Constantine used Christianity to make the enslavement of most of the European population acceptable to the victims because it was an act of God. When viewed in their true historical context, it is self-evident that the sole purpose for the specific combination of Constantine’s edicts was to enslave serfs and make rebellion a sin. (Joseph Atwill)

Constantine used Christianity to make the enslavement of most of the European population acceptable to the victims because it was an act of God. When viewed in their true historical context, it is self-evident that the sole purpose for the specific combination of Constantine’s edicts was to enslave serfs and make rebellion a sin. (Joseph Atwill)

36910cookie-checkConstantine used Christianity to make the enslavement of most of the European population acceptable to the victims because it was an act of God. When viewed in their true historical context, it is self-evident that the sole purpose for the specific combination of Constantine’s edicts was to enslave serfs and make rebellion a sin. (Joseph Atwill)
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