The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime

22.6.2023: Double-Posting due to the urgency of the still unresolved global problem…
„The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime…“

The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime

„David Salinas Flores
Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru“


The nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry with multiple potential applications on human beings; however, experimentation in humans is high risk, for that reason, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods like the organized crime to achieve that purpose. Thus, mafias of nanotechnology, “nanomafias”, would being created, mainly in Latin America, which would be multiplying vertiginously due to several factors like the ignorance in society regarding the use of nanotechnology as criminal weapon, the “invisibility” of this mafia for being used as its tool, the wifi, its economic power, the extortion with the Brain net, the silence and participation of the press and the health unions, the media disinformation campaign, its world interconnection, being an organized crime and the… participation of authorities of the national police, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary, and the intelligence services. Nanomafia aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world, therefore, the world society shall know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this nanomafia.“

„Keywords: nanotechnology, internet, interface brain-machine, crime, latin america“


The nanotechnology is the science, engineering and technology that are developed to nano-scale, around 1 to 100 nanometers. One of nanotechnology main applications is the nanobots, machines that can construct and handle objects at an atomic level and that are capable of moving through the circulatory system.1

The nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry and since it has multiple potential applications in human beings, there is a great interest in human experimentation. However, the nanotechnology acts at atomic level and for that reason the experimentation in humans is high risk, which causes an evident lack of volunteers. Therefore, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods to get human experimentation subjects; thus, they would be using violence, swindle, extortion and organized crime.

Recent researches reveal evidences that the technological transnational companies, in illicit association with USA, European Community and China governments and the corrupt Latin American governments, have created an organization that is developing mainly in Latin America a secret, forced and illicit neuroscientific human experimentation with invasive neurotechnology, brain nanobots, microchips and implants to execute neuroscientific projects, which can have even led scientists to win Medicine Nobel Prizes based on this illicit human experimentation at the expense of Latin Americans‘ health.

The main potential harmful effects caused by this illicit human experimentation with nanobots in society include:“

„Mind control, memory deletion, torture, permanent espionage, theft of private information, extortion, sterilization, psychiatric disorders, suicide, and digital slavery.

The mainly objectives of nanomafia are illicit enrichment, academic recognition, creation of human weapons, and the creation of a digital fascist society.

The evidences indicate that nanomafias would be interconnected forming an international network with a mega project whose purpose is to create a digital fascist society, an oligarchy that rules the rest of world citizens who will carry nanobots and will be digital slaves, a human robotisation of the society at the service of a millionaire elite.

The digital fascist project is global; the objective would be to control the whole planet using microchips in human beings, animals and things.

“The Internet of Things” and “the driverless car” really have as purpose the fascist control of things. In men, the „digital slave“ (human robot) project has different components: the mind control, permanent espionage with the Brain net, elimination of the emotions, living in a virtual reality, memory deletion and elimination of sexuality.“

„The different kind of projects developed with nanobots has a common pattern: they are developed by telemetry, by wifi…they are intangible. Really, nanomafia is the mafia of wifi, the “ghost mafia”, which makes almost impossible to report it. The torture researchers and the criminals know that “the best torture” is the one that leaves no marks since it cannot be reported. If the victim of tortures by wifi reports it, he/she can be unjustifiably considered as a person with psychiatric problems or a slanderer, for that reason, the crime uses wifi as secret torture weapon.

Figure 1 Brain nanobots: Nanomafia weapon


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