Is EMF Radiation to Blame for the Bird Deaths Exploding Across the World?

„Is EMF Radiation to Blame for the Bird Deaths Exploding Across the World?“
„200 ducks in Denmark, hundreds of herons in Turkey, thousands of swallows and swifts in Greece, 1000 starlings in Rome… Birds literally fall dead from the sky, and nobody knows why.“
„Thousands of dead swallows and swifts in Greece
Scientists believe high winds over the last three days have killed or gravely injured thousands of swallows and swifts, migrating from Africa to Europe.
The carcasses have been found in the streets of Athens, on apartment balconies in the capital, on Aegean islands and around a lake close to the seaport of Nauplia in the Peloponnese. Here a video of the living birds:“
„Pesticides? Poisoning? Bird flu? Samples are being analysed right now. [ajanimo]
„Hundreds of dead herons in Turkey
The dead birds were found near the village of Köprışık.
Residents and officials are scared as nobody really knows what’s behind the massive die-off.“
Four of the dead ducks have been tested for avian influenza, but all tested negative.
So what’s behind this new mass die-off in Denmark? [TV2 Nord]
1000 dead birds in the streets of Rome
On February 5, 2020, hundreds of dead birds covered parts of Viale del Policlinico.
Again, according to officials, the birds died when a tree collapsed due to strong winds across the capital city. [Bufale]
Here some other mass die-offs in the last weeks or months:“

345340cookie-checkIs EMF Radiation to Blame for the Bird Deaths Exploding Across the World?
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