„There is an advanced method to control, silence or even cause pain, suffering and death to anyone anywhere in the World! This microwave weapon is called a ‚Directed Energy Weapon‘ (DEW) and the Dis-Ease is called, „The Havana Method“ or the „Coronavirus“!“
“In space, Moscow and Beijing have turned a once peaceful arena into a war fighting domain. They have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons, and more in an effort to exploit our systems and chip away at our military advantage.“
„The Havana Syndrome is caused by a Pulsating, High-Power Microwave Radio Frequencies Directed Energy Weapons or ‚DEWs‘ or Neurological Directed Energy Weapons or ‚NDEWs‘ NOW Being USED on US Citizens!“
„The Havana Syndrome … Caused by Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Radio frequencies Called Directed Energy Weapons or DEWs! or NDEWs!“
„DECLASSIFIED – FDA Information About Radiation Sickness – similarity to Covid Afflictions.
The Gary Fong Channel“
„If you wake up and you have very stiff muscles or muscle aches that that comes
from microwave radiation, tremors, muscle spasms, muscle spasms is what’s talked about in safety code 6. It’s nerve stimulation, okay, so tingling, also nerve stimulation, altered reflexes, nerve stimulation, muscle and joint pain, that’s a big one, so
people most often complain about migraine headaches and joint aches, leg and foot pain, okay, down here, so, now the other ones would be digestive problems, abdominal pain, dehydration, altered sugar metabolisms, now this isa very interesting thing i want to explain that altered sugar metabolisms, a lot of people when they’re under
a lot of microwave radiation wind up gaining weight and getting close to type 2 diabetes and the reason that actually happens is because microwave radiation excites a
molecule called a porphyrin, a porphyrin is a very translucent molecule,
translucent meaning that it’s kind of like a glow-in-the-dark stone
when you give it light it’ll actually absorb light and it’ll re-transmit it
later but it hangs on to that energy and the thing about porphyrins is porphyrins are very very much the electrical stimulation. We are all just electricity and so what
a porphyrin does is, a porphyrin will attach to a iron molecule
which becomes heme in hemoglobin andthat affects the oxygen transport through
blood around the body.“
„That’s what happens in a cellular tower exposure, so the altered sugar
metabolisms wanted to get back to that is because porphyrin is actually attached to the last enzyme in what’s called the electron transport cycle in the
mitochondria and that affects the uptake of glucose into the cells
and when the glucose cannot come into the cells
then it winds up pooling in the blood, a lot of excess glucose in the blood is
elevated glucose which looks like insulin, starts to pour in, which also looks like
type 2 diabetes, when you have a lot of sugar in the blood system that leads to weight
gains, okay, now eyes. This is one thing i always notice when i go on a high radiation zone pressure in or between the eyes one of the first things that you’ll notice
when you go into a high radiation zone is your eyes will feel salty,
gritty and dry you’ll have deterioration deteriorating visions and in long-term
exposure you will form cataracts.“
„So it’s horrible for that, heart palpitations and arrhythmia, chest pain or pressure pressure, lower or high blood pressure, let’s talk about palpitations,
because people you know they go oh my gosh all of a sudden…as is the signals that are coming in, also it stimulates the the pumping of
adrenaline so you feel you’ll probably go my gosh i don’t know why i’m so
anxious or i’m so nervous or i’m irritable completely out of nowhere… nothing
happened why am I so ticked off..with the increasing level of microwave radiation..“
Source: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-havana-syndrome-pulsating-microwaves
Historical-Reference & Clone-Repostings: https://conspiracyrevelation.com/2022/11/06/beijing-moscow-have-weaponized-space-through-killer-satellites-directed-energy-weapons-defense-sec/