Monatsarchive: März 2014

Forced Nanoparticles

…Nanites cytokine storm, a sort of immune system feedback loop… Body´s immune system turns against cells and mimic flue-like symptoms, due to DoD/Darpa nano-particle frequency-triggered Overload. This Nano-Program began in 1995, that doesn´t mean necessarily the exposition year. Nanoparticles bind … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chemtrails, Cyborgs, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks | Schreib einen Kommentar

Predatory Gangstalking

„Who are the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking? They include career criminals, participants in the drug trade, extreme ideologists such as radical Christians, members of hate groups such as White Supremacists, members of motorcycle and street gangs, and homeless people. They … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chemtrails, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Witches&Demons&Magick | Schreib einen Kommentar

Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust.

US Army Intelligence Officer: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust. Video has been Removed… Update: 20.4.2020: „US Army Intelligence Officer Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2.809 Aufrufe•01.05.2017“ Published: 15.3.2013 / Detected: 1.2.2014 /Update: 20.4.2020 … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar


Alliance/Empower/Ermächtigung. People need to cooperate virtually and really and create local as well as global real-life alliances, otherwise effective change will be near to impossible. / Die Menschen müssen virtuell und reell zusammenarbeiten und sowohl lokale, als auch global-reale Allianzen … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower | Schreib einen Kommentar

Hollywood Built by Witches (Illuminati Mind Control)

„Hollywood built by Witches (Illuminati Mind Control) …and we are all under its spell. Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Governments are not empowered to protect you. Police Department is not there to serve you. … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, Witches&Demons&Magick | Schreib einen Kommentar

Airline mystery could be solved….

Airline mystery could be solved, it is assumed that the Illuminati Rothschilds are behind this unexplicable phenomenon (especially known as self-proclaimed alpha-predators, horror shockers and terror bringers of the world) they now could build new sophisticated „toys“, to secure the … Weiterlesen

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Military and Corporations vs Humanity and The World.

Military and Corporations vs Humanity and The World. For 4 Years – the world has fundamentally changed – it´s all about mind-body-behavior-weather-time-space-multi-dimensional-control (DARPA Brain Project / Transhumanism) as well as quantum and electromagnetic world domination. (luciferic power structures) Malaysian-plane-20-on-board-worked-for-ELECTRONIC-WARFARE-and-radar-defence-company

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Chemtrails und andere Milliardengeschäfte

Chemtrails und andere Milliardengeschäfte. / Chemtrails and other billion businesses. Sehr zutreffender und guter Bericht. / Very accurate and good report. (29.12.2012) Start ab 5:51 min. PS: Diejenigen, die nicht pro-islamistisch sind, sind keine Faschisten, sondern Antifaschisten. Terror wird … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Chemtrails | Schreib einen Kommentar

From Chemtrails to Chembombs…

From Chemtrails to Chembombs… (8.9.2012) „Chemtrails are now old school. Chembombs are the latest evolution of geoengineering. These are Aerial Aerosol Explosions shot into the stratosphere from ships and from land creating massive artificial chem clouds. This video shows the … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Chemtrails | Schreib einen Kommentar

Chemtrail-Nano: Information/Desinformation.

Chemtrail-Nano: Information/Desinformation.

Veröffentlicht unter Chemtrails | Schreib einen Kommentar

„Red Tacton – A Human Area Network DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has acquired a breakthrough technology from Nippon (NTT), that uses the surface of the human body as a high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton is … Weiterlesen

Publiziert am von AdminVI2021 | Schreib einen Kommentar

Geo Engineering The Silence of Engineered Genocide

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chemtrails, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Kabbale/Cabal, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism | Verschlagwortet mit | Schreib einen Kommentar