Snowden Warns Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like „Child’s Play“

„Snowden Warns Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like „Child’s Play““

„Saturday, Jun 10, 2023 – 04:20 AM

Authored by Julia Conley via,

„We trusted the government not to screw us“, said Edward Snowden.

„But they did. We trusted the tech companies not to take advantage of us. But they did. That is going to happen again, because that is the nature of power.“

„Last month, journalists and civil society groups called for a global moratorium on the sale and transfer of spyware like Pegasus, which has been used to target dozens of journalists in at least 10 countries.

Protecting the public from surveillance „is an ongoing process“, Snowden told The Guardian on Thursday. „And we will have to be working at it for the rest of our lives and our children’s lives and beyond.““

„“Technology has grown to be enormously influential“, Snowden told The Guardian on Thursday.“

„“Despite calls over the last few years for federal legislation to rein in Big Tech companies, we’ve seen nothing significant in limiting tech companies‘ ability to collect data… or regulate biometric surveillance, or close the backdoor that allows the government to buy personal information rather than get a warrant, much less create a new Church Committee to investigate the intelligence community’s overreaches,““

„It’s been 10 years since the Snowden revelations“, they added, „and Congress needs to wake up and finally pass some legislation that actually protects our privacy, from companies as well as from the NSA directly.“


„Ramola D: Of course, Snowden himself is ChildsPlay given the BS he’s been fixating on, carefully ignoring the Most Extreme Horror of the #TI phenomenon, aka the unlawful targeting of innocents by #TechGiants for stealth #AI #Neurotech #Nanotech Nonconsensual Experiments.“

510620cookie-checkSnowden Warns Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like „Child’s Play“
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