Wetiko – Psy – Virus – MICC – The multi-headed hydra of collective Psychosis and Cultural Corporate Madness – Ecocide

„The Self-Destructive Evil of Empire
Being a field phenomenon, wetiko psychosis doesn’t just express itself individually, but its nonlocal tentacles are continually manifesting collectively throughout the underlying field of consciousness. The multi-headed hydra that is the wetiko collective psychosis materializes itself in families, groups, nations, and in whole species such as ours. Wetiko’s ‘body politic‘ has an intrinsic and insistent need for centralizing power and control, fueled by the bottom line of corporate-driven profits.
Speaking about the monster of ever-expanding empire, Forbes writes, „imperialism and exploitation are forms of cannibalism and, in fact, are precisely those forms of cannibalism which are most diabolical or evil“[vi] A ‘front‘ for the underlying wetiko virus, the military-industrial-criminal-complex, with its ultimately self-destructive, built-in need for endless expansion is like a systematic runaway in cybernetic theory. The Frankenstein monster of ever-enlarging empire is like a runaway locomotive gaining speed, approaching the event horizon of its inevitable ‘crash,‘ all under the deceptive banner of ‘progress.‘ Meanwhile, this ‘progress‘ destroys people, families, communities, and potentially, the biosphere itself upon which human life depends. „Wetikos,“ Forbes writes, „have taken their Satan to the four-corners of the world, and they have made him their God.“[vii]

„Forbes writes, „the wetiko disease has so corrupted European thinking (at least of the ruling groups) that wetiko behavior and wetiko goals are regarded as the very fabric of European evolution…if we continue to allow the wetikos to define reality in their insane way we will never be able to resist or curtail the disease.“[xv] It should be noted that indigenous people are not free from the wetiko virus as well. There are indigenous cultures that are governed by wisdom, but there are also indigenous cultures that are ruled by wetiko.
We should be careful to not romanticize and idealize indigenous, aboriginal cultures as opposed to European cultures, which would be too simplistic, and dualistic of a view.[xvi] When wetikos possess power in any culture, or more accurately, when power possesses them, they are in a position to influence, define and create a certain level of reality that, though based on falsehood, operates as if it is real. In words that would be just as relevant with regards to the current Obama administration, author Ron Suskind quotes a neocon in the previous Bush administration as saying, „We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality─judiciously, as you will─we’ll act again, creating other new realities.“[xvii] If left in positions of power, wetikos will ultimately become and dream up into full-bodied materialization their own, as well as our, worst nightmare into reality.
Evil can take many forms – political, social, economic, militaristic, and psychological. Forbes says, „predation can lurk under many guises, such as ‘patriotism,‘ profit-seeking, ‘protecting our way of life,‘ and ‘investment returns.'“[xviii] Many ‘isms‘ themselves are simply thought-forms used by wetikos themselves to justify their rape, criminality, murder and evil. Wrapping their cause in the mantle of goodness allows Big Wetikos, who are in fact full-fledged predators, to sleep at night, seemingly guilt-free. In a form of self-entrancement, they have so thoroughly convinced themselves of the rightness of their actions that they rarely, if ever, have any ethical qualms about what they are doing. Where the evil of wetiko is endemic, there tends to be an ethical, developmental arrest in both individuals and throughout the society.
„Full-blown, big Wetikos are morally insane, and abuse power simply because they can. This is why, to quote Forbes, „the development of rigid patriarchy follows the wetiko disease.“[xix] In other words, cultures dominated by wetikos tend to organize themselves around the calcified, archetypal mythic pattern of the ‘negative patriarchy,‘ which, simply put, is based on domination over others (read about The Archetype of the Negative Father). To quote Forbes, „‚Might makes right‘ is the wetiko belief, but it is often accompanied by self-serving doctrines of ‘divine will,‘ ‘manifest destiny,‘ ‘providence,‘ ‘the march of civilization,‘ ‘doing God’s work,‘ ‘stopping communism,‘ or comparable slogans.“[xx] These slogans are the mantras, or words of power, by which the collective spell of group-think is disseminated throughout the collective psyche. Any rationalization will do, as long as it serves as cover for the wetikos to continue to exploit others, centralize power and feed their sickness.“
A Cult(ure) of Madness
People have to be cured of their spiritual sickness before they can build a just society. Forbes says, „to adjust to a wetiko society is to become insane.“[xi] It is no great accomplishment to adapt to and be considered sane in and by an insane society. The culture of wetiko promotes the systematic destruction of the human heart, which when fully internalized, alienates us from everything in ourselves, save what reproduces the conditions of the system. Adopting the values of our oppressors, however, insures the continuation of our own dehumanization. The system is set up to be a set up such that, to quote Forbes, „a person oppressed by wetikos adopts the values of wetikos as he ‘rises‘ in position. The wetikos taught him well, but they taught him falsely.“[xii]
Big Wetikos learn to exploit every situation to their advantage and sacrifice in themselves everything that doesn’t advance this motive. To become a „Big Wetiko,“ Forbes comments, „requires a lot of back-scratching, back-stabbing, drinking, and maneuvering. It also requires the corruption of other young men (and women), who in turn, will become hooked into the system.“[xiii] Speaking about how „very, very easy“ it is to become a wetiko in our society because of all of the perks and incentives, Forbes writes, „they do get promoted, they do get better salaries, and they do get testimonials (and a gold watch) when they ‘retire.'“[xiv] Because of all of the ‘benefits‘ of the role, there is not merely a passive disinterest, but rather, an active resistance and counter-incentive for wetikos to self-reflect, a contraction which simply feeds their compulsion and further reinforces their addiction to power.
These ‘typists, lab technicians and clerks‘ are just ‘following orders,‘ and yet, are complicit in the insidious evil that is being spread throughout the world with their co-operation. Modern, corporate, technological systems are set up to distance us, both physically and psychologically, between what we do for a living and the ultimate, potentially destructive consequences of our actions.
As people who are becoming wise to the wiles of wetiko help each other to step out of the illusion of separation together, a psychic alchemical container that is greater than the sum of its parts gets created. This holy grail-like vessel of collectively shared lucidity is reciprocally conjured up through our shared realization. This higher-dimensional mystic container is forever stimulating, stabilizing and strengthening itself in a positive feedback loop which literally gives birth to and inspires the creative spirit. This jewel-like higher-dimensional entity composed of consciousness itself is a lucidity generator that is tapping into the zero point energy of the mind, a form of higher-mind technology that attracts the rest of the universe into itself. When we recognize that we exist not apart from, but relative to each other, our connection with each other is ‘hermetically sealed‘ with the stamp of Hermes.
We then relate with each other in such a way so that none of our projections unconsciously leak out into the world, for the simple reason that the world is recognized to be our projection. This is the very realization which bonds us together and through which we are united with the world, each other and ourselves. Becoming ‘tight‘ in this way, we are ‘blessed‘ by the master magician ‘Hermes/Mercury,‘ the God of the sacred art of alchemy (please see my article The Sacred Art of Alchemy). ‘The Force‘ is then with us. Empowered, we are able to trans-fix, trans-mute, trans-form and liberate the vampiric spirit of wetiko, while simultaneously snapping out of our en-trance-ment of ourselves.

Mythologically speaking, the figure of the “would-be-hero,” which is all of us in potential, is always inhabited by a daemon. Having a daemon taking up residence inside of us is the very thing that “makes” us a hero. Our heroic fight against the paralyzing grip of the daemon is initiatory, in that it calls forth our latent, creative powers. In coming to terms and wrestling with our daemon, which is to say ourselves, we create ourselves. The daemon is the source of all creativity. It takes genuine courage to do battle with these internal forces and wrest from them the mythic “treasure hard to attain,” which is none other than our soul-filled selves. Jung comments, “As the result of the political situation and the frightful, not to say diabolic, triumphs of science, we are shaken by secret shudders and dark forebodings; but we know no way out, and very few persons indeed draw the conclusion that this time the issue is the long-since-forgotten soul of man.”

Though using individuals as its instruments, evil needs the unconscious masses for its genesis and proliferation on the world stage. Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics. In a collective psychosis there is a herd mentality, where people stop thinking for themselves and let others think for them, like sheep (“sheeple”) who just follow wherever they are being led. Jung writes that whoever buys into the collectively agreed upon group-think “is infected with the leprosy of collective thinking and has become an inmate of that insalubrious stud-farm called the totalitarian State.” When we give away our power, there is always someone bearing the authority of the State who is more than happy to accept our offering, feeding the insatiable will-to-power of the shadow. Jung comments, “The shepherd’s staff soon becomes a rod of iron, and the shepherds turn into wolves.” Being archetypal, the reciprocal process of people giving away their power to others who abuse it simply because they can has continually re-created itself all throughout history.
Jung warns us that “The most dangerous things in the world are immense accumulations of human beings who are manipulated by only a few heads.” In a collective psychosis, the many are manipulated by the few who are attracted to holding power over others. … In a psychic epidemic, the masses, led and inspired by the few who are perversely possessed by and addicted to the need for power, collectively collude with, support and mutually rein-force each others’ irrational beliefs, narcissistic needs, and fears, creating a culture crazy beyond belief. This culture, or lack thereof, is simultaneously the cause and effect of their madness, as they collectively incarnate a living, self-fulfilling prophecy. They become the instruments through which the NLD, the nonlocal demon, reproduces itself, like a multi-headed hydra, in, as, and through the field.

The devilish wetiko virus, like a vampire…
The pathogenic, vampiric, mind-parasite called wetiko…
The fact that a vampire is not reflected by a mirror can also mean that what we need to see is that there’s nothing, no-thing to see, other than ourselves. The fact that wetiko is the expression of something inside of us means that the cure for wetiko is within us as well.

To be pessimistic and think that we can’t change the trajectory of our species’ suicidal, trance-like behavior is to be under a spell, to have fallen under a “demon’s curse.” Having fallen under such a spell, we only strengthen and solidify our spell-bound convict-ion by acting as if there are no other possible outcomes. Pessimism is food for the demons (please see my article “Our Situation is Dire, and There’s no Need for Pessimism”). It is crazy to not invest our creative energy into envisioning that we can “come together,” and just as crazy to imagine that we can’t. If we aren’t investing our creative imagination in ways for us to heal and wake up, then what are we thinking? Just like in a dream at night, when enough of us become lucid in the waking dream of life, we can connect with each other and put our lucidity together, changing the world in positive ways in the process (please see my article “Lucid Dreaming”).“
Sources: https://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/wetiko.html

70680cookie-checkWetiko – Psy – Virus – MICC – The multi-headed hydra of collective Psychosis and Cultural Corporate Madness – Ecocide
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