Lookoutfa Charlie
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The Supernatural is a government PsyOp, the big bamboozle whether that be uh
hauntings possessions Ghosts, Cults, Satanism, all of it, it´s all created and
I´ve told you since the beginning of this channel, since the Inception of this
channel that military intelligence and psychological operations departments in
cooperation with Hollywood, which is an arm of these psychological operations
departments, have been promoting the Paranormal and the supernatural intentionally to cover up events that are happening to cover up shenanigans
that are happening. I want to get into that I’m going to prove it to you but before that we need to understand a couple events that started back in the
late 60s early 7s and are going on today one thing that you need to understand is The Phoenix Program that started back in the uh late 1960s and what it was basically was shock and awe they were training soldiers who were clearly chosen because they were psychotic to go into uh Vietnamese territory hunt down these
enemies …The Phoenix Program home because the senior program was a torture Terror and assassination in in Vietnam it was specifically designed to strike fear into and demoralize the Vietnamese people…The Phoenix Program within a couple years, you suddenly have serial killers in America that didn’t exist before not like this, pretty large coincidence to swallow. The Phoenix Program is being covered up by psychological operations they want you to think that it’s Satan” that it’s Cults that it’s this that it’s that.”

“Let´s go to operation gladio, now operation gladio is like a U.N.,
a NATO operation and what they do is they target civilians with this same kind of sh#t [ __ ] with 911 type sh#t [ __ ] to get you to come to the man come to the man for safety.”

“for one simple reason and that reason was to get the people to come to the man to come to the state and ask for security this is happening everywhere this is a NATO operation. Operation gladio was a NATO U.N. style operation whether that be gladio operations being depicted as cult sh#t [ __ ]…”

“Driving repeating messages to people and their intent was to control people to
get someone to do something against their will or against their better
judgment like this the goal remained the same as this CIA memo says the aim is
controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his
will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation they have found that the best way to do that is to convince these people that other people are going to hurt them or other people are doing something bad to them and they are hypervigilant they are in fear for their life so they go after that person to save their life and they use voice of God weapons on these people you are essentially programming a person to believe that someone else is doing this to them.”

“…and that just depends on the person and the script they’re only about a
dozen scripts, they’re like Mad Libs, they just add something, change something, very minor details are changed it is the same script over and over and over replace demon with God, replace god with demon, replace demons with aliens, replace aliens with ghosts replace ghosts with angels replac angels and ghosts with your neighbor doing it to you replace the neighbor with a coworker replace the coworker with a family member, keep going and going do you see what I mean it’s only the small details that change it’s Mad Libs, the scripts are all the same.”

“Blatty, he’s just some artist that makes movies right no he is not William Peter Blatty is a PsyOps guy, flat out a PsyOPs guy. I’m not making that up when I tell you that the Paranormal is promoted by Military PsyOps.
I am not playing around who and what was behind The Exorcist movies William Peter Blatty, the writer and director of The Exorcist and The Exorcist 3 is the US Air Force psychological warfare policy Chief the US Air Force psychological
warfare policy Chief and he is the one planting these ideas the ideas that
scared the sh#t [ __ ] out of an entire nation, back the early 1970s he didn’t come right out and talk about voice of God weapons… this psychological warfare mind rot laid the foundation for everything to to be blamed on Satanism
possession everything that you see today that is ramped up and coincidentally we have Coke and we have Pepsi, we have the Paranormal for those who
believe and we have Psychology and Psychiatry for those who believe and the
similarities that they find between possession and a psychological breakdown
..are remarkably similar strange, there’s no one in the
middle, it’s Coke and Pepsi, it’s a perfect cover for everything that they are doing but in 1990 blatty made the Exorcist 3 and was able to successfully fuse Psychiatry and the church the Catholic Church the Paranormal and all of these ideas together into one concentrated Coke and Pepsi PsyOp to catch you with a net, no matter what side of the fence you fall on and he went in hard and he basically told you exactly what was going on.”

“In The Exorcist 3 blatty takes on voice of God weapons completely and puts voice of God weapons throughout the movie so what is happening is there is a demon hopping from people to people but if you look at it correctly everyone in the movie is being controlled by one entity and it takes place within the Catholic church and within a mental ward and this is what psychological operations people do, they prop up something like this: Ghosts, Demons mixed with Psychology and then they give you little tidbits underneath.”

“mainly all people are seeing are ghosts and demons in the
Catholic church and a bunch of uh disturbing imagery and they’re not
looking at the little nuggets in there brought to you by the US Air Force
psychological warfare policy Chief if you’re not getting this there’s something wrong with you and this is just one example out of hundreds out of
thousands of psychological warfare units in Hollywood using this type of
propaganda to get people to blame…and all this and on demons to get you
thinking about you know Satan and Cults and Demons and Ghosts and Supernatural
and blah blah blah blah blah, when a light bulb blows up in your house it is
not technological, it’s not something pulsing on the ground, it’s Ghoulies
and ghosts, this is how they keep people thinking this way and it’s a fact that
it’s being put out by psychological operations, so you know the public
doesn’t notice the radio talk the little details that look really big when
you isolate them and otherwise it’s Catholic Church demons and an insane
asylum but let’s go beyond that now let’s get past the insane imagery that
they look right.. I was talking about The Phoenix Program in the
beginning when all the gladio operations done by NATO who was obsessed with the
Exorcist 3…we here are talking about gladio program, we here are talking about The Phoenix Program picking out nut jobs…”

“how weird is it that you have this movie that is written by the chief
of psychological warfare and one of these exmilitary f#cking [ __ ] psychos happens to be obsessed with that movie and it goes so far beyond this because even the guy that bunked with him in Germany…”

“…but I don’t really know who they are I’m thinking they were American CIA, the
military knew that there was a problem…”

“They’re wearing Israeli Army’s very strange that they are
wearing Israeli Army fatigues because they were allegedly involved with an
operation called operation Moses, so in 2010 a Jerusalem Post story review operation Moses was a clandestine airlift, a three-way collaboration between the Mossad, the CIA and the Sudanese State security to smuggle about 8,000 Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese refugee camps who had
arrived to escape a famine…a private chore the White House, he’s in
Germany doing some type of military intelligence with these people…”

“Don’t mention Israel..who demonstrated survival techniques in extreme conditions, he assumes it was CIA…”

“He pacifies even the most vicious devils. -w2k”

“It is a childs play to fool all of them, but not him. -w2k”

“We are really sorry that we are such Assholes, but that´s what we are paid to do for. -w2k”

Sad state of affairs… change the Job or do something constructive with your time on this Planet…

“It´s not so easy on this Planet. -w2k”

It was, before some maniac of NASA Military in 2001 and DARPA and NIST (and all other GOV AGENCIES) came to the idea to deploy weaponized Spy Biotech in every organism…and Ruling Billionaires and GOV Politicians wanted to weaponize DNA AI Quantum Computers against the civilian population, since 2010…

“We are really sorry what happened to you, but we can´t turn back time. -w2k”

“He comes from a totally organic timeline, we can´t imagine such a Paradise. -w2k”

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

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