The Brotherhood Responsible For Global Gang Stalking EXPOSED!
„The Brotherhood Responsible For Global Gang Stalking EXPOSED!“
„The Kev Baker Show
Published on Jun 20, 2018
Dr Eric Karlstrom joins me for another episode in our series of shows exposing the methods used & “the brotherhood” behind global gang stalking operations. In this episode Dr Karlstrom shares the work of Kay Griggs, a whistleblower that married into this most evil of syndicates. Learn how high this goes & put names to the people that are running these operations thanks to the various information and research that Dr Karlstrom has put together to piece all of this together.“
„Anthony Emrick: 4 days ago: 12 different celebs all hung on DOORKNOBS? Come on…who hangs themselves off of a Doorknob? That is a calling card!
soradeso 4 days ago (edited): same as terrorists going out with their passport to commit crime (like in Paris) …. or passports that appear intact from the rubble of a burned out plane and bombed building ….. but people buy into this type of things. And this is all that counts, it works.
just me ce ce: 4 days ago (edited): Lol.
Yeah, really. Not funny but then again the ridiculous audacity is off the charts.“

90980cookie-checkThe Brotherhood Responsible For Global Gang Stalking EXPOSED!
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