´Putin is a monster´ – Wife of Alexander Litvinenko reacts to Navalny’s death

„´Putin is a monster´ – Wife of Alexander Litvinenko reacts to Navalny’s death:“

„Sky News
7,39 Mio. Abonnenten
123.016 Aufrufe 19.02.2024 #putin #russia #worldnews
Putin is a „monster“ and has „killed again“, the wife of Alexander Litvinenko has said.

Marina Litvinenko’s husband died in 2006 after drinking tea poisoned with radioactive polonium-210.

The former Russian FSB agent’s murder was suspected to have been personally signed off by Mr Putin, but Russia has always denied any involvement.“

„..he lost his life last week, murdered by the Russian regime, somebody who knows all about that .. who lost her husband back in 2006…“

„..and he was in prison and when he was arrested you knew he was all his life
was now in danger but when we received this news he was absolutely shocked and
I was so angry because Putin killed again, he killed again the most prominent
politician and a hope of New Russia…“

„Putin is a monster after my husband was killed in 2006 it was not even more
questions but now we have another victim ..Nawalny but we have to remember another one in two few days it would be ..who was a prominent politician killed
from Kremlin and we still have another political uh prisoners who is
now in Russia and their life is in danger too.“

540470cookie-check´Putin is a monster´ – Wife of Alexander Litvinenko reacts to Navalny’s death
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