‘Enemy of humankind’: Ex-Russian oligarch speaks out about Putin

„‘Enemy of humankind’: Ex-Russian oligarch speaks out about Putin“
„419.134 Aufrufe – 4.3.2022“

„CNN: 13,4 Mio. Abonnenten: CNN’s Nina dos Santos speaks with Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former Russian oil tycoon and Kremlin critic who says Russian President Vladimir Putin is „the enemy of humankind.““

„I have been fighting him for almost 20 years and 10 of those years in prison…
I am absolutely convinced … that he is the enemy of humankind.
So this is a man who took the decision that he can kill people and bomb towns for some interests of his own. He is personally enemy and I think he is the enemy of any normal human being.“

469340cookie-check‘Enemy of humankind’: Ex-Russian oligarch speaks out about Putin
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