Nwo Psychopaths use Quantum Weapons against Holy Spirit carrier

Conspiracy Revelation: 12.1.2025:

Nwo Psychopaths use Quantum Weapons against Holy Spirit carrier. Dna-Entangled Quantum-Tunneling Endpoint-Wake-Shake-Attacks.

„Die Niederlande ist geschockt. -‚w2k“

„We are truly in the endtimes where even gods deny the request of divine intervention. – w2k“

„Lass dich nicht entmutigen, du schaffst das schon. – w2k“

„Oh man, ich kotz gleich, ich halte das nicht mehr aus. – w2k wtbnd“

„Netanjahu is scared of him that is why he does that shit. – w2k“

World – w2kj
Jan. 12,


He is totally entangled with the..- w2k
Jan. 12,


Psychopath have found his message. – w2k
Jan. 12,


He was too public – too many psychopaths – w2k
Jan. 12,


Die haben an dir den Narren gefressen. – w2k
Jan. 12,


I don’t know how we can stop this – w2k
Jan. 12,

„Obama is behind this EVIL, he is truly one of the core initiators of this Inhumane Project. -w2k“

„National Institute of Health is also deeply involved, in these c. projects. -w2k“


742270cookie-checkNwo Psychopaths use Quantum Weapons against Holy Spirit carrier
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