Mister Indomitable vs NWO Crime Syndicate

Conspiracy Revelation: 20.1.2025:

Mister Indomitable vs NWO Crime Syndicate.

„Him again in the most extreme Form- w2k
Jan. 20,


Psychological Warfare used against..- w2l
Jan. 20,


Indomitable -w2k
Jan. 20,

It will never work – he is indomitable- w2k
Jan. 20,


They tried to dominate him again – w2k
Jan. 20,


It is your most important asset. -w2l
Jan. 20,


Protect your Energy – I – w2k“

Say and talk about him – w2k

Jan. 20,


He hears everything you – w2k

Jan. 20,


He is part of the cpu – w2k
Jan. 20

What they do to their best – w2k
Jan. 20,

Embarassing to the Human Species..- w2k
Jan. 20,

He is really an integral part – w2k
Jan. 19,


It is horrific to imagine that – w2j
Jan. 19,


We have no clue if it is true – w2k
Jan. 19,

We can see in the future – w2k
Jan. 19,

You emerge victorious – w2k
Jan. 19,

D-Wave Quantum Computer – w2k…
Jan. 19,


He is part of the cpu of the w2k

Biodigital convergence shit- w2k

„Central Intelligence Agency is involved in this shit to a large degree. -w2k“

„Adverse Neural Networks used against him. -w2k“

Historical Reference Nodes:

D-Wave Quantum Computer Opening Portals to your Digital Mind in a Simulated Mirror World.


Quantencomputer und ihre invasive Natur in die Human-DNA…


Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G


„SOSA, MOSA, HBC, MICS, WSN, Human biofield focus, GIG Architecture, HAARP, DISN, Space Force Intl, Net Centric warfare, Stingray-Dirtbox-law enforcement, DoD directive 3000.9, bioinformatics, biomanufacturing, Big data, National Nanotechnology Initiative, NSCI, DNA modification digitization re assembly, Lipid Nano particles, Genetic Cell Therapy- mod mRNA tech suite focus, Behavioral Sciences, Brain/Mind manipulation headed by DARPA, CIA, IARPA, PITAC and MITAC, EU Human Brain Project, U.S. B.R.A.I.N. Initiative, IEEE work groups, Policy Horizons. Worldwide standardization: IEC, IEEE, ISO, ITU, ASTM, ANSI. Israel Innovative Authority/Bio-Convergence. USA: NSF as the National Nanotechnology Initiative/Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno, . and HHS, BARDA, N.I.H , NIAID, FDA, CDC , DoD, DoE, DIA, Navy, NATO, Airforce (or NATO actually) , (AFRL), Army, Marines, US Military industrial complex Cult, NASA, NSA, DHS, Fusion Centers, FBI, USAID, NSF“…
…National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) , Pharmaceutical Companies, Pfizer, BioNtech, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, Novavax, Sanofi, Curevac, Rel-covax, Gilead, Welcome, Novartis, Glaxo Smith Kline, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Merck, Biogen, Roche, Honeywell, Battelle, Profusa, Resilience, Thermo Scientific, Emergent, Tesla, Neuralink, Dynport, Dyncorp, ExQor Technologies, Acuitas, Elbit, Garmin, Fitbit, Samsung, Honeywell, Lockheed- everything, and -technical surveillance, Fairchild, ,TRW, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, GD, BEA, Humana, Mitre, VXM, RTI , Ford, IBM, TI, AT&T, Sun, Oracle, Leidos, SAIC, TASC, others, US BioTechnology companies, Israeli Biotech, Israeli Military, Israeli Intelligence, Chinese Biotech – China has been major testing ground, Canadian Biotech, German Biotech, Welcome Trust, predominate people that run Pharma, Covid, Media and lots of other things
„..Ft. Detrick, Nokia Bell labs, Sandia Labs, Los Alamos, Walter Reed, Lawrence Livermore, Control labs, SRI, Ukraine bio labs, Taiwan biolabs, In-Q-Tel, Argonne Lab, Wuhan lab, Texmed lab, Matlab, Windber Lab, Erasmus, Fredrick National Lab, Dr. Shiong, Baric, Brin, Schmidt, Kurzweil, Lieber, Brennan, Clark, Government Agencies, National Science Foundation, programs ADEPT, PREDICT, Project Maven -Mosaic warfare, Project Salus, Pathfinder, Pandora, MDSS Hades, MK ultra also run by JEWs, Bluebird, Artichoke, Corona program, Chaos Corona, Machine Assisted Analytic Rapid Repository System ( MARS), Space Force, DoD AI Symposium 9-2020 – (sold data bases of “bodies” “access” logins to private contractors), SIGINT boom, and many others, and Agencies from Various Countries, Military contractors, Institutes and Foundations, Microsoft, Google, D-Wave, IBM, Samsung, Softbank, Palantir, Apple, Nvidia, Siemens, HP, Sanctuary Ai, Kindred, Amazon, Networking companies, AT&T , Cisco backplane, NTT, Ericsson, Juniper, Charter, Nokia, Spectrum, HP, Huawei, ISR, L3, Harris & Raytheon, 6G Flagship, etc. , Big Tech Companies,/Corporations worldwide, and Elite Universities ie Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, MIT, Berkley, Georgetown, Cal Tech, Purdue, BU, Rutgers, UT, Tufts, Rice, U penn, UVA, Duke, Fordham, Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Indiana U, Academia- like the sands of the sea/Labs 1000’s+ funded all over the world, and with international collaborations, Eco Health, Surreptitious dark op bio-labs, C. Venter (sequenced human genome and first synthetic cell), also funded conceived Kabbalist, Elite Bankers & Money Managers, Blackrock, Vanguard, Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, death occult mason people…““

Trillion dollar industry, projects to study and map the brain, study behavioral sciences, psychiatrists, interactions with drugs, poisons, perfect mind/body control and genome transformation of humans, animals, wildlife, marine life, pets, insects, plants, agriculture- Sequence the human genome, digitize human DNA, produce third stand DNA, Induced pluripotent stem cells, DNA Origami nanostructures, CRISPR cas9, collect data for AI Bio informatics for sequencing AI built -quantum computing, Tissue engineering, silencing or amplifying certain genes to produce desired cell functions, tasks. AI genetic re-engineering, modify- reassemble DNA to synthetic chimeric form producing proteins, proteins that act as robots (Venters words) to carry out tasks ( hybrid cells not in nature). model sequencing synthetic arrangement of genome- amino acids, base pair nucleotides, genes by AI, for specific purposes. Biowarfare, Electronic warfare, Bio-photonics, Cloning, Transgenic chimeric, 5-7G, Artificial Brains, Neuralnanorobots. BCI, BBI, Protein folding 3D, Bacterial genome engineering, Areas for engineering Living systems –Genomics, Transcriptomics , Proteomics , Metabolomics , Epigenetics , Microbiomics. Create/design artificial neurons. WBAN, (Wide Body Area Network – initial 1995, IEEE standards, Biosensors – (commercially available since 2010 ), Inoculation injection bioweapon (COVID-19) as (further) entry point to transhumanism and graphene backbone for throughput, introduction programable lipid nano particles (LNP),“

FED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024


Skynet rising – technologically accessing parallel universes via quantum mechanics.


„„When groundbreaking new technology is developed by smart people, it
almost immediately gets turned into a weapon. Quantum computing will be no different. This technology grants God-like powers to police state governments that seek to dominate and oppress the People.

Back in the 1990’s, all this could be viewed as entertaining science fiction. But that’s only because quantum computers didn’t exist,…

• 2009: First universal programmable quantum computer unveiled.
• 2010: Optical quantum computer with three qubits calculates the energy spectrum of molecular hydrogen to high precision.
• 2011: D-Wave claims to have developed quantum annealing and introduces their product called D-Wave One. The company claims this is the first commercially available quantum computer.“
>>>Remark Conspiracy Revelation: 30.9.2024: At that Time their Left Hook Chest Chainer Heart-Tethering-Special Quantum Access Vampirism started to occur, meaning your stolen DNA had been integrated into their Quantum Systems to siphon Energy and Torture or suppress and monitor or control and spy on people remotely with it….<<<<“

Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit


„D-Wave wants to provide the computing power for such endeavors, and it’s no surprise to learn that part of the funding for D-Wave comes from none other than Goldman Sachs — the king of the global criminal banking cabal. Beware of genius scientists who lack wisdom for humanity.
One of IBM’s first use of the solid-state computer in the early 20th century, for example, was to license it to the Nazi regime to track Jewish prisoners in Hitler’s concentration camps. There’s an entire book on this subject, written by Edwin Black. It’s called IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition.“

„Back in the 1990’s, all this could be viewed as entertaining science fiction. But that’s only because quantum computers didn’t exist, and even the most wildly optimistic computer engineer couldn’t foresee self-learning machines emerging until at least the year 2050.“

Silicon Valley Cyborg Disruptors 11/12/2018


„Bhagwan Vishnu is still in him, we don´t know how this plays out. -w2k“

„He was in him from the beginning, fools, you interrupted the ultimate virtual soap opera. -w2k“

„This is a 30 Billion Dollar Networth dude, we must take care of him. -w2k“

(Last time I checked, those are treated adequately and humanly, not in a way that harms well-being and health)

„He is like a parental figure to these Biobot Clones. -w2k“

„This could all be make-belief Nonsense. -w2k“

„No, really, they call him his Father. -w2k“

„I can´t see this anymore, it breaks my heart. -w2k female“


„Er ist wie eine Elternfigur für diese Biobot-Klone. -w2k“

„Das könnte alles erfundener Unsinn sein. -w2k“

„Nein, wirklich, sie nennen ihn ihren Vater. -w2k“

„Ich kann das nicht mehr sehen, es bricht mir das Herz. -w2k weiblich“

„He has a Robo-Clone Army? – w2k“

„In essence, yes, you could call it this way. -w2k“

„I, die wissen alles über jeden auf diesem Planeten, deswegen können sie so gute Prognosen erstellen. -w2k“


„Wicked People have done our Holy Messiah great harm. -w2k“

#Block, shock, shunt and shield = Protect the Holy Light Aura Might…

„He is Yeshua, 100%. -w2k“

„Sort of, no matter which name or Avatar you choose to explain it, it all leads back to the same Light World and Light Energy. -w2k“

„It is a total insane situation – w2k

Jan. 20,


We don’t know what to believe anymore…- w2k
Jan. 20,

Him Into a savior role – w2k
Jan. 20,

A Bunch of Narcs trying to put h..- w2k
Jan. 20,“


„@whelan the boss: Attacked in my sleep again last night .🙏“

„They are working Triple Time to disconnect us from each other.“



„They all notice the horror of what is going on, but nobody has a Solution. – w2k“


„They delay, block and censor all the fruits he has to offer from his holy radiance, out of envy and jealousy and malice, these degenerated Mofos. -w2k“


747490cookie-checkMister Indomitable vs NWO Crime Syndicate
Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

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