„Victor Davis Hanson – The Failure of Globalism | Highlights Ep.37“
„546.021 Aufrufe – 04.02.2022“
„No one can rule the world.“
„Who Polices the Police?“
„So the League of Nations, which was envisioned
under Woodrow Wilson’s Versailles agenda,
for a very brief time seemed to be successful in adjudicating
international disputes of trade or jurisdiction or borders
until Adolf Hitler or the Japanese militarists or Josef
Stalin said, I don’t need to listen to you.
And so World War II doomed the first incarnation
of a united group of nations, the League of Nations.
After World War II, the same suspicious idea
resurfaced with the United Nations.
But this time, we were going to have a Security Council.
And they were going to be the world’s top powers,
the strongest, the most successful,
and then they could be the enforcer.
But the problem, of course, was that very early on the Soviet
Union was not the solution to the problem,
but it was the problem itself.
Because there’s always going to be some country who’s
powerful by breaking the rules and going
beyond its own prerogative.
In other words, an anti-democratic China
that has currently a million and a half people in camps,
and yet, they’re on the United Nations,
and they’re a citizen of the world.
And if the United Nations would decide
that the Chinese, contrary to the UN Charter,
are putting people in concentration camps,
or they’re harvesting organs from people deemed
not necessary, or they’re forcing people
to have abortions that don’t fit their idea of family planning,
or they’re bullying their neighbors,
or they illegally created a base in the Spratly Islands, what is
the United Nations going to do?
And the answer is they can’t do anything.
In 2020, we saw an international pandemic.
And our United Nations charter medical organization,
the World Health Organization, warned us
from the very beginning–
do not issue a travel ban against China.
And then, we learned that the World Health Organization
was essentially parroting or mimicking what China wanted.“