„Order of the Rose / MK Ultra Mind Control / By Cathy O’Brien“
„Jesuits are the Intelligence arm of the Vatican, representing the New World Order of the Rose in conjunction with the CIA.
My torturous MK Ultra mind control experience was Jesuit CIA based, thrusting me deep in the swamp among perpeTraitors of the dark slave society agenda being imposed worldwide today. I learned secrets of this dark Cabal’s 100 year dominance plan where a handful of Big Guys hold all the gold and make all the rules. Their plan, generated by DARPA A.I., is shallow and linear in construct, which means it lacks depth and wisdom.
Wisdom outthinks a criminal mind every time in light of humanity’s strength of spirit and power of love. Our innate birthright capability is what these perpeTraitors fear most because they know humanity would never tolerate alteration and destruction of our divine soul purpose.“
„These perpeTraitors cannot control nor possess the human spirit. They can only inhibit our expression of it by distracting our conscious mind outside ourselves with imposed trauma. When we reclaim our free thought, free will soul expression, it is easy to see that it is abSOULutely inexcusable to allow this dark Cabal to manipulate our brilliant minds and lives any more.“
„They have been stealing our power, our freedom, our children, and our future for generations… UNseen behind their veil of secrecy….“
„Many of us have been jolted awake by a corrupt criminal justice system,..“
“ The Catholic Vatican learned trauma is the basis of mind control through violent Crusades, Spanish Inquisition…“
„My torturous Jesuit programmer in MK Ultra mind control was US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, founder of the occult Temple of Set proliferating on our military bases.“
„By this time, the Vatican had become its own city, sovereign ruler, and bank with sufficient wealth, blackmail power, and secrets to gain traction as the One World Church in the New World Order. Jesuits, like the CIA, were given free reign to sex traffic children for perpetuating money and control.“
„In those days, Mark and I were aware that Catholic/Jesuit MK Ultra survivors emerging around the world..Jesuits and CIA were already one in purpose for my MK Ultra mind control victimization by 1960…CIA Jesuit alliance was already fully established at St. Francis by the time I was thrust into their mind control project… regarding implementation of MK Ultra mind control for ushering in the New World Order. Combining Hitler/Himmler research with what the Catholics had long since learned about the effects of trauma on the human mind, accentuated by CIA technological advancements, resulted in a powerful form of mind control over global populations.“
„New World Order roots were firmly planted by controlling information in education and media;..Jesuit/CIA New World Order of the Rose alliance remains one in purpose for ushering in a slave society agenda through mind control intended to suppress the strength of the human spirit. Know true history. I have been bringing it to light for over 35 years…Secrets that include the Vatican’s intention to become the One World Church in the New World Order…“
„I am living proof healing is possible from the most torturous and powerful application of Jesuit/CIA mind control.“
„In my healing process, I vented through poetry which I wrote out by hand. The more you know, the more you see it is within us all to face the truth, reclaim our free thought, stop cooperating with the New World Order slave society agenda, and live life’s purpose in light of love and peace.“