"Marines Raid CIA! FBI Neutralized!" "Bombing CIA Opium Labs"

They can deny as they want…(whether they say fake news or whatever) the spiritual resonance concerning this Topic is 100% True..this is a major focal point of spiritual war for Good and justice currently… The Transcendental Resonance signature is constant concerning this highly important topic.
If you want to know what God is currently focussing on…check this, I get such a strong spiritual response..they balance global karma and this monstrous injustice created by these – beyond vicious – mass murderers and criminals:
„Marines Raid CIA – Trump Bombing Bush CIA Opium Labs!
„They did get information from the CIA, the Marines did go in they have information, apparently somebody also said that the FBI wasn’t picking up their phones all day long also, so maybe that’s more good news, because we know that they would not
provide evidence to the Congress when they asked for it they’ve been doing it they’ve been delaying for months and
months and months so they’re all obviously hiding stuff so hopefully the military went in the FBI also, but the
good news here is what you’re seeing on the screen and this has been on all the news and I’m so happy about it, because as you saw Tom, you know it’s a big inside joke that our own CIA runs the drugs all over the planet well what you’re seeing right now is the Daddy Bush’s CIA getting destroyed by Trump, look at this they got b-52 strikes, F22, they got Marines hitting them with guns, they said they’ve identified more than 400 to 500 opium labs, they are bombing that ever living crap out of Afghanistan
right now, destroying the CIA and daddy Bush’s drug machine, so that’s wonderful news, they’ve never done this and the
news is like well how come you guys never do this before it’s like, yeah, because guess what the CIA runs the show, well look at that that Trump is putting ff the gloves now baby this is wonderful news now Stu and Tom will be doing the update I’m trying to think if I can tell you anything right now both of them have independent sources and both of them said that this is a real event Alex Jones is censoring of course and you’re gonna find out why Alex Jones is doing that soon so stay tuned.“
Marines Raid CIA! FBI Neutralized! Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (11-21-17)
„“ Joe Truthfull
Joe Truthfull
5 days ago
Good on you President trump send in the marines. To clean up the swamp. The snakes are in justice department and FBI. And CIA. We need need this swamp brought to heel “

4 days ago
People need to demand justice and hold the DOJ, the FBI and/or Congress accountable for allowing all the corruptions in our government and country. We need to see some heads roll for not doing their job. Drain the swamp! „“
„He stole five cities so what happened the waiting
and the way they stored is at Weststar satellite system was part of Raytheon. East systems of the house that Daddy
Bush has had control for years, stealing votes, ..
the death rays are hooked up to it it ties the area 52 s for it shot the buildings on the day of 9/11 to centigrade them with
a new death ray tested and they needed the energy off of the Hoover Dam .. which six generators go out to S4
that people don’t know about, the other two is both the civilian side anyway..“
“ I mean..back to Hillary and the assassination team ..the Weinstein front foot cities.. this Israeli Mossad ..“
„Mossad and the CIA to try to go after the military which is firmly totally loyal to president Trump against these Criminal Intelligence Agencies ..this British Intelligence paid by the mentally ill lesbian Hilda Beast and is totally fraudulent…absolutely insane…insane!“
„Folks go read this… understand what Tom knows.. understand what I know we’ve been around
for a very few of the last living and breathing that Hilda beast or daddy Bush have not killed we both been injured we both have heart conditions now as a result..the day of
justice is at hand and if the president and the military can’t do it I’m asking all the American people to stand up and
take care of the problem in behalf of our president and our military which includes the arrest of all the Congress
Senate, federal judges and others, if necessary, if necessary to clean this mess up…“
/// 21.11.2017
God is a good key word…he is resonant in its feedback…
„Conspiracy Theorists are claiming the President of the United States is moving to take out rogue elements in the Intelligence Community, at the request of his new CIA Director. It is rumored that these rogue elements have been undermining the Administration since before it took office last January, and may be connected to some well publicized „incidents“ which suddenly resumed taking place this year, (mass shootings / violent protests) after a brief respite once the Obama Administration left office.
Moreover, there is not one word of Marines landing at Langley, appearing in _any_ US mass-media outlet.
The number of SEALED INDICTMENTS presently on US District Court Dockets across the United States has reached an astonishing 1800 as of Friday, November 17. These Sealed Indictments began appearing on US District Court Dockets on October 31.
There have never been this many Sealed Indictments showing on federal court Dockets at the same time . . . ever.
The existence of so many sealed Indictments has lead others to suggest that large groups of federal officials – perhaps including elected officials – are facing mass arrest over a number of corruption-related activities such as „pay-to-play“ the UraniumOne conspiracy, Pedophile Rings and other criminal activities, and these troops may be needed to keep order once the high officials start being taken under arrest!
This is especially interesting given revelations late last week, that an FBI Informant allegedly has VIDEO of Clinton Foundation people being given suitcases full of cash from Russians, prior to the approval of the UraniumOne deal which sold twenty percent of US Uranium manufacturing to Russia’s state-owned ROSATOM corporation.
The existence of video showing cash payoffs has sent a slew of people from the former Administration into fits of anxiety that their schemes are now uncovered and many of them are going to prison for what they did. Desperate people can sometimes do desperate things and if those people are high-ranking federal officials, God only knows what they might have in the works to try to save themselves.“
According to persons who reside near Langley, a large contingent of Marines arrived at CIA Headquarters in tilt-rotor aircraft and when the Marines deplaned, they were armed and moved quickly into CIA Headquarters! (I did not personally witness this and am relying solely on what witnesses are telling me)
Those witnesses also say that a significant number of tilt-rotor aircraft could be clearly seen circling the grounds of CIA Headquarters, parked on the grass around the building.
This is not normal.
Never before has anything like this ever been seen taking place at CIA Headquarters and speculation is now running rampant as to what is actually taking place.
Conspiracy Theorists are claiming the President of the United States is moving to take out rogue elements in the Intelligence Community, at the request of his new CIA Director. It is rumored that these rogue elements have been undermining the Administration since before it took office last January, and may be connected to some well publicized „incidents“ which suddenly resumed taking place this year, (mass shootings / violent protests) after a brief respite once the Obama Administration left office.
Moreover, there is not one word of Marines landing at Langley, appearing in _any_ US mass-media outlet.

Zeek M
1 day ago (edited)
I tried to warn the FBI and CIA that there would be retributions for their sedition.
Corruption in every police department confirmed.
The FBI and CIA have to pay for their genocide against western civilians.
The compliant media have to pay the price for the coverups.
23 hours ago
it’s about time… someone dismantled the demo-hypocrits… and the millions of mind controlled snowflake zombies, that don’t know their holes from a hole in the ground… the US better change their educational system after this… it’s ungodly that many people can be that stupid that you have to bring in the marines… really!… “
„Gavin Finley
9 hours ago
There seems to be some increasing evidence of infighting and turmoil inside the CIA. It would not be surprising. It would be be a re-emergence of a centuries-long hidden deep-state struggle between Anglo-American Puritans and the Jesuits of the fourth vow. Some have called the CIA “Catholics In Action” and it is well known that the Marines are very hostile to the powers that want to bring down the USA and change the national character of the country like they are doing in Europe. This is an old story going back to the Puritans who rose up in England 500 years ago and took over Parliament in the following century under Oliver.“
Source: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.de/2017/11/expeditionary-unit-of-us-marines-storms.html?m=1
It is irrefutable, because I can directly feel into it and get an immediate spiritual response from the most high….
„Langley right I mean if they all heard and saw this like repeatedly said that they saw helicopters headed towards the
the base I think it’s irrefutable, it’s irrefutable multiple people on the ground in Langley,
but yeah the storm is here guys, the storm is here, I’ve seen the latest indictment numbers are 1,800 and I’m not
sure if that’s true, in my personal opinion if the storm is really happening right I mean we’ve all been following it right if the storm is really happening and he’s taking out all of these cabal figures all of these money launderers basically high-level
thugs right it’s gonna be more than 18-hundred it’s gonna be way more than that I mean it could be 2,500 it we don’t
know folks we don’t know how far this stretches if the CIA invasion is true then this is big time right this is big
time this is the real deal like this is the new American Revolution and we’re watching it take place
so Trump I would say it’s the living legend used to be a Trump hater you know you can you can shame me all you
want it, I used to be a lefty and I just woke up I just woke up Trump is saving the world guys how are ypou not ecstatic right now.“

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