Bolsen: Creating the European Conflict Market #EU #WW3 #Ukraine #Germany

„Bolsen: Creating the European Conflict Market #EU #WW3 #Ukraine #Germany🇩🇪“

@dr.x_large Shahid King Bolsen: Creating the European Conflict Market #EU #WW3 #Ukraine #germany🇩🇪 ♬ 963 Hz – Sound Of Nature & Albert Van Deyk

And what role does the „world’s richest man“ Putin. Play in this ? Aggressor, victim or conspirator ?
He is controlled by the same Jewish Black Hat Mafia and Jesuits like U.S. Nazis.
Carbon_Based_Lifeform8.o: According to ppl that served 2-3 yrs in prison for protesting Putin stealing an election & their freedom of speech. He’s running an evil plan of his own & at the cost of „his ppl“
Mounir Fofana: ccording to people in US, the FBI broke into their homes because they are against cutting off their children’s penises.
freedomgott2024: 100%.
user6182681816637: This Man is Always on Point with His Analysis….
Europe is on its knees and Europe leaders can’t see that. Instead of improving competition, Europe lift taxes and sanctions. 😏
Vor 1W.

575000cookie-checkBolsen: Creating the European Conflict Market #EU #WW3 #Ukraine #Germany
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