‘Beijing & Moscow have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons’: Defense Sec

„‘Beijing & Moscow have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons’: Defense Sec“

Conspiracy Revelation: 6.11.2022: And DoD, you don´t need to play dumb for the Criminals of Navy, Nasa, DoD, Usaf, NSA, NATO, DIA, ARPA, NSF, CIA, NIH, CDC, APA, AMA, EPA, FBI, Lockheed, Raytheon and all others… so far they control EU and not Russia or China, in case you live in EU or US. I was attacked from Russia and USA/EU/UN for the last 2 decades…I doubt that China was involved in my case. Most attacks come from the Pentagon, Zionazi-Bolshevic NWO Terror-Tyrant Cultists, like Lucis Trust and Putler and/or other Freemasonic Cults.

„…China and Russia have weaponized space through “killer satellites” and directed energy weapons designed to exploit and weaken the US military.

The Department of Defense [DoD] sees its adversaries advancing their military technologies, and so it is doubling down on its own.“

killer satellite

Source: https://sociable.co/technology/beijing-moscow-weaponized-space-through-killer-satellites-directed-energy-weapons-defense-sec/

497540cookie-check‘Beijing & Moscow have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons’: Defense Sec
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