New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories

New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
„An alarming new study illustrates how fast neuroscience is developing in its attempt to uncover every aspect of the human brain. A specific brain wave called P300 has been identified by researchers as a marker that essentially encodes what we observe as we go about our daily activities. Based on this specific brain wave marker, researchers are able to conduct a Concealed Information Test. In fact, the test is already being used in Japan and Israel. Researchers are hoping that new data they have published will demonstrate that the test is reliable enough to meet the higher standard of U.S. courtrooms.
The massive influx of money into Obama’s BRAIN project, as well as similar research sponsored by the European Union, now exceeds $2 billion combined. Research continues full-steam ahead despite indications that human brain study is outpacing ethical parameters. Some scientists within the European arm of the project have recently threatened a boycott due to mismanagement and misuse along similar lines to what you will read below.
In our age of loosened constitutional standards and basic human rights that has permitted all innocent communications and movements to be tracked, traced and databased, any technology that aims to uncover our most mundane daily activities and thoughts must be heavily scrutinized for potential abuse. ..this could move far beyond the courtroom and easily provide a new level of pervasive surveillance.“
„The first red flag is that this project is government funded. If you trace the etymology of the word government you get:
govern = to control
ment (from mente) = the mind
government = to control the mind.
Now, are the pieces of the picture starting to come together?
This seems like just another tool to get us further into the Police State mentality while ushering in the transhumanism propaganda.“

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5 Antworten zu New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories

  1. Pingback: Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com

  2. abc8qwec sagt:

    You explained that very well.

  3. داف sagt:

    Helpful information Regards!

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