Exposed: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World

„Exposed: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World“
„We may not realize it, but we are still subjects of the British Monarchy. American history books and classes indoctrinated (propaganda) us into believing we had won the American Revolution. But we didn’t. We are still subjects of Queen Elizabeth.
The history books were written by the victors and their big publishing houses. And it was much easier to control the new colonies by letting them think they had won their independence, while the British Crown carefully laid their tentacles throughout America, tentacles that grew longer and stronger with every passing year.
We aren’t the America we think we are. That’s the big red pill. Most of us on planet Earth are still under the Queen’s rule.“
„To get started with the real history of who runs planet Earth, we suggest that you listen to this conversation between Betsy and Thomas. They will explain the big picture. Then you will be ready to read the report that follows.
„The Queen’s Prerogative
English law prohibits questioning the Monarchy about their personal holdings and business.
This is true of most of Europe’s royalty, whether enthroned or not. The wealth of the Monarchies is held outside of the countries that made the wealth.
The British Crown’s offshore banks hold the greatest personal wealth in the world estimated at $35 trillion. Perhaps the British Crown still owns and controls its Commonwealth Nations, including the American “colonies.”
Monarchies are not supposed to be warlord bankers who create conflict and chaos to turn a profit or destabilize an economy for personal gain. But they have been for some time now, and history is a string of immoral wars caused by monarchies, the Vatican and other religions.
Untold millions have died while kings and popes lived on to grab the wealth through well-established institutions that were created to control the commoner.
The Commonwealth of Nations, headed by Queen Elizabeth II, is made up of 53 nations, spanning the globe, accounting for one-fifth of the land mass of the Earth, and a very high percentage of its strategic resources and population.
The Queen is a Knight of Malta and has vowed allegiance to the Pope through the largest insider trading club on the planet. The British are, in fact, also agents of the Vatican’s Knights of Malta.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) took control of the power and wealth of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon from within the Roman system. The SMOM controlled the banking and military power for the Vatican for hundreds of years through the first central bank, the Vatican Bank.
The Roman Catholic priestly order of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) subordinated the SMOM in 1798 aided by Napoleon Bonaparte. This would eventually lead to the Jesuits installing British control over the Island Malta and the founding of a Jesuit College manned by British Jesuits.
The Jesuits became somewhat crippled by this suppression in Catholic controlled Europe, so in order for the Jesuits to secure South American wealth they used Protestant banking houses and formed an alliance with the Venetian influences over Britain like the Pallavicini family who control the Monarchy and Rothschilds.
The Jesuits in 1840 put the Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha bloodline into the position of Monarchy of Great Britain. This house is known today as the Windsor House which still rules the UK and the Commonwealth Nations.
The same fate would eventually happen to the Vatican itself after suppressing the Jesuits in 1773. The Jesuit Order took control of the Papacy by 1814 and had enacted revenge once again for their persecution.
The Order of Malta and the recognized protestant divisions all play a role commanded by the Jesuit Order. This includes The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem controlled by Queen Elizabeth II. If you look at the last Grandmasters of the Order of Malta you will notice they came from Britain.
Former-Grandmaster Andrew Willougby Ninian Bertie was a cousin to Queen Elizabeth II originated within the Grand Priory of England. The British arm of the Order of Malta controlling St John’s Wood is known as the Grand Priory of England.
This location was once also a Knights Templar headquarters in Britain. The Order of Malta even owned Londinium (TheCityofLondon).
TheCityofLondon was eventually rented out by the Order of Malta as their headquarters. The Jesuits took over Londinium in 1825 aided by the Rothschild family who had become the most powerful economic force in England.
When you take a look at many of the influential positions of power today, whether it is in banking, military, pharmaceutical or intelligence, you will always find Knights of Malta.
The Knights of Malta are mainly involved in working for and with the Black Nobility (royalty without an active throne), the Vatican, and the various Papal and Royal Orders, especially the Jesuits who are ultimately in control of the Vatican and the Military Order of Malta.
The SMOM’s most powerful controlling inner-cores are the Order of the Garter and the Pilgrim Society which are controlled by the Queen.
When you look at who controls the financial world you will find it is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Order of Malta and Opus Dei through the City of London Corporation and The Worshipful Company of Mercers and the more recent The Worshipful Company of International Bankers“
„3 Corporations Run the World: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
The Queen’s Offshore Kingdom
“One third of all world wealth is held offshore, and about half of all world trade flows through those tax havens.” – The Tax Justice Network
James S. Henry, former chief economist at McKinsey & Company, estimates that wealthy individuals have approximately $35 trillion in private financial wealth tucked away in offshore havens with $6.1 trillion in UK dependent states.
As a result of this offshore accounting, it is estimated that 60% of global trade now consists of internal transactions within multinational companies.
In total, it is estimated that this complex corporate offshore accounting multinational corporations avoid paying about $240 billion per year in taxes
TheCityofLondonUK is now the money laundering capital of the world with UK firms aiding corrupt officials and criminals from across the globe to hide trillions of US dollars of ill-gotten gains. British-based banks have helped hide more than $6 trillion in nefarious payments and criminal proceeds since 2000.
Cayman Islands benefit from the added support of being a territory of the United Kingdom. The Caymans offer a number of tax-free incentives and little financial regulation and oversight.
Today the country is the world’s fifth largest financial services center. It plays host to over 10,000 mutual funds, over 200 banks, over 90,000 companies, and 140 trust companies. It’s the world’s top home for hedge funds and captive health insurance companies.
Bermuda is another piece of UK territory that has long been known as a tax haven. Bermuda’s tax system puts taxes on staff payrolls, but not on corporate earnings or investment income. Its largest customer for offshore transactions is the United States.
Guernsey belongs to the British Crown but makes its own laws on matters such as taxation. The island of 65,000 people has made a big push towards being an offshore finance destination, and its main street is lined with private banks, law firms, and accounting firms.
Jersey is another small British Crown dependency in the English Channel. Jersey prints its own banknotes and makes its own tax laws.
A culture of secrecy and non-disclosure in the island has resulted in Jersey housing an estimated $5 billion dollars of wealth per square mile. Half of Jersey’s tax avoidance trade comes from the UK.
The “British” U. S. Federal Reserve
Using the first major corporation in England as their model, the British East India Company, warlord bankers start wars for profit. Slavery and the looting of mines, gold, diamonds, minerals, and land is all in a day’s work for an imperialist.
England’s imperialism has worked into the economic and banking practices worldwide and the Queen’s Crown Agents and Agencies have controlled global resources for centuries.
There is a linear connection between the Rothschilds, the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately links the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Banks to their subsidiary firms in New York and TheCityofLondonUK.
The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was created and directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914.
Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve.
These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914, a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks.
Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
The Queen Loves War Spoils
Now let’s look at the top shareholders of the top military contractors for America, who we call the Corporate or Bankster Warlords to see what connections they might have to the British Crown’s investments.
Vanguard Group,
State Street Corp,
Capital Research Global Investors,
Templeton Investment Counsel LLC,
Barclays Bank Plc,
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.,
Schroder Investment Management,
Capital World Investors,
Bank of America Corporation,
JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
Bank of New York Mellon Corp,
Black Rock Advisors,
Black Rock Fund Advisors,
Old Republic International,
Wellington Management Company,
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N. A.,
Evercore Trust Company, N. A.,
Invesco Ltd.,
Franklin Resources,
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.,
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.
— These ‚Big Four‘ Companies Control the World, Yet You’ve Probably Never Heard of Them
What is worth noting about this list is that you can find some of the usual suspects: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, and the rest of the Bankster Warlords behind some of these names.
To make things even more complex, so that we can never figure out who is in charge, every one of these corporations owns major shares in every other corporation.
They are intertwined like a grape vine. If we look closer we find that every one of these corporations conducts international business and is invested in international military ventures.
This type of “corporate warfare” is transnational. It is beyond being international or global. These companies work outside of the control of America as a nation and have stronger ties to Britain than to America. They work against Americans with their transnational economic warfare and make money from both sides of any conflict.
Essentially, these British and international corporations are war criminals just like Henry Schroder, the Brit who funded both Hitler and England. This type of banking warfare is common throughout British history.
These Were the ‚Elite‘ Families Behind Hitler & Nazism: The Nazi War Machine Was Actually An American Business“
„The Crown’s Money-Making War Machine
Essentially, all the conspiracies about the Queen of England have some merit after following the money back to the warlord bankers who set up the U.S. Federal Reserve. But unlike most conspiracy theories suggest, the Federal Reserve regional banks are not the true culprits.
The true culprits are the original investors in the corporations, listed above, who serve the military through all types of wars – physical conflicts, cyberwarfare, and economic terrorism.
It is the interwoven fabric of the investments of the war-supporting corporations that have created a system that is inbred and tied to Britain…and then to Rome.
Simply through the association of the royal families of the world who are members of the Knights of Malta you have an economic intelligence community that is comprehensive insider trading at a transnational level.
The monarchies must protect their financial interests and pass wealth onto their family members. That is why so many of the richest families intermarry – to keep it “all in the family.”
The richest and most powerful people in the world belong to the Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the Order of the Garter, the Teutonic Knights and other orders that vow allegiance to the British Crown and subsequently to the Vatican.
If we wish to broaden the perspective, one can add that the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, are involved at all levels and have worked tirelessly as the soldiers of the Pope to create the ultimate “insider spy network” for the Vatican Bank.
Lizzie Owns It All
British Private Intelligence Agencies
The UK has many private intelligence agencies who are devoted to the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information for a profit. Christopher Steele, the author of the Carter Page Dossier was a former British spy, which shows you the unethical nature of “British spying.”
Sixty3, Orbis Business International, Cambridge Analytica, and many other British private intelligence agencies sell propaganda as intelligence.
Often these corporations have private contracts with the U. S. military and government and maintain top secret security clearances with the United States. Britain has not shown itself to be “honest spies” as is evidenced in the Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” lies and the current British disinformation coming out of Syria.
Some US $56 billion or 70% of the US $80 billion national intelligence budget of the United States was in 2016 earmarked for the private sector.
Functions previously performed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), and other intelligence agencies are now outsourced to private British intelligence corporations. Some prominent British intelligence agencies who maintain military and government contracts with America are:
AEGIS (UK-based)
Black Cube (Israel & UK-based)
Control Risks Group (UK-based)
Hakluyt & Company (UK-based)
Oxford Analytica (UK-based)
Serco Group PLC (UK-based)
Can we really trust intelligence from a country that has provided false intelligence many times? It was British intelligence itself that spied on Trump from the NSA’s headquarters in Fort Mead. “Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, shame on me.”
Who Really Owns and Runs the Bank of England?
When the Jesuits were suppressed by the Pope in 1773, they used their covert power over England to have the Rothschild family become guardians over the Jesuit South American stolen wealth instead of depositing it in the Vatican Bank.
This action started a banking war between the Vatican and the Jesuits who used the Rothschild family as the anti-Vatican Bank. The Rothschild’s eventually became the guardians of the Jesuit treasury in TheCityofLondon.
The Rothschild’s used The Worshipful Company of Mercers to create the Bank of England which now held the Jesuit wealth stolen from South America. The Bank of England’s efforts were focused on taking over TheCityofLondonUK from Vatican control.
The Knights of Malta have never been favorites of the Jesuit Order. This hatred of the Knights of Malta increased even further in 1768 when the Knights removed the Jesuits from the Island of Malta. The Jesuits sought their revenge one year later in 1798 using Napoleon.
The Jesuits subordinated the Knights of Malta in the same year and that was the true start of the take-over of TheCityofLondonUK which was still ruled covertly by the Knights of Malta.
If you look at St. John’s Wood where the Order of Malta are based, you will see it is the old haunt of the Knights Templar in England since the time that TheCityofLondonUK became a sovereign Nation.
If you look at one of the four of the most powerful Order of Malta headquarters in Rome, you will see that the Aventine Hill is another old Templar haunt which was their original World Headquarters.
The control of the Bank of England through The Worshipful Company of Mercers is what controls the global economy. The U.S. economy is fully controlled by the Mercers and Bank of England and has been since 1868.
TheCityofLondonUK controls the U.S. Economy through the Royal Institute for International Affairs which subsequently controls the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR has set U. S. foreign policy since its inception.
TheCityofLondonUK controls the which subsequently controls the Federal Reserve of New York, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. TheCityofLondonUK controls the U.S. Treasury monetary policy which commands all three of those globalist organizations through the Exchange Stabilization Fund.
Queen Lizzy’s Imperial Control of America
The British Crown and the British East India Company have never left America, and in fact, the Crown Agents still do their business to this very day.
They have a death grip on the U. S. economy. From data management, to corporate banking, to the rip-off of American resources of gas, uranium, gold, and every other valuable asset in the United States, American wealth feeds directly into Britain, the Bank of England, TheCityofLondonUK, and ultimately to the British Monarchy – Queen Elizabeth II herself.
The American corporate mechanism for the continued enrichment of the British Crown is the same one used for the corporate sell-out of the American Republic: corporate lobbyists controlling Congress, corporate pay-to-play through the executive branch (Department of State, etc.), and the Senior Executive Service (SES) to maintain the bureaucratic status quo that sells out to global corporatism at every turn with no-bid contracts and cronyism that clearly shows that we are subjects of the British Monarchy.
The Senior Executive Service hides in plain sight, but operates in a manner that aligns with the imperialistic intents of Serco and the numerous other corporations like British Petroleum, Shell, ICAP, British American Tobacco, SABMiller, American Standard Life, Rio Tinto, and Ixstrata among many others.
The History of Crown Agents
A Crown Agency was an administrative body of the British Empire, distinct from the Civil Service Commission of Britain or the government administration of the national entity in which it operated.
These enterprises were overseen from 1833 to 1974 by the Office of the Crown Agents in London, thereafter named the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administration. Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations Ltd became a private Limited company providing development services in 1996.
Crown Agencies nominally reported directly to (and were wholly owned by) the Crown, but in practice, reported to the Crown Agency Office in London, thus independent of the Colonial Office.
This office became, in the late 19th century, the sole official British commercial and financial agent of all British protectorates and Crown colonies.
The Colonial Office enforced a policy of sole usage of crown agencies for all purchases of goods for government use, creating a virtual monopoly over government retail supply within the colonies of the British Empire.
The Crown Agencies also became financial institutions, supplying capital, routes for investment, and pensions to all public works and government in British dependent colonies.
Is it even reasonable to believe that after the American Revolution, American companies did not continue to do business with these crown companies for resources, goods and services? Life went on.
Crown Agencies trace their founding to the time of the British Empire and in 1833 the British government, hived off from the Colonial Office as a financing, stores, transport, and development office.
Historians have argued that crown agencies, whose organizations operated across the British Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were the de facto administrators of British colonies.
Crown Agencies wielded governmental powers through a maze of British territories, protectorates, dependencies, Mandates, and Crown Colonies which made up the British Empire of the late 19th century.
After this, their mandate was reduced to “dependent” colonies (most of British Africa, India, and the West Indies), but they were given near monopoly rights over finance and supply of non-local manufactures for any public or government use.
With the dissolution of the British Empire, many of these agencies reverted to control by their respective governments, became parts of the British government, or became non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
New World Order’s Stealthy Tool of Subversion: NGOs
The British government incorporated the Crown Agency as a government mandated corporation tied to the Minister of Overseas Development, called the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administration. In 1997, the Crown Agency was privatized.
As a private limited company, the CAOGA has a number of contracts to provide governmental or para-governmental services throughout the world. Even though these organizations were “privatized” on paper, the power generally did not shift, it merely transformed into shareholder holdings and boards of directors.
The term “Golden Share” developed to describe special rights given to the Queen in a stock company that gave her special preferential rights over voting and profit distribution—and thus ultimate control—like she had before.
While privatization allowed more shareholders, the Queen generally continued to control votes and profit distribution in wild disproportion to her single 10 pence voting share (Golden Share) in the mining mega company Rio Tinto PLC, for example.
In addition, whenever one sees that British royalty populate a company’s board of directors, remember that these are people who pledged an oath of allegiance to the Queen first, company second.
The legal category of crown agencies still exists in some nations of the former British Empire.
In most places, these have been replaced by government agencies, state-controlled companies, and (in parts of the Commonwealth) Crown Corporations. Canada and New Zealand maintain the category of government managed or owned entities called Crown Agencies.
Crown Agents International
Crown Agents International (CAI) is an international development company that works with governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies in nearly 100 countries.
Through consultancy, supply chain management and financial services, they help countries grow their economies, strengthen their health systems and improve financial management.
CAI is headquartered in Sutton, Surrey but has an established network of international offices, project offices or representatives in 40 countries.
CAI is one of the world’s leading experts in public procurement and supply chain management and they provide financial services to facilitate development, focusing on international payments and cash management, trade finance and investment management for donors, NGOs and financial institutions.
Crown Agents USA Inc.
The following descriptions of the corporation, Crown Agents USA Inc., are taken from their website, found at:
Our story begins in the 1700s, when colonial administrations employed agents to recruit people and procure and ship supplies to the colonies. Some agents had been authorized to manage British Treasury grants and they had become known (unofficially) as crown agents.
On April 1, 1833, the British government appointed the first Joint Agents General for Crown Colonies, George Baillie and Edward Barnard. Although appointed by the British Treasury‚ the Joint Agents General were accountable only to the governors of the 13 crown colonies that they served. They managed grants, raised capital, recruited personnel and shipped supplies for their clients.
Since our incorporation in the United States, we have provided technical assistance services and support to U.S. Government agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Department of State (DOS), Department of Defense (DOD), and the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).
We are an international development company that partners with governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies in nearly 100 countries. We help countries grow their economies, strengthen their health systems and improve financial management. We have permanent offices in 22 countries and presence in another 18 through our project offices and representatives.
We are a limited company owned by a non-profit-making foundation. The Crown Agents Foundation is our sole shareholder and oversees our ethos and activities. The Crown Agents Board is responsible for the company’s corporate governance. We were founded in 1833 and operated as a British statutory corporation for many years before being privatized in 1997.”

„Finally Winning the American Revolution“
„We are not a sovereign nation with our arrangement with the British government and UK based corporations. It seems that we are still subjects of the British Monarchy in many ways.“
„The American corporate mechanism for the continued enrichment of the British Crown is the same one used for the corporate sell-out of the American Republic – corporate lobbyists controlling Congress, corporate pay-to-play through the executive branch (such as Hillary’s Department of State), and the Senior Executive Service (SES) to maintain the bureaucratic status quo, selling out to global corporatism at every turn with no bid contracts and cronyism.“
„The Senior Executive Service and Serco are the people and organizational systems that the British Monarchy uses to control America through economic cronyism that bolsters the continued economic slavery of Americans to foreign powers.“
„The Senior Executive Service aligns with the imperialistic intents of Serco and the numerous other corporations that we have described in this intelligence report (BP, Shell, ICAP, British American Tobacco, Rio Tinto, etc).“
„It is time to send the Red Coats running home to Queen Lizzie and finally end the American Revolution against British tyranny. It is time to notice that the UK is not our friend and we should not be sharing intelligence in the Five Eyes Community (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA).“
„We need to bring our wealth back home to America and stop using tax payer dollars to fund Crown Agents in whatever form they take. American freedom and independence does not need the dead weight of archaic monarchies that believe they should always get their “golden share” before the commoners get their crumbs.“
„We must throw off the shackles that have tied the British Crown to American economic affairs. We do not need to pay taxes to the Crown any longer. We simply must choose American companies to do American work and stop the Senior Executive Service from giving higher priority to Crown Agents and British corporate interests.“

167680cookie-checkExposed: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World
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