EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER: Depopulation agenda is real

„EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER: Depopulation agenda is real“
„Inessa S: 101.000 Abonnenten:
„They“ think that you’re so medicated, flouridated and distracted with meaningless entertainment that you can’t connect the dots?!. … In this outtake, a former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence service states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes:
1) Depopulation initiative
2) Political control over the remaining population
3) Deflation of the current financial bubble
4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors
Conspiracy Revelation: 25.4.2020: The NWO will fail….  God will stop their insanity.
They can´t beat Goddess.. These morons.
„This Russian military intelligence officer correctly identifies the first two objectives pursued through this fake pandemic, namely (1) depopulation and (2) absolute control over the population— namely (3) deflation of the current financial bubble and (4) elimination of America’s geopolitical competitors….
„They“ think that you’re so medicated, flouridated and distracted with meaningless entertainment that you can’t connect the dots?!. … In this outtake…““

343780cookie-checkEX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER: Depopulation agenda is real
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