TB2 Drone Destroys Dozen Russian Tank Near Ukraine Capital Kiev

„Tension Today : A Bayraktar TB2 Drone Destroys Dozen Russian Tank Near Ukraine Capital Kiev“
„2.938.008 Aufrufe – 03.03.2022“
„DOD Update News
Tension Today : A Bayraktar TB2 Drone Destroys Dozen Russian Tank Near Ukraine Capital Kyiv
Turkish-made drones are manhandling Russian armor in Ukraine. The Bayraktar TB2 unmanned system is making its presence known and the Russians are feeling the heat. While the Ukrainian drone doesn’t have the numbers to be completely decisive, it is making the job of attritting Russian tanks and armored vehicles that much easier. The success of the Bayraktar has elicited oohs and ahhs and cheers from the Ukrainian operators and has given military personnel a needed morale boost.

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