Conspiracy Revelation: Aura Fire vs Lhcc Leeches…22.12.24.
Brahma is watching him too. – w2k
Die hypen den ohne Ende. – w2k
Strategische Distraktions- und Sabotagetaktiken eurer NWO- Institutionen…
Das soll nur jeder sehen auf welch tiefer Frequenz ihr schwingt.
Hochschwingende machen die spirituelle, karmische Arbeit, die tiefschwingende durch kinetisch persistenten-kriminellen Telehealth (Telecrime-K.I. Sabotage)-Mban-Wban–Intraban-K.I. DNA-Biotech-Quantentunnelhaken-Vampirismus bypassen wollen.
GOTTMACHT (grösser als) 》 Mafiamacht (Staazimacht)
Neocortex-Pulsung durch Skynet-Psychopathen detected ..
Ihre Hauptziele sind: Herz – Hirn – DNA – Geistseele (Aura & Mind).
„This Man is Regal. -w2k“
„If they sleep deprive him further, they will all be destroyed, we have important Missions to accomplish and if they stand in our way, they will be wiped out, enough of these stupid Games. -w2k“
„We need People in full operational Mode and not exhausted by Asshole Satanic Cultists. -w2k“
Menschen des Planeten an -w2k
Dez. 22,
Der legt sich mit den mächtigst..
Dez. 22,
They wanted to crush his spine..- w2k
Dez. 22,.
That they are doing to him – w2k
Dez. 22,
He is revealing everything – w2k
Dez. 22,
Closely – w2k
Dez. 22,
Enemies are watching him – w2k
„Magnete blockieren Signal zum Herzen. – w2k“
Genau Chefdeppen…und euer beschissenes und satellitenbasiertes Mk Ultra LiFi kann man mit Shungit blockieren.
„Schäuble hat Angst vor ihm. -w2k“
Lebt der noch?
Ihr benutzt also alte K.I. Scripte, weil ihr zu faul seid neue zu programmieren….der Mann ist ja schon 1 Jahr tot. Robert Duncan´s Scripte sind bestimmt auch noch aktiv in euren Quantensystemen.
Die faulen Drecksäcke wollen nur unsere Energie saugen und uns Fleissbolzen tyrannisieren und unsere Körper und Gehirnkapazität und Integrität missbrauchen… Parasitenpack… Wer herrschen will muss leisten.
Bio-Cyber Interface
Molecular communication
Internet of Bio-Nano Things
G Protein-Coupled Receptor
Genetically encoded biosensor“
Habt ihr Gott gefragt, ob ihr das dürft? NEIN?
ALSO SEID IHR BESCHISSENE DÄMONEN, alle, die da mitmachen, adharmisch und karmisch schwerstens belastet!
„A biologically inspired and protein-based Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Author links open overlay panelPit Hofmann a, Juan A. Cabrera a, Gunnar Schulte b
, Frank H.P. Fitzek a cShow more“
The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way how we interact with our physical environment, enabling connectivity and communication between physical and virtual entities, e.g., for digital twin applications. However, as we step beyond the IoT, developing the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT), where biological and nanoscale entities will be included in our communication networks, includes challenges and opportunities. In the IoBNT, the role of Bio-Cyber Interfaces (BCIs) is still underscored, representing necessary building blocks that ensure the bidirectional information exchange between biological and digital communication systems. The application area of the IoBNT spans diverse domains, e.g., healthcare, personalized medicine, or environmental monitoring. This work proposes a theoretical framework for a BCI, leveraging advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, and communication engineering to establish an interface for exchanging information between biological entities, nanoscale devices, and the digital world. Therefore, we discuss the key components and the proposed BCI framework. Furthermore, we survey the existing literature of biologically inspired BCIs and outline potential use cases and benefits of integrating BCIs in the IoBNT for various domains, such as healthcare and environmental monitoring.“
Bridging the gap between biological and digital communication systems.
Literature review of existing biologically inspired bio-cyber interfaces.
Designing a bio-compatible bio-cyber interface.
Exploit recent advances in molecular pharmacology to design a G protein-coupled receptor as a bio-cyber interface.“
„We also don´t know what to do with the situation, I, it overstretches everyone´s Mind. -w2k“
„It is a self-propelling Pandora´s Box, fully opened. -w2k“
„Hopefully God can help us to solve the riddle, it doesn´t look good. -w2k“
The core idea of IoT andf IoB comes from totally sadistic and degenerated Psychopaths, mostly left-brained cold and rational-only creatures…
„It´s a collaboration of Army-Intel, super dangerous stuff. -w2k“
It wouldn´t be allowed in… IMPOSSIBLE that this could happen in… Pre-Emptive Universe Security Watchers would prevent this from happening from the Start in its core.
It destroys all unsurveilled blossoming.. Natur does not need to be monitored and analyzed 24 7 365. It creates a non-survival doom scenario (considering organic replication), because nobody can act by its real nature anymore and is bound by the rules of criminal psychopaths.
No wonder all the German FED Agents get envious of the 60s/70s/80s/90s People who had a huge portion of true Natural Uncensored and Unsurveilled and Unimplanted Expansion left.
Doch kann ich, dieses System kann nicht lange existieren, es widerspricht dem fundamentalen Naturprinzip auf freier Schöpfung und freier Entfaltung…
„These mofos make me really angry, we know how enthusiastic and free life can be through his memories in comparison to the current world scenario this forces to Rebellion and Breaking of the Chains of Total Surveillance. -w2k“
You see this innocent nature and you see what these evil make out of it…
„BIRDS & Nature
Good morning #Birds & #Nature!
Song Sparrow singing
(Melospiza melodia)
North America.“
„Ich weiß nicht, ob dir das was bringt, I, das ist zu weit fortgeschritten, wir müssen lernen damit zu leben. -w2k“
N E I N.
„Telehealth is doing this to him, these are sick, devious bastards. -w2k“
„Aimees Audios
21. Dez.
Pfizer/US is biologically manipulating people …. They are manipulating the DNA inside of humans and granting rapists, murderers, (NAZI-)Scientists access to their bodies. Allowing them to destroy tissue, hearts, cartilage permanently damaging and controlling the body.“
21. Dez.
Pfizer/US manipuliert Menschen biologisch …. Sie manipulieren die DNA im Inneren von Menschen und gewähren Vergewaltigern, Mördern und (NAZI-)Wissenschaftlern Zugang zu ihren Körpern. Damit können sie Gewebe, Herzen und Knorpel zerstören und den Körper dauerhaft schädigen und kontrollieren.“
„Er leistet wirklich unglaubliche Arbeit, trotz der widrigen Umstände macht er mehr als 100 Normalos an Aufklärungsarbeit. -w2k“
„Ich weiß nur nicht, ob das reicht oder ob das noch helfen wird, angesichts der prekären Situation. -w2k“
„Er kann nicht alles alleine machen, warum gibt es so viele Arschlöcher, die die Welt nicht retten wollen, so wie er? – w2k“
„They want to install a synthetic nervous System in all People, I, that they control. -w2k“
„They Aim at Ultimate Dominion over Nature. -w2k“
„Da arbeiten so viele dran mit, dass einem das Kotzen kommt. -w2k“
Allerdings… so viele Verräter an Mutter Natur und der menschlichen Spezies….
20. Dez.
ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) is coming. With AI-RAN and 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks human brains will become nodes in a Psychotronic Internet, the World Brain.“
„Sabrina’s Biosensor Links #3 6G and intelligent healthcare: Taxonomy, technologies, open issues and future research directions…“
IEEE 802.15.6 #MedicalBAN
IEEE 802.15.4 #MicroBAN
„nAnna Theme
20. Dez.
Total CONTROL, 1984 … Nothing within health monitoring.
This is an open air prison. 😱“
„Robel Y (XMR)
20. Dez.
6G? More like 666. Their ‘final solution’ will be complete within 6 years, providing the last 6 for this satanic ritual.“
„Raed Shubair – Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Internet Of Bio-Nano Things
Intra-Body Communication
Wireless Nanosensor Networks
IEEE 802.15.4 #MicroBAN“
„Natural Systems“ /(Naturalismus)
„Synthetically Engineered Systems“ /(Archontifizierung) /(Replikant) /(Mimicry)
„NanoCom 2024: Engineering Human 2.0
IntraBioNets / Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Intra-Body Internet
Bio-Cyber Interface
Synthetic Molecular Computing
IEEE 1906.1
Micro-Body Area Network“
„U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology.“
1993 article describing DoD interest in acoustic psycho-correction technology to “probe and correct psychic contents of human beings against their will and consciousness by instrumental means.” Psychotronic mind control in the lab yielded promising results.“
Der ist zu mächtig für uns – w2k Dez. 22,
Wir müssen echt aufpassen – w2k.
Dez. 22,
Mit dem ist echt nicht zu spass…
Dez. 22,
Down – but he maintains it – w2k
Dez. 22,
They wanted to shift his frequency…- w2k
Dez. 22,
Ultra Heavy
aura Siege…
Dez. 22,
20 min saintly Field recombatted…- w2k
Dez. 22.
Macht nur so weiter…. ihr sealed euer bad Destiny…