Sophia Suppressor Implants / Left Hooks / Negative Alien Religions / Brainwashing

Sophia Suppressor Implants / Left Hooks / Negative Alien Religions / Brainwashing
„Negative Alien Religions
One of the largest lies promoted to divide our race is the War over Gods promoted through Religious Violence. The false archetypal story of a Crucified Christ figure is a mockery to further enslave humans into believing in a salvation model through a Crucified Christ. It represents the tortured human being, as we are all the Christ, and we have been crucified/implanted as our planet was invaded. These structures are called Crucifixion implants. These Crucifixion Implants are tangible control structures placed in the 7th dimensional logos, and therefore it is in our individual bodies, in the 7th dimensional chakra, its complex, meridians, and the entire left side (our female spirit) of our bodies. We are not aware of these implants until we open the 7th Chakra Seal and start connecting this part of our 7th layer Lightbody to our personal consciousness field.
NAA Invasion
When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity.
Invasion Strategy
To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of Archontic Deception systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an AD infected human or nonhuman (NAA) as having little to no remorse or empathy. If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves.To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archontic Deception Strategy.
Mind Control
Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity. The Power Elite are the small group of humans that share similar bloodlines that represent the NAA. These humans are ensured they remain in power on earth with materialism and military weapons as long as the enforce and feed the Archontic Deception Strategy.
Hidden ET and Fallen Angelic History
Now during the Atlantean cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids Ley Lines became controlled by the NAA Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki , the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group Draconians. And this Golden Eagle Grid grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these collective consciousness grids for reversed purposes of malintent designed for the NAA and the False Gods which was the opposite from their original purpose.So, in the last 26,000 years, the Golden Eagle Grid became controlled and was primarily used as a mind control broadcast station, literally, that would send out false information or manipulated information to the mass human population. One purpose in the Iran Gate is to send out False King of Tyranny patriarchal domination mind control through the ArchAngel Michael Matrix collective. It was sending out information that was about the program that the Annunaki to continue to plummet humanity into false Timelines of which is one of darkness, enslavement and separation using software called the Armageddon Software, Metatronic Reversal and Victim-Victimizer. The Golden Eagle Grid literally became like a mind control weapon because that is what they have been using it for. It had been reclaimed back a few years ago in terms of the Guardian Founder Races who are working to rehabilitate the places of the fallen consciousness grids Fallen Angelic mind matrix and override the patriarchal mind control through the Solomon Shield and activation of the Mother Arc Hubs.
Reptilian Hierarchy
Extraterrestrials that are hybridized with Reptilian based genetics operate in strict hierarchical systems of rank, and defer to their superior groups. The Dracos or Draconians from Alpha Draconis are in command of earth based subterranean reptilians who respect their superiors in the belief system that the Dracs are those who hold „ownership“ over earth and human beings. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. The Alpha Draconis Draco have a „Royal Class“ that appear to be lighter colors, white Skinned scales with winged appendages, and are about two to three times the size of an average human, and very muscular. They are quite menacing and tyrannical, showing little mercy to an entity of their own race that they think has defied their orders or responsibilities to manage their „earthly resources“. Earth based reptilians appear to be in command over EBE or biological entities known as small Grays. The Reptilians have developed high psionic abilities, which they use for mind controlling other entities, and do not have an emotional body or soul body.
The known reptilian races on earth appear to have made a variety of cooperative agreements with the higher ranks of human government and military, which have resulted in shadow government black projects, such as Secret Space Programs, MILABS and the creation of military industrial complex to experiment and exploit alien based technologies and craft that they have been given access through their cooperation. Dracs are a extremely militant..and warring species that are very involved in controlling the Power Elite, financial, pharmaceutical and banking institutions, promoting war and killing through increasing militarization, poverty consciousness, human enslavement programming, religious violence, terrorism, and the harvesting of humanities DNA though
abduction and experimentation, as well as other species they have under their control.
Negative Aliens
Negative Aliens – These are extradimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source (like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a genetic farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm. Many of them are inherently violent and dangerous. They consider humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. The NAA or Archons can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm and violence for their own amusement. Some of these negative groups have access to advanced technologies that have been developed over many millions of years in other Universal systems or Galaxies, however, most of their technological advancements have come from the creation and use of Artificial intelligence, hence they are considered AI Prophets. As AI Prophets they are behind the propagation of all forms of Transhumanism as a method to steal an individuals autonomy and sovereignty via addiction to all things technological, as well as propagating technological abuse of the Soul.
These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes. See the Ages of Humanity. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race by artificially generating False Timelines. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives. See Dark Force Manipulation
„Wounds of Christ
Many upcoming frequency transmissions are events related to the re-connection of the Universal Unity Logos field that is based upon rebuilding the Krystal Star trinity wave architecture in the planetary brain. This architecture is beginning to help repair and recode the damaged and invaded sections of the planetary logos. The Planetary Logos is the global brain of the earth and represents the collective human blueprint body in the Morphogenetic Field and broadcasts the Violet Ray to the crown 7th Chakra of the human race Lightbody. The rebirth and support of the planetary logos includes recoding the 7th Violet Ray of Ceremonial Magic (which changes how ritual/spell/curse energy has been cast or used in Black Magic rites in the planet), the rebirth of the Female Melchizedek Christos-Sophia principle to help to embody the crown Chakra Logos (to help override the distorted electron fields and heal the male mental body principle from Metatronic Reversal), and healing the bloodlines from the Wounds of Christ, the miasmatic infection held inside the bodies via Crucifixion Implants.
The Wounds of Christ are karmic blood miasms in the planetary body and human bodies manifested into genetic distortions as a result of embedded crucifixion inserts that were placed in the planetary brain and collective human race body. These Holographic Inserts misdirected and stole the planetary life force energy and body parts belonging to our spirit. The false crucifixion inserts are how our planetary collective mind was invaded to reflect itself with the salvation model of a crucified deity, which was designed to spread the NAA’s violent religions on the earth. Crucifixion represents the consciousness enslavement of humanity to repeatedly recycle their Souls from karmically bound physical bodies and distorted blood records, as a result of the Wounds of Christ. The crucified group Consciousness bodies were used to feed the artificial creations or Phantom Matrix spaces made by Controllers to serve their enslavement agenda on the earth. This is surfacing now to be recoded into alignment with the higher structure of Universal Laws serving the God source divine purpose, and take account of the abuses and crimes committed from their misuse within the Controller and NAA groups that have instigated and wielded religious wars and stealing consciousness power from others in the past Dark Age. This time begins a phase of Restoration which is about returning and reclaiming the Christos-Sophianic Intelligence to the earth, and returning the spiritual bodies back to the planet and the rightful owner of which it belongs to.“
„There is in some cases of observing a relationship of 4D SPE astral infection and 7D Crucifixion Implants. In the case study of LR, the SPE nest was removed in conjunction with left side Crucifixion Implants removals.
Important Notes
SPE are jelly fish, spider or crab grass like blobs with “tentacles” that are genetically engineered by the NAA militarized Archons to implant the side (lateral) head of the target, and can be either right or left or both sides. They eventually move into other parts of the body through the central nervous system… they wither away and make them easier to pull out like half-dead weeds.
They seem to be related to the C1/C2 dislocation at the back of the cranium and spine, and crucifixion implants. These implants seem to make their removal much more difficult, so when the Atlas adjustment occurs and there is a systematic release of the crucifixion implants, these jelly fish creatures are much more easily pulled out at the side temporal lobe. So a part of the issue is waiting for the person to evolve to a point where they can participate with their own spiritual growth, and recognize these creatures, otherwise pulling these out can feel like a violation to the body. …
Observations of AI
When they grow they have a life cycle similar to a jellyfish, the central organism creates pods, so you can have something like a family of SPE creatures, a large Parent hub with smaller children pods. These pods are deposited in areas of the meridians to control the CNS.
The main Parent Hub seems to always be located in the temporal lobe above the ear, either right or left side.
The tentacles can grow down the spine and neck, and will create muscle stiffness, pain, headaches.
They can jump on to people that are vulnerable to mind control, like massage therapists or other practitioners not advanced in shielding or aware of the NAA agenda.
People with these tend to act erratic, may be responsible for personality changes and eventually in advanced stages become automatons.“
„False Ascension Matrix
Heavy coordinate points that cross into and flood the energy tributaries into the Axiatonal Lines from the 4th and 7th Dimension are being repaired. Since the planetary 7th dimensional axiatonal line is the main disruption of the false christ Crucifixion Implants this has been a primary repair project. The 7th ray (Violet RayFlame) is transmitted through the planetary 7th Axiatonal lines and is being recoded. Previously this false crucifixion energy implanted in the 7th Axiatonal line was feeding another false program being used in the Astral plane which was like a mirage. This mirage I have referred to in previous articles is the “False Ascension Matrix” Program. This is why the 4th (Astral Plane) and the 7th dimensions (violet flame and Planetary Logos/group mind) are so important in how they intersect and feed the levels of false (enslavement) programming.“

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