Richard Lighthouse Discusses Government and Satellite Weapons 2019 07 19

„Richard Lighthouse Discusses Government and Satellite Weapons 2019 07 19“
Conspiracy Revelation: 13.9.2019: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and USAF Criminals Exposed (Military-Industrial-Pharma-Nazionistic-Complex, along with the usual suspects of alphabet agency nwo conglomerate and pentagon inc. in most inhumane remote track, locate, irradiate and neuroweaponized automatized supercomputer supported remote mass coordinated torture against approx. 20 to 80 millions innocent unwitting human test subjects worldwide, the biggest undercover human rights scandal in the history of mankind, especially during the last 15-20 years… They are dependent on the satellite system, so TIs need to find countermeasures against their Skynet-System.
„Targeted Massachusetts: 128 Abonnenten: Targeted Massachusetts Radio with very Distinguished Guest Richard Lighthouse.“

285470cookie-checkRichard Lighthouse Discusses Government and Satellite Weapons 2019 07 19
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