The origin of the United Nations

„The origin of the United Nations“
„New World Order, Politics, United Nations“

„Date: December 15, 2021“

„The United Nations (UN) is essentially a rebrand of the first attempt at official world governance: The League of Nations (LoN), which was founded immediately after the First World War at the Paris Peace Conference in 1920. The Allies, under the leading influence of Woodrow Wilson, regarded the LoN’s founding as the most crucial aspect of the Treaty of Versailles. Ironically, the United States did not join the LoN due to opposition from Congress, which correctly identified the LoN as an attack on national sovereignty.“

„For context, it’s worth noting that Woodrow Wilson was pimped by the banking cartel that founded the Federal Reserve, which he signed into existence in 1913. This cartel included Rothschild employee Jacob Schiff, who financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and was described as “the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920” (the “Schiff Era”), alongside the influential Warburg banking dynasty, among others. The Wikipedia page of Paul M. Warburg (first vice director of the Federal Reserve) reads like a who’s who of globalist subversion: Temple Emanu-El, Columbia University, director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and so on.“
„Max M. Warburg served as the Economic Specialist for the Treaty of Versailles. He also helped found the European Union in 1922, alongside Paul Warburg, Louis Nathanael Rothschild, and Bernard Baruch. The EU project was figureheaded by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, a Freemason of the Vienna Humanitas lodge.“

„All of this namedropping may seem like convoluted a digression, but it’s important to emphasize that the one-world government conspiracy is incredibly incestuous. The same names echo again and again, from organization to organization, as is evident today with people like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. Though, they are certainly not as powerful as the banking cartels (which have since slipped back into the shadows).

Like the United Nations, the LoN was a network of organizations designed to manage various aspects of human society. This included a Court of International Justice, International Labor Organization, Health Committee, Communications and Transit Commission, Refugee Commissions, International Institute of Intellectual Co-Operation (ICIC), and the Economic and Financial Organization (EFO).“

„The UN originated during the Second World War at the Arcadia Conference of 1941-42, at which the Eastern and Western forces of globalism officially united to sign the ‘Declaration by United Nations.’ The treaty was drawn up by F. D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill — two 33rd degree Freemasons who were, shockingly, also pimped by bankers — and based on a draft produced by the US government in 1939 (two years before America had even entered the Second World War). The United Nations became the official term for the Allies. To join the UN during the war, countries were required to sign the UN Declaration and declare war on the Axis.“

„Despite its colossal political clout, the average individual knows surprisingly little about the United Nations. Simple questions, such as “who founded the organization, when did they do so, and for what purpose?” are rarely asked or understood. Most people believe the United Nations’ own founding myth, that the organization was founded in the aftermath of the Second World War by bedraggled and traumatized “heroes” who wished to maintain “world peace.” Of course, the average individual is not at fault for this — we are all fed on a diet of historical revisionism and vapid political platitudes from the day that we’re born.

To put it simply, the United Nations is the de facto world government; an overarching globalist superstructure, consisting of a network of political, technological, corporate, cultural, educational, propaganda, and financial institutions. Many of these incredibly powerful organizations have been craftily disguised as impotent and incompetent democratic think tanks, which couldn’t be further from the truth, as demonstrated currently by the worldwide “COVID” (Agenda 21) tyranny.

The United Nations is the main public-facing organization of the “New World Order,” which is the globalists’ self-referential moniker for their world government project. Conspiracy theorists didn’t pull that name out of thin air — BitChute and YouTube host numerous clips of leading politicians, bankers, oligarchs, etc. using the term (e.g.: The fundamental aim of the New World Order project is not to “maintain global peace,” nor to “foster “global prosperity,” but the complete domination and micromanagement of all life on earth. See this article for more information: NWO Agenda Explained: COVID, Digital Identity, The Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Agenda 21, etc.

[Apologies for the messy image below].

„At the Tehran Conference of 1943, the Allies (which included the USSR) officially announced that the UN would “replace” the League of Nations by absorbing all of its infrastructure, in what was, more or less, a giant rebranding operation. The UN, led by the ‘Big Four’ (UK, USA, USSR, and China), was formally founded at the San Francisco Conference of 1945, immediately after the Second World War ended. Since 1942, Roosevelt had envisioned that the ‘Big Four’ would act as “Four Policemen,” who would be responsible for maintaining the postwar order within their respective spheres of influence: Britain in its empire and the West, the USSR in Eurasia and Eastern Europe, China in East Asia and the Pacific, and the United States in the Western Hemisphere.

The UN’s headquarters are based in New York residences, gifted to the organization by the infamous Rockefeller family, who have been leading figures in UN affairs since its founding (and they still are to this day).“

„In the words of Congressman Larry McDonald, who was murdered by Communists in 1976:
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.“


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