Survey Results: "When did you first realize that our skies are being sprayed with Chemtrails?"

This is from a recent Facebook survey when people became aware of the Chemtrail Transhumanistic Nano-Invasion… before the summarization of the Stats it was clear to me that most people would become aware of the hideous nano-infiltration of DARPA/DOW Crime Inc. and all Alphabet Gangster Conspiracy Groups of the New World Order in the Year 2010. 2010/2011 was the Ultimate Wake Up Call, even before 2008, 2012 and 2015.
60s 70s 80s 90s
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Jake Bowman: 19.09.2018: When did you first realize that our skies are being sprayed with chemtrails? It was about 5 years ago for me. (2013).
John S. Phillips: In 1978.
Jackie Ohlsen: 8 Years ago for me. (2010).
Gary Peters: Around 2000.
Marty O´Brennan: 1996 in Canada for me.
Terri Rexroad Edgar: 2008.
Elena Batin Botier: 1998.
Kendra Hill: Three years ago. (2015)
Janet Holstrom: Too many years, one year is too much, sprayed yesterday, sprayed last night, sprayed today after Hurricane Florence left, my sinuses are off the charts, the sinus medicines that are sold are crap, doesn´t work any more,
when I see my skies, I´m sad and mad at the same time!
Rebecca Kaur: Early 2014 California, it went full throttle, Coenciding with the Ca Drought.
Didi Hennessy: 2012 is when I first took a pic of them and was like wth is this?? I worked outside everyday and had never seen trails like that.
Teeny Allen: 10 years ago (2008).
Julie Suzanne Woods: 2012 here.
Bild könnte enthalten: Wolken und Himmel
Richard Naudin: 10 years ago. (2008).
Andy Baines: About the same, for me……the fake moon landings and what´s on the moon was the start of my waking up…..the chemtrails are a small part of the overal agenda……I still have so many friends that believe that
chemtrails are bullshit….it´s so painful to witness.
Karen Kirschbaum: 1999.
Krystl Lee: 2012.
Damon Gardner: 2005.
Brenda Adams: 10 years. (2008).
Ingmar Veeck: 2011…
John Bess: 2001
Donna Kay Pegues: 2010, 8 yrs ago.
Kat Dougglas 11 yrs ago.. have many pictures!!! (2007).
River Thesis: 15 years ago, took 6 years before I believed it. (2009).
Mike Ohlinger: About 2010 then they went crazy in 2014.
Bo Myers: 2005.
Andy Baines: I´ve been ridiculed time and time again, since I´ve woken up and realised the situation with chemtrails…..not everyone is willing and ready to wake up.
Andy Christensen: Probably the same week I understood 9/11. When it rains, it pours. (2001)
Weese Rachel: 2008.
Vince Alaimo: 1998 Canada.
Janet Denis: Almost 8yrs. (2010).
Amanda Kotter: Late 1990s. I heard a short radio segment describing the government’s “need” to modify weather. That’s when I made the connection between the increase of trails in the sky and their plans. I’ve been an avid sky watcher
since childhood and was acutely aware something was up, I just didn’t know the extent until the internet was accessible.
Andy Baines: The internet is the host of a wealth of information and also fake news.
The chemtrails are merely the tip of the iceberg.
Michael Brink: early 1980s.
Paul Schwarz: 7+ yrs ago (2011)
Bill Sutherland: 12 years ago. (2006)
Sandra Loubet: 12 years (2006).
Helen McGee: 10 to 12 years. (2007)
Trön Roper: 8 years. (2010).
Anne Harnett: About 4 years ago. People tell me I am nuts. I tell them they ought to read documents, the governmentŽs acknowledge. (2014).
Lisa Deery: only 1 year ago. (2017)
Maria Zeman Folts: About 3 years ago I noticed…. (2015)
Teeny Allen: Yes, Research HAARP, Weather Modification, Cloud Seeding, DEW to name a few.
Julie Ostoich: A friend at work told me about it back around 2003. I didn´t believe her at first and thought she was just being paranoid, but then I started paying attention and looking into it deeper and realized she was right
and speaking the truth. So, it´s been about 15 years now. (2003)
Deborah Combs: 2010 when I realized the exhaust from planes was changing. Captured first chemtrail in Tennessee, watched/compared the sky on the 600 mile journey home. I´ve never stopped watching.
Bild könnte enthalten: Himmel und Wolken
Ingmar Veeck: 19.09.2018: Rna-Splicing anomalies of their advanced Nanotech-Bioweapons showed up in 2005… already..dispersed via Chemtrails….but I guess 90% had no clue about transhumanism at that time.
Jo-Ann McKeon: 2015.
Joel Caplan: 2009.
Abigail Davidson: 2012
Bo Karlen: Check out NanoTechnology particles.
Delia Maria Peñalba: 2012.
Vickie Butler Beshears: 2018….this is a nightmare. (Texas).
Andy Baines: 2018 is the year you woke up?
Vickie Butler Beshears: Yes, I got woke from watching you tube videos….somehow. Then I started looking up EVERY TIME I go outside.
Vickie Butler Beshears: I just want to cry. Then when I tell people they think I´m crazy.
Andy Baines: yeah, that´s standard treatment generally x.
Linda Scheible: You are not alone ! I get the same treatment, but I put it out on my Facebook anyway.
Sandra Capra Around 2010
Shelby Sheehan: 2015 when I moved to the beach and could see the horizons.
Andy Baines: Testla accidentally discovered haarp while experimenting with wireless electricity in houses for all our general eletrical products.
Linda Scheible: 2015 seen them all over every western states.
Deserie Quiñones 4 yrs. (2014)
Jane Allyson: 3 years ago for me! (2015)
Julie Behling-Hovdal: About 11 years ago when a friend pointed it out to me. (2007)
Kat Notabernard: Unfortunately I just noticed September of last year. (2017)
Roseanne Russo Smith: For me 7 years of purifying the air with IQair and airdoctor. 7 years of chelation and detoxification from heavy metals. 7 years of covering my veggies with a green house canopy and only watering it with purified water.
7 Years shouting from the roof tops that geoengineering is being deployed globally. 7 years of utter worry that this is the beginning of the end. (2011).
Harry Naddy: I worry ALL the time too. Even when my child plays in the dirt, I think about the heavy metals.
Michelle McQuade Powell: I just woke up about 5-6 years ago. (2012)
Sparta Cuse 1969 – i just didn´t know what they were calling it.
Jim Baker: The First deliberate shot of it I took for me was in the late Summer of 2003 Out in East central Utah at the Arches National Park. I knew something was very wrong….So it began, My fight exposing the obvious…
Bild könnte enthalten: Himmel, Wolken, im Freien und Natur
Leanne Moss: 2012 for me.
Karen Michelle On a continuous, severe level starting…2 years ago, have not seen a blue sky since then that didn´t have a film between clouds…over many states. (2016).
Chad Johnson: 2005.
Debbie Fair: 1996.
Nick Roberts: Here in France …around 10 years ago… (2008).
Claudia Sutton: 4 yrs….and a rainbow with no rain! (2014).
Melanie Neser Naser: 1979….
David Lloyd: 12 years ago ! (2006).
Andrew Higgins: Last year. (2017).
Juan Martinelli: About 3 years ago. I´m from Argentina and never saw it there. When I arrived to the states somebody mentioned something about a supposed conspiracy theory regarding the lines in the sky. Until then,
I thougt they were due to the intense air traffic here…Mehr anzeigen (2015).
S Lucy Rehlau: The late 90´s.
Tracy Nonofyour: I accepted this as factual when I viewed the former FBI director speaking out against it. He talked with conviction.
Kim Bailey: A year or 2 ago (I live in the US). I never wanted to believe my fiance when he would tell me. Once I started researching though….a whole new world opened up.
Government stuff. NASA stuff. I now question so much! (2016).
Olga Peinemann: 8 years ago. (2010).
Dione Emerson: 11 years ago, we were experimented on. (2007)
Sheila Manzella: Same About 5yrs. (2013)
Melodie Brown: About 7-8 years ago. There was a huge grid in my sky and I had never seen anything like it.
I am 45 years old. I remember when my skies had planes and clear skies. (2011)
Linda Schultz: Heard about it 30 years ago…enlightened friends??
Dario Duda Nemarnik: 10 years ago. (2008)
Fiona Hansen: Saw my first massive E to W low chemtrail in 2012 over Melbourne Australia.
Eric Pitts: 1999.
Margit Mayra: 15 years. (2003)
Matthew Sokolik: Something about 15 years or so mathe longer. (2003)
Raul Montes: I think they Started this Crap right after the UFO CRASH LANDING AT ROSWELL…
Kathy Plummer: 1999.
Hope Garris: Over 8years. (2010)
Albert Miller: Been about 15 years for me. (2003)
Charlotte Laborde: About 13 years ago. I think I first heard about it on Infowars. (2005).
Robert Burns: Chemtrails + GWEN Towers = Weather Modification,,,, aka Climate Change !
Don Buck Heller: Road trip from Co. to Pa. 1997.
Robert Murphy 15 yrs ago. (2003)
Romona: Somewhere in my 30s and I´m 50. You would notice back then. You´ll come outside and see airplanes doing it. I just thought it was the exhaust of the fuel. Didn´t realize they were „cropdusting“ us!
Michael Sidwell: This year 2018, I´ve been called some names because of it.
Jake Bowman We all have man. Welcome to the club haha.
Sophie Dowo: Approx 4 years ago. (2014)
Monica Sjösvärd: In 2012!
Jay Godwin: I noticed it when I was in the military. I noticed it in the skies. Then my Battalion would start our training in the field and it would always rain every time until we came back in. So that was back in 2000.
18 years ago. I was a 19 Delta reconnaissance Calvary scout and it was my job to observe my surroundings in combat.
Jay Godwin: The military just does what it is told to do.
Pilar Martz: 2008.
Harry Naddy: As soon as I saw a fb posts about it. Later that day I looked up and saw plane after plane flying straight up, making lines.
That´s when I freaked
Patricia Gately Anderson: 2015 I became aware of everything.
Robert Steven Knight: 10 years..(2008).
Joey Von Tonies: Ten years ago. (2008).
Corky Marple: 8 years ago. (2010).
Vesna Obradovic: 3 years. (2015).
John Wayne Gates: About 5. (2013)
Desa King Almost: …2012…
Desa King: Knew something was going on in 2010…just had no clue it was this bad.
Ashley Gregor: Years ago but i honestly didnt care about much until I had my son 2 years ago….now I´m super crunchy crazy mother.. Proud!
Janina van Vossen: For me also about 5 years ago. (2013).
Lin Otherlyn: For me, it was the mid-90s. It began with a strange and constant metallic taste in my mouth. I then noticed dying trees, and more-and-more un-natural stripes in the sky.
I even perceived subtle changes in the quality of sunlight…Mehr anzeigen
Diane DeLaura: How many times do you hear of someone getting cancer? They are killing us.
Ellen: I noticed in 2012 but didnt know it was chemtrails till 5yrs when I was reseaching morgellons disease in Texas. (2013).
Tracy Jackson: 10 yrs now. But noticed getting worse last couple yrs..
Eric Brogdon: 25 years ago moved out to the country. I´m about 30 miles north of Detroit. Over the years I´ve noticed a direct correlation between rain no rain rain rain rain no rain, so they´re doing something. (1995).
Eric Brogdon: Certainly not a natural weather.
Franca Raveggi: ..2004 Italia.
Andy Holm: Australia 7,8 years ago (2011) through new founded chem group Byron Bay …living koh phangan Thailand past 30 month..full blast..went back to Hamburg, Sri Lanka ,Austria last year ..full blast..the awareness has been growing rapidly past
2 doubt..I do believe its start of depopulation program..after 9/11, we should not forget..the possible..another inside job here..
Carol Ann Dettenheim: About 5 years ago for me, as well. (2013).
Karla Matthews: 13 years ago. (2005).
Legan C Howard: 10 years ago. (2008).
Rocky Luger: 10 or so.. (2008).
Janet Henry: About a year. (2017).
Duck Go: 2006.
Goldie Beedy: 1998.
Marianne Costello: 2009.
Jenni Yläoja: when I realized I saw chemtrails in my older sister and brothers photos when they where kids. I was in shock.
Wayne Racine: 2012.
Debi Taylor Actually just a few years ago. That and vaccines….my daughter used to always say they are poisoning us when we would see them….I now know she was right. We dont do vaccines on the grandkids either.
Wendy Huff: How do you get out of giving children vaccines when they make them mandatory for school? I am shocked that they have added the flu shot and the HPV to the long list for babies. Since when do babies and young children
need a Flu shot every year?
Debi Taylor Wendy Huff: you can opt out. They dont like to let you know you can but you absolutely can.
Terry Hamlin: 2008.
Steve Harris: When I started investigating to shut my friend up. I came around to his point of view.
Wrightson Siete David: 2007.
Bill Boddy: 10 years. (2008).
Regina Fontana: About 8 years. (2010).
Urisa Pauluzzi 6 years now. (2012).
Edna Padia: When my 22 year old daughter pointed it out to me 2 years ago. (2016).
Patricia Napier: With so many different diseases, autoimmune disorders etc. changing chemicals in the brain! Babies dying from sids, things you hardly ever heard of back in my day! The earth has been polluted!
Even growing your own gardens raising your own cattle etc. is contaminated water! Am I paranoid? Guess I am! What do you think?
Dennis Mount: Around 8 years ago and everyone called me crazy but they don´t anymore! (2010).
Robert Satler: Since around 2004.
Kimmy Scott: About 3 for me. Went down the rabbit hole of corruption and deceit. It´s shameful but once eyes were opened so much made sense and now pissed and telling anyone and everyone even though some think it´s crazy but they can´t deny it. (2015).
Kelly DC: 1998…the year they started spraying noticeably.
Stan Tomaszewski: I feel stupid I didnt SEE until about 2 yrs ago…fully awake now! (2016).
Bev Turpin-West: About 8 yrs ago when I was driving home, there was a huge X in the sky. I knew it wasnŽt right and gradually my awakening began. (2010).
Kaetlyn Collier: Forgive me because I’m young, so only a year.. (2017).
Joan Leilani: 20 years ago from an herboligist I was going to see instead of mainstream doctors….she was scared to tell me as people who were bringing this stuff to light were getting murdered….thanks to the internet we see so much of
what´s going on….trouble is…what is anyone doing to change it?
Herb Kidd: 1997.
Al DiCicco: 1997 Thomas Gaule told me. 2001. Ted Gunderson told me.
Christopher Bowen: 15 years ago…I saw it every day then (because I like looking at the sky) & most days now. (2003).
Steven Nancy Cuchetti: About 8 years ago someone told me about them. I thought they were nuts, but I kept my mouth shut and my eyes open. Back then they weren´t doing it often. As it increased and I started seeing rainbow clouds,
I realized they were right…. (2010).
Stephanie Saunders: Since the 70´s……
My mom says noticed in the 60’s
They spray poisons to breath & go into crops to make people get cancer & other sickness to sell pharmaceuticals!
Why you see spraying over very populated areas & where crops are……Mehr anzeigen
Julie Ann Morrison: 2000 for me.
Björn Kein Zurück Lumière: 1996.
Mary Bezanson: The 80s.. I was a kid at the time but I remember seeing occasionally trails across the sky thinking it was just a plane.
Rach Camacho Kamakau: 5 year or so now. (2013).
Shirley Hutnicki Rosen: Same for me 5. (2013).
Francisco Herrera Barnachea: 12 years ago saw some very strange lines in heaven… (2006).
Girres Sandra: All the lines and never seeing big fluffy natural clouds.. I like photography and noticed a few years ago. Plus if the lines were in the sky I
would keep my youngest in he has lung issues and he would always get sick or have cough and sinus issues.
Anna Long: the 70´s.
Arlyne Ball: 2010.
Nancy Leibundguth Jones: 8 years ago. (2010).
Dave Waters: 1980. I would look at the sky, some planes would leave trails that dissipated and some would leave trails that stayed.
Mary Taylor: 11 years.
Paul Denyer Sprayer: Early nineties.
Rick Tamburo: About 5 Years ago. (2013).
Melissa Mills Grosse: Late 70´s when people began reporting GEL RAIN.
Arrigo Lenziano: I´m occupied of chemtrails, from 2008…
Cindy Thomas Clark: 10 years ago. (2008).
Larry Fivecoate Sr.: 1997.
Mike Tuminelli: 2007
Patty Gleichauf Olczak: 2011.
Carly Iuffredo: My ex told me over 15 years ago. I didnt believe him until I became a health coach 5 years ago and learned that our food is poisoned with glyphosate. Killing us slowly our government. They can only profit off the sick. Assholes!
Audrey Watko: 9 years. (2009).
Linda Welton: 2007.
Cole Long: About 8 years ago. (2010).

94810cookie-checkSurvey Results: "When did you first realize that our skies are being sprayed with Chemtrails?"
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