Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation…

„Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States and Canada in order to test dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons.“

>> #operation cloverleaf precursor <<

„A C-119 Flying Boxcar, the type of plane used to release the chemicals“

„Earlier testsEdit

There were several tests that occurred prior to the first spraying affiliated with Operation LAC that proved the concept of large-area coverage. Canadian historical files relating to participation in the tests cite in particular three previous series of tests leading up to those conducted in Operation LAC.

September 1950 – Six simulated attacks were conducted upon the San Francisco Bay Area. It was concluded that it was feasible to attack a seaport city with biological aerosol agents from a ship offshore.
March–April 1952 – Five trials were conducted off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia under Operation Dew. It was concluded that long-range aerosol clouds could obtain hundreds of miles of travel and large-area coverage when disseminated from ground level under certain meteorological conditions.
1957 – North Sea, East coast of Britain. It was shown that large-area coverage with particles was feasible under most meteorological conditions.

In addition, the army admitted to spraying in Minnesota locations from 1953 into the mid-1960s.

In St. Louis in the mid 1950s, and again a decade later, the army sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide via motorized blowers atop Pruitt-Igoe, at schools, from the backs of station wagons, and via planes.“


Operation LAC was undertaken in 1957 and 1958 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. The operation involved spraying large areas with zinc cadmium sulfide. The U.S. Air Force loaned the Army a C-119, „Flying Boxcar“, and it was used to disperse the materials by the ton in the atmosphere over the United States.[6] The first test occurred on December 2, 1957, along a path from South Dakota to International Falls, Minnesota.

The tests were designed to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents. Stations on the ground tracked the fluorescent zinc cadmium sulfide particles. During the first test and subsequently, much of the material dispersed ended up being carried by winds into Canada. However, as was the case in the first test, particles were detected up to 1,200 miles away from their drop point. A typical flight line covering 400 miles would release 5,000 pounds of zinc cadmium sulfide and in fiscal year 1958 around 100 hours were spent in flight for LAC. That flight time included four runs of various lengths, one of which was 1,400 miles.“

„Risks and issues:

Bacillus globigii was used to simulate biological warfare agents (such as anthrax), because it was then considered a contaminant with little health consequence to humans; however, BG is now considered a human pathogen.

Anecdotal evidenceexists of ZnCdS causing adverse health effects as a result of LAC. However, a U.S. government study, done by the U.S. National Research Council, stated, in part, „After an exhaustive, independent review requested by Congress, we have found no evidence that exposure to zinc cadmium sulfide at these levels could cause people to become sick.“ Still, the use of ZnCdS remains controversial and one critic accused the Army of „literally using the country as an experimental laboratory“. According to the National Library of Medicine’s TOXNET database, the EPA reported that Cadmium-sulfide was classified as a probable human carcinogen.“

„See also:
Human experimentation in the United States
Operation Dew
Project 112“

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_LAC

495440cookie-checkOperation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation…
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