Russian Nano Spirals…

„Russian Nano Spirals“

„Posted on January 9, 2014 by archecotech

In the Ural Mountains in 1992, a Russian geologist accidentally discovered what would later be known as Russian nano spirals. The discovery of the Russian nano spirals, or more correctly miniscule spiral-shaped objects, was made while investigating mineral deposits. The artifacts were made from copper, tungsten, and molybdenum. The objects ranged in size from the largest that was about 1 1/18 inches to the smallest which was only 1/10,000th of an inch. These curious findings bore an eerie resemblance to the control elements used in recently developed “nano-machines” all of the pieces were found at depths between 10 and 40 feet, embedded in gravel and detritus deposits. These deposits corresponded to the lower region of the Mikulinsk Horizon of the upper Pleistocene Era, suggesting that the objects themselves may be around 100,000 years old. There is no possible way such objects could be embedded so deeply without having ancient origins.

All of the objects seem to be manufactured as no type of natural process known could explain their creation. How humans 100,000 years ago would have been able to be technologically advanced to such a degree as to be able to create them is unknown. Is this mysterious discovery evidence that humans may have been more technologically advanced than previously believed or are the objects evidence of extraterrestrial contact or presence?“

„The structures have been studied by the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow, Syktyvkar and St. Petersburg and at the Helsinki Institute in Finland to no avail. No official satisfactory conclusions have ever been made about the artifacts. Unfortunately any further researches on the objects have been stalled due to the death of Dr. Johannes Fiebag in 1999. He was the principal researcher in charge of the find.“

„Another definite possibility is that these objects are extraterrestrial in origin and were either technology provided to humans or discarded by an advanced alien race.“

„The possibilities are endless but it is certain that much more study of these objects should occur… Hopefully someone will pick up Dr. Johannes Fiebag’s mantle and continue to study these curious artifacts.“


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