Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. An extraordinary level of secrecy surrounds the whole operation, reflecting a well-organized, coordinated international-scale “continuity of agenda” being carried out country to country; an undemocratic, scientific experiment being waged on our communities, one seemingly above/outside the jurisdiction of local government intervention, monitoring or ethical checks & balances – especially in terms of the imminent threat posed to public/environmental safety, for our generation and more so, those generations to come.
Agenda 21 will provide the mechanism needed to gain complete control over nature, societies, the natural life cycle as we once knew it. Agenda 21, once it is fully implemented, will spell the end of human access (the common people that is) to wilderness areas, the formation of Centralized “Planetopolis” ghettos (managed by a powerful committee of Technocratic Elites), where-in the government can/will systematically determine the limits of growth via sterilization programs, the abolishing of any/all principles of self-determination of the body, a unilateral ban on organic produce, the cutting off of all natural resources ie. fresh water, clean air, literally blocking out the Sun’s Ultra Violet Rays via round-the-clock Chemtrail aerosol spray saturation of our skies with Aluminum, Barium & Strontium particulates, micro-bacterial viruses & Level 5 Bio-lab produced Nano-particle technology (self-replicating, self-repairing) – designed to overtake & weaken the Immune System.
The Chemtrail program involves a convergence of Haarp & Chemtrail technologies), where-in thousands of tons of fine metal particulates are routinely sprayed into the lower-upper Stratosphere (average 35,000 feet), producing an artificial barrier or shield (city-wide) which literally deflects a large proportion of the sun’s UV rays from reaching the earth, producing, depending on the geography below, a cooker-effect or a sudden cooling in temperature. Haarp (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is always utilized in conjunction with Chemtrailing, to direct microwave energies (upwards of 36,000,000 watts) toward the filter, which literally heats up or supercharges the metallic “cloud surface” itself. This subsequently triggers a host of abnormal weather changes throughout the entire region below, typically severe lightning storms, short-term “monsoon-like” rainstorms, prolonged overcast skies, drought and/or flooding, depending on the targeted region, if the program is continued for weeks or months on end.
The Technocratic Elites who have hijacked our Governments are triggering a deluge of floods & prolonged adverse weather conditions; while cutting all urban populations off from access to the sun’s beneficial D3 rays. White haze is now the “safe alternative” to true blue skies. This is the new phase which will auger in the coming control grid dystopia. Once all the pieces are in place and the rules of Agenda 21 are strictly enforced globally (in sync with the rolling out of a digitized, cashless economy) general health levels will plummet as the herd is “herded” into literally centralized polyopolis workcamps. Simultaneously the UN will begin rapidly locking down the vast majority of wetland areas from public use. Irradiated GMO food will replace organic food forever under this system. Expect hybrid Cancer & Autism rates etc to skyrocket exponentially. Morgellon’s Syndrome (tied to nano-particle technology embedded in the Chemtrail spray) will become the new celebrity disease of the moment.The consortium of Technocratic Elites who comprise the dominant Military, Scientific (& Medical) Industrial Complex now literally own our skies, and are routinely, systematically, deliberately messing with nature’s natural cycles(integration of Chemtrail & HAARP technologies) in order to pin the blame on man-made “Climate Change”; part of a devious, calculated “Ponzi Scheme” hatched through the United Nations, to use any/all anthropogenic impact on the environment (i.e. Carbon Dioxide – vital to sustaining all plant/tree life on earth) as a pretext for taxing the common people back into the Middle ages, whilst imposing gradually worsening austerity measure on our communities, till the masses eventually learn to live with nothing…and grovel on our knees for Global Governance total control over our lives & Institutions.
… systematically Chemtrailing our skies, artificially blocking out the sun’s UV rays, thereby depriving our communities of vital, life-sustaining Vitamin D3, which is causing a rapid chain reaction of environmental catastrophy, due to all the heavy metal particulate fallout contaminating our soil, rendering it unfit for growing natural produce for generations to come due to severe alkalinity levels & equally contaminating our groundwater on which we depend for survival, on top of all the prolonged drought & flooding which is being deliberately triggered across the board via the convergence of Haarp & Chemtrail technologies, diverting natural weather patterns by design, in order to turn traditionally fertile, local farm-land into arid desert; whereupon Monsanto moves in, buys up the land for pennies on the dollar, and begins planting its own Abiotic (crop damage) resistant GMO seeds. Check mate.
All these manufactured extreme weather changes, including the environmental damage, collapsing food & waters supplies, will ultimately be blamed on Anthropogenic Global Warming – the end result of which WE, the people, will pay increasingly higher taxes and be subject to ongoing draconian austerity measures unlike anything society has witnessed since the Middle Ages. Eventually humanity will face much more punishing measures once the Global Governance Police State apparatus is fully in place, as the limits of growth will be strictly determined, by a consortium of unelected, untouchable Technocratic Elites.
And this entire Machiavellian-devised operation, which was hatched decades ago in the United Nations, is going perfectly according to plan.
Agenda 21 Chapter 9: ‘Protection Of The Atmosphere – Preventing (Anthropogenic/manmade) stratospheric ozone depletion: To develop strategies aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface as a consequence of depletion and modification of the stratospheric ozone layer.‘
„Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”“
Whether you’re willing to acknowledge it or not, your environment is being artificially engineered, your immediate & longterm health directly threatened by the ongoing imposition of Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering aka chemtrailing on your community, the species itself permanently altered, and if you choose to stick your head in the sand, history certainly won’t begrudge you for it. And those criminals getting away with this atrociously illegal ongoing crime against humanity will thank you for rolling over and complying without attempting to defend your inherent rights. But in the end you will have done nothing to make a difference for future generations…let alone potentially overlooking the damaging influence your compliance with these crimes will ultimately have on your children. And by extension you will never have earned the right to stand free from tyranny and proclaim your independence.
What’s so frustrating to acknowledge about the whole Chemtrail issue is the fact that none of this orchestrated destruction has to unfold as it is planned for us. We are allowing a small handful of lunatics in charge, behind the scenes, through a shadow government network that pulls the strings from the UN, Nato, Military & Air Force echelons on down through all regional departments to carry out their sick plans unhindered & without contest. It’s as though we’ve just given up and sat back in reticent compliance, because we think it’s all too complex a machinery to stop the wheels…when the truth is, we could halt this monstrous program overnight if enough of us banded together from around the world to stop it. This attitude must change or else we simply have no future whatsoever.
Furthermore, most current meteorologists have no integrity whatsoever any longer, a band of liars, choosing to ignore the imminent threat posed by the ongoing Chemtrail agenda. The mainstream media blackout on coverage & widespread systemic denial of the glaring Chemtrail assault of our skies around the world is one of the most shameful displays of ignorance & corruption in the history of journalism.
“There is no greater and no more immediate threat to anything that lives & breathes than the Global Geo-engineering programs short of Nuclear catastrophy.” Dane Wigington, Solar expert/Climate Researcher
”The weather disasters seem to be directly correlated to an increase in Monsanto sales.” Barb Peterson, Small farmer/Rancher/ Researcher
I recently met a father at our September 2009 anti-Vaccine rally in the late stages of Morgellons. For all intents & purposes his life is ruined. He has had to effectively isolate himself from his family like a leper… Since then I have come in contact with another two victims of the Syndrome, both of whom reported the same lingering symptoms.
Morgellon’s sufferers are commonly afflicted with protuberant black, blue, red or white hairy fibers which develop under the surface of the skin and grow out in pustules randomly all over the body. The texture is similar to the underside of a mattress when peeled back, extremely painful & virtually irreversible. Lesions and/or callouses form over the skin areas affected. They’re also discovering fibrous-type invertebrates, wormlike & cellulose fibers, silicon, DNA, insect pods in these victims.
Morgellons fibers are sensors (artificially intelligent devices) which measure PH levels & body temperature, Blood Glucose, Blood gases & other medical conditions – laboratory produced self replicating, self repairing nano-tech machines (termed Nanoprobes). Treatment of Morgellon’s symptoms is slow, with varying results. It is crucial to maintain your proper alkalinity levels (2/3rds over acidic) with daily maintenance – regular doses of Organic Apple Cider vinegar.
The problem is this is a very insidious disease, scientifically designed to overtake your cell structure & overall immune system. We have to find out who’s behind the program and bring them all to justice; while ensuring that chemtrailing itself is forever banned. We deserve to be left alone to live our lives naturally, not to linger in a chronically sick condition. That’s where all this is headed if we don’t fight back now.
Morgellons Syndrome was developed in a level 5 Bio-Weapons Research Laboratory; it’s target…YOU.“
Source: http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=839

4900cookie-checkLevel 5 Bio-lab produced Nano-particle technology / Rense: Morgellons / NWO-Bionano-Invasion
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